Hoffman will obviously slot straight back in.
Look at what Maguire does though:
Sees Walker isn't working at 5/8 - switches Sutton back to 5/8
Sees Reddy sucks donkey dick - promotes Auva'a
Sees Merritt sucks donkey dick - promotes Johnston
If he doesn't make these decisions to HOOK players who aren't performing they keep on losing, so he made them happen.
Yeah exactly mate. He's too scared to hurt his boys feelings. Sometimes changes need to be made. It's so obvious there needs to be. If changes are made it'd have two effects.. Put a fire up all the players so try play hard so they don't get dropped and also we'd play better then our mediocre attack. If hook wants to be taken seriously as a coach he needs to make some changes. Same as our goal kicking. Parkers tired from running at big blokes all night, can't expect him to accurately kick goals too. Hunt looked pretty good with the two he kicked