Round 8 Discussion

Wow, that was called a definition of a knock-on is still what it is.
You can solve the bunker problem with 1 change, remove the referees being able to send it up as Try / No Try. Every one of these howlers has been because the bunker feels pressured to not overrule the on field referee. Let them decide impartially whether it's a try or not, if they can't decide, send it back down to the ref for a referees decision, like the good old days.
I am still struggling to understand why they haven't brought in the captains challenge. Give 2 a game, 1 each half (either For or against the team) every time it's wrong they lose it-if they get it amended they don't lose that point/challenge.

Players know if they've scored, give them a 20 second window after the try/no try ruling to challenge it. They won't waste it on ones they know they didn't unless the game was over and they were taking a guess to save the game
There will still be wrong decisions but not as much, and without the time wasting that's currently happening.
Even before the Try/No Try system, Nene’s try would have very likely been awarded.

Benefit of the doubt always went to the attacking team.

Surely we have the technology that would be able to cut out the blur in the vision.
Surely we have the technology that would be able to cut out the blur in the vision.

If the game of Cricket can afford it, I don't know how the NRL can't.

Cricket could catch someone stuffing a 1cm piece of sandpaper down their pants at 1000 fps and we're getting like 5 frames per second on slow motion replays or some shit, they should at the very least have two high speed cameras at each end watching the in-goal area.
Has anyone seen that stupid "super slow motion show" on youtube? Even those 2 guys can afford a better camera than the NRL lol.
Oh wow, that's a beautiful kick from Slater and a second from Tony Mapea for Jacks to score.

Like least week, they're just so good at executing in those key moments.
Damnit, the Storms fullback and replacement winger are better at attacking kicks in the opposition twenty than our halves.
Storm are just so much better than anyone else at their best. They might have no competition again this year.
Suddenly, our performance last week doesn't look quite so bad.
I maintain we beat almost any other team with last week's effort. Just every shot Melbourne got they executed to perfection.

Very hard for the Storm to back up last year's dominance but they're giving it a good shake.
What was that stat about no team who had fifty put on them winning the comp? This might be the Warriors season cooked right here.