Call me biased but my thoughts were, rabbitohs werent hard done by by the refs, they were just a bit unlucky.
The kick deflection onside try, as crappy a try as that is, was still a try, unlucky for the bunnies but still a try.
The last broncos try, i thought was exactly right, wasnt the prettiest of tries, but fair dinkum it was still a try (i disagree with the refs boss here) if you are allowed ages to plant the ball, which you are, the ball is still live so if it comes free backwards, play on in my book.
The knock on with the drop goal, correct me if im wrong he faked off his wrong foot and kicked a field goal, maybe a knock on could have been called, maybe... This was the only 50-50 call that could have gone the other way in my book.
Anyways Souths still have a couple of minutes to go and get a good set and make an absolute meal of it.
The raiders on the other hand.
Cop the same shitty lucky kick deflection try to get the broncos back in it (correct me if im wrong but I heard the tigers got one too).
Fair enough luck goes that way.
But to lose the game a one on one strip gives a penalty that they take the game with, no chance to respond, yes the raiders had a thousand chances and fucked up the game royally on anybodys watching but imo, the refs were worse and more impactful on the result in our match then the broncos match.