RUMOR: "Biggest signing in the club's history"

Jesse Williams makes ridiculous amounts of money, is a super bowl champion, and is famous despite never playing a single NFL game. He'd be crazy to walk away from that with the state his body is in injury wise.
The Brisbane Broncos are proud to be partnered with LG and will now display the biggest signing in the club's history atop the Broncos Leagues Club.

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Greg Inglis about to extend his contract with South Sydney...Any Comments Daniel Dowell???

"Things change, bro."

Somehow he has gone from unhappy to happy in such a short period of time.

I'm glad to hear the news. Inglis was not going to be worth the money.
Thank gosh. I honestly think this signing would have really screwed with our cap. As good as Inglis is, he is not worth losing the young talent we have as a result.
Signing with a TPA that he will join Russell Crowe in a musical and do the Goanna dance while Crowe sings like his own name suggests?
Greg Inglis doesn't strike me as the biggest signing in the clubs history :spy:
Loved that movie...true aussie hero...unlike our government, he actually cared about our returned servicemen ( I would have included women but I don't think he worked with them )
Loved that movie...true aussie hero...unlike our government, he actually cared about our returned servicemen ( I would have included women but I don't think he worked with them )

Very good movie. Very underrated.
George Rose is available ... he would be the "biggest" signing in the history of the club :laugh:

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