i watched the one who was clueless in his games in the halves, who showed absolutely no inklings of even possessing a sliver of playmaking ability.
you guys all seem to be mistaking the second man play for playmaking. its not, its a set play. sure he more often than not made the right decision in the "which of the 2 guys outside me within 10m of me do i pass it to?" question, and every now and then he'd do the grubber which is really the only other option and is the most blatant one when the winger is up out of the line.
like with hodges, just because he can throw a cutout pass and hit a player on the chest with a pass doesnt make him a playmaker. he doesnt have a kicking game, he doesnt have a running game other than catching the ball when OTHER people put him into holes (unless you call catching kicks and running in a straight line to get hammered by the defence a "running game"), and he has shown in his time in the halves that hes not up to the challenge.
for everyone saying they think/know he'll make a fine half, noone is yet to show ANY evidence other than "hes brilliant at the second man play". thats not playmaking, thats playing a part in a set play, one in which every player has to play their part. what players like cherry evans/thurston/cronk/sezer/kelly/etc do is make things happen on their own. theyre the ones putting people through gaps or getting through themselves through off the cuff plays. hunt has never shown any ability in that area.