Sack Griffin/New Coach Discussion

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International Captain
Forum Staff
Oct 5, 2011
People, people, please...We heard all of this shit in the leadup to 2011 under Henjak and look how that turned out.

NEVER take what a CEO says publicly seriously, because 9 times out of 10, it's bullshit.

Ex fucking actly


International Captain
Forum Staff
Oct 5, 2011
Where did I say it was so easy to do? I said he should either have avoided it or reiterated the fact they are all under pressure. Sorry you're so enlightened on media spin and are holier than thou

I'm not holier than anyone, it's just basic common sense
Big Pete

Big Pete

International Captain
Mar 12, 2008
I was aware that Webeck was interviewing White, wasn't aware that the interview had been published, interesting.

Long time members should be aware by now that personnel keep their cards close to their chests. They're all trained to deal with the media in a specific fashion and while there are issues with that it isn't a big deal either.

There was nothing wrong with what he said.


International Captain
Senior Staff
Feb 27, 2010
Absolutely nothing wrong with what was said. A CEO, Football Manager, etc... will always publicly praise and show confidence in their coach and their team. Behind closed doors, things change and you can bet the knifes are being sharpened.

Dirty laundry can stay where it belongs, not for everyone to see. That's how I want the Broncos to be administrated.


State of Origin Captain
Mar 5, 2008
Absolutely nothing wrong with what was said. A CEO, Football Manager, etc... will always publicly praise and show confidence in their coach and their team. Behind closed doors, things change and you can bet the knifes are being sharpened.

Dirty laundry can stay where it belongs, not for everyone to see. That's how I want the Broncos to be administrated.

Dirty laundry affects everyone, no matter what. You can't pretend it doesn't exist by hiding it.

Once personal agendas are introduced into what ought to be a collective, co-operative organization whose mission is to provide the best outcomes for the group and not benefit certain individual members over others, sooner or later, the organization ***** up.

Ego and a lust for power are 2 of the worst examples. No wonder poor decisions, e.g. recruitment, are the norm rather than the exception


International Captain
Senior Staff
Feb 27, 2010
Dirty laundry affects everyone, no matter what. You can't pretend it doesn't exist by hiding it.

Once personal agendas are introduced into what ought to be a collective, co-operative organization whose mission is to provide the best outcomes for the group and not benefit certain individual members over others, sooner or later, the organization ***** up.

Ego and a lust for power are 2 of the worst examples. No wonder poor decisions, e.g. recruitment, are the norm rather than the exception
Of course it does affect everyone. Hiding it from the public is not pretending it doesn't exist. It helps keep the club's image clean and more importantly, it avoids external influences and speculation, which can only disrupt the team.


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
Dirty laundry affects everyone, no matter what. You can't pretend it doesn't exist by hiding it.

Once personal agendas are introduced into what ought to be a collective, co-operative organization whose mission is to provide the best outcomes for the group and not benefit certain individual members over others, sooner or later, the organization ***** up.

Ego and a lust for power are 2 of the worst examples. No wonder poor decisions, e.g. recruitment, are the norm rather than the exception

There is a big difference between not publicly airing your dirty laundry and pretending it doesn't exist...

I'm fine with White "keeping the faith" publicly as long as behind closed doors the club is dealing with the problem (i.e looking at other coaching options).

no one really knew Henjak was getting fire until it came out of nowhere 3 weeks before the season started ... and you don't think the board woke up that morning thinking "you know what maybe we should fire Henjal today" do you. Henjaks sacking would have been months in the making.

I'm glad we're not a club like the Eels, who regularly get into public slanging matches with each other


NRL Player
Apr 14, 2013
Geez the difference a good coach makes....

My wife is a Panthers girl and after years of grinning and feeling sorry (just a little bit) for her now the shoe is firmly on the other foot and she is loving it. Between my rants about having a coach who has no idea and her reminding me about Panthers being 3rd and the Broncos "are where ????" I'm gonna top myself...

Betcha Ivan wouldn't have a vortex at 6 and move the NRL's best lock to front row...

He's got a bunch of virtual no-names humming after cleaning out a bunch of expensive reputations and buying players no-one wanted .Remember P.Wallace?? and how BHQ would have exploded dare we talked about signing one J.Soward.
Well guess what - turns out Soward is a real#6 and P.Wallace isn't so bad when he has a decent 6 next to him.
Now don't get me wrong - I don't think moving Wallace on was a bad move but maybe just maybe we could have done with him working with Hunt this year to help him out - the guy can pass AND kick!!! not to mention tackle.

All I'm saying is what a difference the coach can make to the way a team plays........ duh!!


