NEWS Sampson: Lodge can make up for his past

I think the biggest shame out of all this is on Paul White and the Broncos. They've lowered their standards to allow Wayne to bring in a block like Lodge. He's harming his legacy with every day he continues on as Broncos Coach.
I think the biggest positive out of all this is on Paul White and the Broncos. They’ve maintained their standards to allow Wayne to bring in a bloke like Lodge. He’s enhancing his legacy with every day he continues on as Broncos coach.
Here come the Wayne haters. I can't even remember the coach who signed Greg Bird to your club because he doesn't even have a legacy
[emoji23] my club?? Clutching at straws with that clueless comment.

Instead of taking ownership for what is a terrible decision to sign Lodge you've tried to deflect attention on to another pissant nrl clubs signing
I think the biggest shame out of all this is on Paul White and the Broncos. They've lowered their standards to allow Wayne to bring in a block like Lodge. He's harming his legacy with every day he continues on as Broncos Coach.

We’ve signed worse. Going all the way back to our inception.
[emoji23] my club?? Clutching at straws with that clueless comment.

Instead of taking ownership for what is a terrible decision to sign Lodge you've tried to deflect attention on to another pissant nrl clubs signing
Like you need an excuse to give Bennett shit though. I'm surprised it's taken you this long.

Have you bought any Titans merch yet? I can't remember if you came back to support the Broncos when you realized we weren't going backwards anymore.
Like you need an excuse to give Bennett shit though. I'm surprised it's taken you this long.

Have you bought any Titans merch yet? I can't remember if you came back to support the Broncos when you realized we weren't going backwards anymore.
Yeah I don't need any excuse to give Bennett shit. He's done a shit load for the club but he's stayed on too long. The longer he stays the more that becomes clear.
It's a personal opinion. I don't need to back it up with anything.
Just because it's an opinion doesn't make it correct though. Enjoy your night. Must be getting late in Northern NSW
Just because it's an opinion doesn't make it correct though. Enjoy your night. Must be getting late in Northern NSW
[emoji23] yeah it only has to be right in my eyes. WTF is going on with Northern NSW?
[emoji23] yeah it only has to be right in my eyes. WTF is going on with Northern NSW?
But if it's right in your eyes and absolutely wrong in you know, real life then it's a stupid opinion. You can't even back your own terrible opinion with any facts or statements.

Northern NSW is where your club is located
I wasn't talking about you. I don't know why you're taking this personally.

There may well be exaggeration about their posterior trauma, and although I feel a bit sickened by people who underestimate the psychological damage such an event can cause to a child, there is definitely a greed factor in play here, and a gross miscalculation on their part in regards to their accusation about Lodge's lack of regret and apology.

But you can't throw their original witness statements in with the above. There was no civil court or compensation in play at the time those statements were taken, including those from other parties who never financially benefited from them.
And there definitely was no exaggeration in the police reports in regards to what they found inside the home.

And yet, despite all of that, an apparently experienced prosecutor was prepared to markedly reduce the charge and accept a plea arrangement (apparently despite the opposition of the family and their lawyer) with a non-custodial outcome. From my experience this tells me that (a) that they had concerns about their prospects in pursuing the more serious charge and (b) that the plea arrangement they agreed to constituted appropriate punishment for the criminality involved. Further, either one or two experienced judges with full knowledge of the facts were prepared to sign off on the initial plea agreement and then confirm that 12 months later when Lodge had complied with the terms of the plea agreement.

I cannot see how this occurs if the incident was as serious as reported, but I have not bothered to view the CCTV footage either. Perhaps the authorities had some concerns over embellishment of the witness version (which would be one explanation for what followed).
It's a personal opinion. I don't need to back it up with anything.
I feel like I'm back in kindergarten with that comment. What's next, "I know you are you, you said you are, so what am I!"

If it's a personal opinion that you can't back up why not just keep it personal. At least have a go at it. And please don't respond with the predictable "why do I have to prove anything to him"-type comment. You made the statement....
But if it's right in your eyes and absolutely wrong in you know, real life then it's a stupid opinion. You can't even back your own terrible opinion with any facts or statements.

Northern NSW is where your club is located
Is it wrong in real life though? It's pretty clear to me that Wayne is on the decline. His standards have dropped. He's made the signing of Jack Bird which still doesn't make any sense. He's done the dirty on his wife and lost the respect of a lot if people in the process.

Let's not forget how pathetic his game plan was in the 2015 GF. Just dreadful.
Is it wrong in real life though? It's pretty clear to me that Wayne is on the decline. His standards have dropped. He's made the signing of Jack Bird which still doesn't make any sense. He's done the dirty on his wife and lost the respect of a lot if people in the process.
You probably think he signed a rep playing, premiership winner for 1.8million a year right? I'm also sure that you have no idea what went on with his family either. At most it's hearsay given to us by people who write lies for a living