What's with Locky writing an article in CM about the "Broncos hopes rest on Boyd"? Are you serious Locky? I know you're lenient and bias towards your mate, Boyd but it has to stop. He has become untouchable purely based on instructions from VERY few people like you. It (your loyalty and backing) alone, has got Boyd this far and he's literally screwing up the club.
If he's hanging around the club for next 2 seasons, believe me, he will greatly impact NEGATIVELY on the development, morale, attitude, leadership and every fuckin quality that the team should learn.
I still treat you as GOD Locky and I so wish you play forever for Broncos with no age factor. Please STOP writing this kind of articles about Boyd. He has become a laughing stock and has over stayed in this team for nearly 2 years. The worst part of it to yet to come is - he still have 2 more years. That's the worst nightmare and agony of Broncos loyals.
As a director of the club, please take the lead in convincing Boyd retire in the off-season and do us all a huge favor.