Round 21 - Broncos vs Sea Eagles - Pre-Match Discussion



International Captain
Jan 25, 2013
Bennett is not the mystery you think he is ... his style hasn't changed much over the last 20+ years

But it's also not 2006, even Bennett would comprehend that Stagg isn't as safe as he used to be.
Mister Wright

Mister Wright

NRL Captain
Jun 8, 2009
I like the team that is named actually. Only change I would make is Kennedy in for Granville.


International Captain
May 27, 2013
reed on the wing? that will do me. i thought wingers were traditionally the fastest runners in a team? lol i just can't comprehend griffins deep love for jack reed.

i know lowrie cops a lot here but to me he's the only one that tries to hit hard in defence. he's ko'd himself a couple of times but hey he's trying to hurt


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
reed on the wing? that will do me. i thought wingers were traditionally the fastest runners in a team? lol i just can't comprehend griffins deep love for jack reed.

i know lowrie cops a lot here but to me he's the only one that tries to hit hard in defence. he's ko'd himself a couple of times but hey he's trying to hurt

that, right there is why this forum would suck at coaching the Broncos ... we had several posters calling for Reed on the wing, and several people either hate him or are too blinded by their Griffin hate to see that it may be an option.

and FTR, Vidot has been one of our best this year, but he is hardly a speedster


International Captain
May 27, 2013
that, right there is why this forum would suck at coaching the Broncos ... we had several posters calling for Reed on the wing, and several people either hate him or are too blinded by their Griffin hate to see that it may be an option.

and FTR, Vidot has been one of our best this year, but he is hardly a speedster

vidot was pretty speedy when he first came into first grade, he's just bulked up too much at the broncos and lost some pace


Senior Staff
Sep 6, 2013
Good side. To be honest, I wouldn't mind seek gone of our backrow demoted to the bench in favour of Lowrie to start. He is a waste of a bench spot by given our frailties in the middle, having him tackling all game and a Gillett-Glenn (or Thaiday off the bench) tag team in attack would do this team wonders.


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
The traditional speed focused winger template has been dead for ages now(speed still exists don't get me wrong, but size and power is an option or an addition as well), size and power has a place there in fact their involvement in general play has increased really they often are coming in looking for work, still got to be good under the highball and that's my concern for Vidot, had only one real game I can think of where he was really safe, others mixed or pretty bad, otherwise his been great just want to see him improve there. I don't know if you could really say speed, size and/or power is on Reed's side to be of that much of an advantage so I can't say how effective he will be out on the wing.
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Old Mate

Old Mate

NRL Player
Jul 5, 2008
He is to slow to be a winger.
His form on the wing is what made us all want him in the centres, he was even pretty good in the air at one point. I'd rather give him a go on the wing to see if he can recapture the form that had us all singing his praises than say he is to slow and chuck him in the scrap heap completely.

I dont think hunk it's time to give him to the glue factory just yet.
Old Mate

Old Mate

NRL Player
Jul 5, 2008
so who was it that called for Reed to go on the wing...

that team must make nearly everyone happy ... although i expect people to whinge
It's pretty well right, wouldn't mind another tight forward starting with Kennedy over Lowrie otherwise I'm happy with it.


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
LOL really? THAT is the reason??

I was just using Reed as an example ... if you have a look on the pre-game threads, we se many different variations of what our preferred squad is.
I bleed Maroon

I bleed Maroon

International Rep
Apr 17, 2013
Reed on the wing is a huge joke.

Nailed it. It is increasingly obvious Griffin is a coach who plays favorites when it comes to selections. Not being willing to drop poor performing players because you're worried you'll piss them off is not a very good coach, not just at NRL level but at all levels.


International Rep
Mar 4, 2008
Reed has been pretty good in the air...that's the only thing he has going for him as a winger.


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