This is just contrarian behaviour because the posters you don't like say the NRL have a bias against the Broncos. What happens now if it isn't thrown out? You're simply surprised? Why would you be surprised when we have such a poor history with the judiciary? I think the only time we had a positive outcome was when Hodges was allowed to play the GF in 2015. Since then, we have either simply bent over, or lost any challenge. I mean, shoot, two of our own players had a private scuffle outside a pub and got banned.
At what point do you become unsurprised? I would be surprised if Walsh is let off, to be honest. Regardless of the circumstances, it is a bad look for the game and is far worse than private scuffles over shoes. Sure, the ref may have understood the situation, but honestly, the ref should have sent Walsh off regardless. Let that be punishment enough for getting into such a situation where he may have been potentially misunderstood to have been swearing at a ref. Instead, the ref didn't react correctly and here we are. They almost HAVE to suspend Walsh now. Best case would be to say "ok, it may not have been directed at the ref, but take a week off to consider how it came to pass and how you should act differently in the future".
In any case, this has little to nothing to do with the conspiracy theories. Most here agree on Walsh being a dodo in that game. If they were to link it to conspiracies, the highlights from the match show in the first few tackles multiple incidents where the ref should have penalised the Titans for ruck infringements and didn't. It shows how Walsh came to be frustrated with the ref initially because the ref made a call on whether Walsh played the footy, etc. But, honestly, I think most everyone agrees that the Broncos just didn't turn up (especially Cobbo) and then played silly, rushed football instead of controlled pressure-building football.
Sure, there were some dudd calls, but even
@Morkel can separate between an overarching conspiracy theory and a game where Brisbane fucked themselves.
I honestly think the major bias against Broncos has been loosened because the Dolphins have come in, been successful, made the league their money and the Broncos can return to regular (television) programming. However, I don't for a second believe we will win a 50/50 call against teams like Penrith, Melbourne or South Sydney. I am also dead certain that if a game blows out early, the calls will be made to "swing momentum" even if that makes zero sense in a sport where fatigue is a huge factor and they have stated that "better teams will ultimately get more calls" or whatever.
It is an entertainment product, and the NRL demands "the closest competition ever".