View attachment 2800
So, I
think, using their numbers loosely:
- $500k would get taxed close to $250k so his in-hand income would be $250k, from which he would have to pay his debt.
$125k to debt means his $500k salary ends up being $125k.
- if he is paid $250k and the Broncos pay $250k of his debt ($500k total) his tax would be a lesser percentage than compared to $500k, let’s just say $80k for aruguments sake. So that’s $250k - $80k (= $170k) + the other $250k paid to the debt= $420k ‘in hand’.
I think the idea is that it’s far better ‘value’ or more efficient for the Broncos to pay it directly to avoid personal income tax.
I’m certainly no accountant though and very much doubt the legality of it (also, what a can of worms it opens), but am just guessing what is meant by the $700k part - which I can vaguely understand the idea behind, but cannot arrive at in any case.