State of Origin Rep
Jul 27, 2013
Woah. Ease up, turbo. The Panthers might be 3rd, momentarily, but they're far from a good or well coached side. Their performance today was terrible. The only reason they won is because Canberra are the worst team in the comp.


NRL Player
Jun 17, 2013
Woah. Ease up, turbo. The Panthers might be 3rd, momentarily, but they're far from a good or well coached side. Their performance today was terrible. The only reason they won is because Canberra are the worst team in the comp.

Agreed. It was the panthers versus Anthony Milford.


NRL Player
Apr 14, 2013
The point I'm making is the coach does make a difference - they may have been playing Canberra today but they have won five other games and they weren't all against Canberra - Need I remind you they finished 10th last season and we finished 12th!

Compare our roster to theirs and that says something about getting the best out of your players.

Besides Isn't that what this thread is about? Sack the damn coach? If the coach doesn't make a difference then why the thread? I would take Ivan Cleary over Griffin any day...

I guess we will see where we stand at the end of the season...
Last edited:


International Captain
Forum Staff
Oct 5, 2011
Geez the difference a good coach makes....

My wife is a Panthers girl and after years of grinning and feeling sorry (just a little bit) for her now the shoe is firmly on the other foot and she is loving it. Between my rants about having a coach who has no idea and her reminding me about Panthers being 3rd and the Broncos "are where ????" I'm gonna top myself...

Betcha Ivan wouldn't have a vortex at 6 and move the NRL's best lock to front row...

He's got a bunch of virtual no-names humming after cleaning out a bunch of expensive reputations and buying players no-one wanted .Remember P.Wallace?? and how BHQ would have exploded dare we talked about signing one J.Soward.
Well guess what - turns out Soward is a real#6 and P.Wallace isn't so bad when he has a decent 6 next to him.
Now don't get me wrong - I don't think moving Wallace on was a bad move but maybe just maybe we could have done with him working with Hunt this year to help him out - the guy can pass AND kick!!! not to mention tackle.

All I'm saying is what a difference the coach can make to the way a team plays........ duh!!

yep, the panthers just narrowly and controversially beat the raiders, who are basically the worst tesm in the comp this year. Quick lets get wallace back and see if he can bring soward with him


NRL Player
Jun 17, 2013
Quick lets get wallace back and see if he can bring soward with him

What's so crazy about Soward? He can kick long and short, can pass and organise, has a bit of speed. He has played Origin and won a premiership so has big match experience. I suppose we should persist with Hoffman. I'm sure this will be the week...


International Captain
Forum Staff
Oct 5, 2011
What's so crazy about Soward? He can kick long and short, can pass and organise, has a bit of speed. He has played Origin and won a premiership so has big match experience. I suppose we should persist with Hoffman. I'm sure this will be the week...

God stop over reacting.

Of course he is better than hoffman, most of the competition is, doesn't mean we should buy him.
Big Pete

Big Pete

International Captain
Mar 12, 2008
I always felt like Soward was unfairly maligned. The guy can play, the problem is making sure he's right mentally.

The other is that he's allegedly on some ridiculous salary at the Panthers.

He's in decent form now, but this guy is seen as their answer and I don't think he has another premiership in him, Jamie.

As for the topic of Cleary v Griffin, I actually don't think there is a whole lot between them. They're actually very similar coaches, very no nonsense who get their teams to play a very patient brand of footy. I do think Cleary edges him out in terms of polish and structure, but there isn't a whole lot between them.

I believe the difference between the two is that Cleary is receiving a lot of assistance from a master mind by the name of Gus Gould who is something of a master of rebuilding sides or taking them to the next level. He's a coach under little to no pressure and it seems like Gus cops more of the flack if anything.

Meanwhile Griffin doesn't have that sort of protection. Any move is held against him and failing to miss the finals is basically a death sentence for some.


State of Origin Rep
Jul 27, 2013
The point I'm making is the coach does make a difference - they may have been playing Canberra today but they have won five other games and they weren't all against Canberra - Need I remind you they finished 10th last season and we finished 12th!

Compare our roster to theirs and that says something about getting the best out of your players.

Besides Isn't that what this thread is about? Sack the damn coach? If the coach doesn't make a difference then why the thread? I would take Ivan Cleary over Griffin any day...

I guess we will see where we stand at the end of the season...

I hear ya, man. I just don't see how Cleary is that much better of a Coach than Griffin is. They've built a reasonably good side, but their structures are no better than ours and they seriously lack leadership out on the field, despite having Soward and Wallace in their team.

I'm certainly not defending Griffin, but I don't see how Cleary is better in terms of on field structure.
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