Sack Griffin/New Coach Discussion

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Neil Henry said he would be an assistant coach, that could be an option worth looking into.
Part of me says sack him but the other says keep him. He certainly seems to have the players playing for him I think.
maybe hook should punt himself back to qcup to get some form back? that would be a first in nrl history.
Lets not overlook the obvious and massive deficiencies in our team.

Spot on Beads, last nights game exposed the problems we have all over the park and it isn't pretty. Need to start afresh starting with a new man in the coaches box, things will start falling into place after that.
IMO, assuming Kevvie Walters doesn't get (or accept) either of the vacant head coaches positions for 2014, then him accepting a role as Broncos assistant would put him in the best position to get the Broncos head coaches role, should hook get sacked.

I also think hook will need a goo start to 2014, because the Broncos board won't accept mediocrity for too much longer
"This has been talked about, but as captain I know he has the full support of the players," Thaiday said.
Usually you hear that "X has the full support of the board", right before they're never seen again.
I hope We don't have to suffer through 2014 until hook gets reviewed.
The worrying thing for me is the comments from players like all the players love hook, he is the right man, he lets us know where we stand, he is a great coach etc then Thaidays attitude of we have worked our butts off and we are good enough to play in the finals.

is it a case that our squad is just too comfortable with mediocraty? A case that they can't see the forest through all the trees?

I'd gain more respect for Thaiday if he showed some raw anger and hurt at missing the finals rather than meh, hook is cool and anyway, we deserve to play finals, we worked really hard, honest.
If they are gonna sack hook then sack him now or after the bulldogs game. What's the point of sacking him 4 rounds in to 2014 only to have some one else take over with no preparation?
That is a good point, or at least wait until the end of the season. Doing so half way or early into next year would only be disruptive.
end of 2012 - "he deserves another year"
end of 2013 - "he deserves another year"

Rinse, repeat.
I really don't fancy being a club that sacks their coach every 2 years.
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I take that point vertigo but the main aspect about this season was preparing for 2014. 2013 was never going to work out and while the season doesn't reflect well on Hook's ability as a coach, in fairness, he didn't have the tools to really mount much of a challenge. The guy was basically forced to play Maranta for the majority of the season - that tells you how bad our stocks were in the backs plus our front row had their problems too.

2014 is definitely make or break.
I take that point vertigo but the main aspect about this season was preparing for 2014. 2013 was never going to work out and while the season doesn't reflect well on Hook's ability as a coach, in fairness, he didn't have the tools to really mount much of a challenge. The guy was basically forced to play Maranta for the majority of the season - that tells you how bad our stocks were in the backs plus our front row had their problems too.

2014 is definitely make or break.

i agree that 2014 will make or break Griffin but thinking about it what has Griffin done this year to prepare us for a better 2014?

if we sign Barba and/or Milford they have kinda fallen in our lap, they would not have been in the 2014 plans at the start of the year.

Other than sign Kennedy and get Copely back from injury what has Griffin actually done to better prepare us for 2014?

i take the point on Maranta, to Griffins credit he got him out of the team as quick as he could but jyy had that tragic injury back in March 2012 with the possibility he may never play again an early diagnosis, what has Griffin done between then and now or even for next year to fill the gap, just hope a junior will fill the hole.
Even though we've had a few injuries, Griffin screwed in so many other ways. Persisting with his plans even though they weren't working last year. Then finally deciding to change them up, and even though we've looked far better than any other time that season, we still lost against the top 2 sides in the comp, so he reverted back to his ridiculous ways. Then this year it took him forever to drop Wallace and Norman from the starting side, even though it was obvious to everyone they were not the answer. There are plenty of other things mentioned in this thread too. He's too stubborn to think that his way might not be the right way, even though there's so much evidence to the contrary from many others teams in the comp.
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