Thoughts? Well, like everyone else on this planet I have my own as Fifita doubtless does too. Also, not every word out my mouth is the whole truth or rather not everything I say is the complete story. What Fifita publicly states is unlikely to be what he says privately, I mean that's also true for most I'd imagine.
No matter what he said about his Mum he's his own man and I'm positive that he has his own private thoughts. Regardless of his public statement about Mum her thoughts are not necessarily his. He never stated he wanted to play comfortable football, she did.
What are your thoughts? Is it possible she was trying to say he, her son wanted to be comfortable in his new workplace? Or that he wanted to be comfortable with his decision?
This is so similar to the ridiculous assertion that Boyd thought rugby league was 'just a game'. Where this differs is that Fifita didn't even make the statement in question. It's taken out of context and attributed to Fifita but he cannot and should not be condemned for a statement another made about him.
If you cannot acknowledge he has no responsibility for anothers statements then it's pointless to discuss it further. I won't be anyway so feel free to have the last say