I’m basing mine on reported facts while others base theirs on unicorns and daffodils. I’m surprised you’re obstructed by the trees also.
Also, where did I criticise people?
What reported facts? That he never showed any remorse or that he's never attempted to make any financial offerings of compensation? Both of those "Facts", while reported by the media, have proven to be completely incorrect.
What other "Facts" are you basing your judgement on? The fact that the kid can't sleep at night, gets scared when the doorbell rings, that they're all mentally scarred? These claims have come from the exact same source as the claims that he's never apologised or attempted to make amends. The source is tainted. Even if we believe that both sides are equally tainted in terms of integrity, ie, the victims are only in it for the money, and Lodge is only in it to avoid having to compensate, there's only one camp so far who have been caught out in a lie.
If you're criticising a point of view, you're criticising all of those who hold it.
There’s also no hypotheticals of payment. 3 years no payment. A percentage isn’t the earth.
Again, you don't know that he's
not making financial concessions, ie, putting some aside. The problem is, he can't pay it, unless he acknowledges and agrees that the $1.6 million figure is appropriate. As it stands, the way the legal system works, it appears that the ruling has no jurisdiction in Australia. If he wanted to simply ignore it and hope it goes away, it looks like he could, and that's what the media would have you believe he's doing. But there is proof that he has at least tried to offer a figure that is more reasonable, in fact multiple times, and while those negotiations are taking place, he couldn't pay them any money even if he wanted to.