Sack Griffin/New Coach Discussion

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Just a Game
Aug 28, 2010
I know this is just a big circle jerk at tho point and were all just repeating ourselves but why the **** did they fatten up a fullback, who won a dally m on the back of his sheer speed, to play at 5/8 only to turn around and chose a winger instead. No we've got a 5/8 who can't pass or kick and a fullback who can't run.

I understand there is very limited options in Half depth at our club (which was completely avoidable) but surely we have some fullback depth. Put Barba in the halves for this season seeing a he can't do anything from kick returns at the moment anyway (thanks to the incompetence of the club). Slot any of our talented backs in fullback until one of learns how to throw a pass. Maranta, Copley, Kahu, Vidot, a up and comer. Surely one of them can throw some kind of pass.

I said it at the start of the year that people should be fired over this and it's finally starting to look likely.
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International Rep
Mar 4, 2008
The prep for this season was just amateur hour...

and that hour has extended to 10 weeks now.
Russell Coight

Russell Coight

QCup Player
Jul 10, 2013
Object moved

don't know if this has been posted or if anyone copped this yesterday, but if those are the true feeling of white than i think we are well and truly fucked.


NRL Player
Jun 29, 2013
Object moved

don't know if this has been posted or if anyone copped this yesterday, but if those are the true feeling of white than i think we are well and truly fucked.

Thanks cammac, didn't see that posted anywhere here.

I don't think what White said was anything other than generic media speak. Actually he went out of his way to say that we're a results based club (which ones aren't though?) and that there's internal pressure to get results every year. Hook's been given extra consideration due to locky's retirement, but the club is expecting a payoff this year for their patience.

To me, it sounded like a step or two before "Anthony Griffin has the full support of the board...", which I'm sure we'll be hearing at the end of the season if we aren't up the top end of the ladder.


Senior Staff
Sep 6, 2013
Board is a synonym of plank, it all actually makes sense now.
Russell Coight

Russell Coight

QCup Player
Jul 10, 2013
Thanks cammac, didn't see that posted anywhere here.

I don't think what White said was anything other than generic media speak. Actually he went out of his way to say that we're a results based club (which ones aren't though?) and that there's internal pressure to get results every year. Hook's been given extra consideration due to locky's retirement, but the club is expecting a payoff this year for their patience.

To me, it sounded like a step or two before "Anthony Griffin has the full support of the board...", which I'm sure we'll be hearing at the end of the season if we aren't up the top end of the ladder.

I hope you're right, the only positive i could take away from it was that he avoided an answer on whether girff would get the arse if we miss the finals.


NRL Player
Jun 29, 2013
I hope you're right, the only positive i could take away from it was that he avoided an answer on whether girff would get the arse if we miss the finals.

Yeah, me too mate. We'll never hear an honest answer until it's already happened though. And to be honest, even though I want to know, I don't want White to say anything. The media can get their dirty laundry from the Parra and Manly boards.


International Captain
Forum Staff
Oct 5, 2011
Object moved

don't know if this has been posted or if anyone copped this yesterday, but if those are the true feeling of white than i think we are well and truly fucked.

As if he would say anything different FFS


International Captain
Forum Staff
Oct 5, 2011
Oh sorry Paul shouldn't have doubted you.

That's funny.

Instead of making jokes maybe you could step into the real world and realise that a CEO is never going to throw the coach under the bus in the public domain
Russell Coight

Russell Coight

QCup Player
Jul 10, 2013
That's funny.

Instead of making jokes maybe you could step into the real world and realise that a CEO is never going to throw the coach under the bus in the public domain

There is a difference between throwing someone under a bus and being a little bit more transparent.


International Captain
Forum Staff
Oct 5, 2011
There is a difference between throwing someone under a bus and being a little bit more transparent.

So what would you say if you were him?
Super Freak

Super Freak

International Captain
Forum Staff
Jan 25, 2014
There is also the argument that White actually supports Griffin and means what he said, which is just as likely..

But, it's not best to read too much into what's said in the media.
Russell Coight

Russell Coight

QCup Player
Jul 10, 2013
So what would you say if you were him?

I would not have said i definitely believe he is the man to lead them forward. I also wouldn't have come out and said i think he won't be here this time next year. I would have been a lot happier with him avoiding the question altogether than saying he is definitely the man to lead us forward, because as far as I'm concerned he believes that to be the case.


International Captain
Forum Staff
Oct 5, 2011
I would not have said i definitely believe he is the man to lead them forward. I also wouldn't have come out and said i think he won't be here this time next year. I would have been a lot happier with him avoiding the question altogether than saying he is definitely the man to lead us forward, because as far as I'm concerned he believes that to be the case.

So you still didn't answer the question. Something you seem to think is so easy to do
Russell Coight

Russell Coight

QCup Player
Jul 10, 2013
So you still didn't answer the question. Something you seem to think is so easy to do

Where did I say it was so easy to do? I said he should either have avoided it or reiterated the fact they are all under pressure. Sorry you're so enlightened on media spin and are holier than thou
I bleed Maroon

I bleed Maroon

International Rep
Apr 17, 2013
People, people, please...We heard all of this shit in the leadup to 2011 under Henjak and look how that turned out.

NEVER take what a CEO says publicly seriously, because 9 times out of 10, it's bullshit.
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