NEWS Sampson: Lodge can make up for his past

Pretending that video was all there is to the case, and making it sound just like some drunken brawl is excusing what happened

I never said this, in fact I have said the opposite. I have never once disputed the other stuff, all I have said is that I am open to the fact there might be exaggeration there seeing this family have already been
caught in a lie.
I get what you’re saying. I’d like to know who wrote the letter, when the letter was sent and what the true context was. Either way, I don’t teach my children that a cheap sorry is the easy way out. It’s not what you say, it’s what you do.

By all accounts, his actions are showing he’s walking the walk, but he needs to devote a percentage of his wages to compensate the victims. He at least needs to pay for the costs incurred, like counselling or relocation costs. Whatever it takes for those that were affected to feel safe once again.

How do you know this isn’t happening or won’t happen? Why judge someone on an assumption you make?
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I get what you’re saying. I’d like to know who wrote the letter, when the letter was sent and what the true context was. Either way, I don’t teach my children that a cheap sorry is the easy way out. It’s not what you say, it’s what you do.

By all accounts, his actions are showing he’s walking the walk, but he needs to devote a percentage of his wages to compensate the victims. He at least needs to pay for the costs incurred, like counselling or relocation costs. Whatever it takes for those that were affected to feel safe once again.

You can't have it both ways. You can't criticise people with a pro-Broncos bias for believing the positive accounts, and then go basing your opinion on the negative accounts, or hypotheticals such as his apology being "cheap", or him not making financial arrangements to begin compensation efforts. Do you know the truth of these elements? No. It's a complete unknown - if you're going to base your stance on worst-case scenarios, then why can't people base theirs on best-case scenarios?
He hasn’t paid a cent. But you know who have? His victims. They just keep paying.

Realistic scenario: They've completely forgotten about the incident and have moved on with their lives probably unaffected at all by what happened and look forward to receiving their cheque in the mail.
I’m basing mine on reported facts while others base theirs on unicorns and daffodils. I’m surprised you’re obstructed by the trees also.

Also, where did I criticise people?

What reported facts? That he never showed any remorse or that he's never attempted to make any financial offerings of compensation? Both of those "Facts", while reported by the media, have proven to be completely incorrect.

What other "Facts" are you basing your judgement on? The fact that the kid can't sleep at night, gets scared when the doorbell rings, that they're all mentally scarred? These claims have come from the exact same source as the claims that he's never apologised or attempted to make amends. The source is tainted. Even if we believe that both sides are equally tainted in terms of integrity, ie, the victims are only in it for the money, and Lodge is only in it to avoid having to compensate, there's only one camp so far who have been caught out in a lie.

If you're criticising a point of view, you're criticising all of those who hold it.

There’s also no hypotheticals of payment. 3 years no payment. A percentage isn’t the earth.

Again, you don't know that he's not making financial concessions, ie, putting some aside. The problem is, he can't pay it, unless he acknowledges and agrees that the $1.6 million figure is appropriate. As it stands, the way the legal system works, it appears that the ruling has no jurisdiction in Australia. If he wanted to simply ignore it and hope it goes away, it looks like he could, and that's what the media would have you believe he's doing. But there is proof that he has at least tried to offer a figure that is more reasonable, in fact multiple times, and while those negotiations are taking place, he couldn't pay them any money even if he wanted to.
TBF, you’re doing the same thing you accused me of: having it both ways. Plus you’re backing out of accusing me of criticising someone by widening the net and moving the goal posts. Lame mate.

That's the thing - I'm not convinced one way or the other, I've made that clear right from the start. My issue is the media having it all one way, and then when hard evidence is found to the contrary, they go eerily quiet. I'm not saying, and have never said that you're wrong, just that neither side has enough information to claim that the opposite is wrong.
A 9 nine year old boy doesn’t forget being woken at 4am in his home being breached by a crazed giant telling him and his family they are going to die whilst the intruder tries to beat his father to death.

You should work for Channel 9, that sounds like a great opening to a A Current Affair story, you know, the ones that they blatantly over-exaggerate to get your attention.

CCTV footage shows nothing even remotely resembling what you just described.
The parents are so concerned about their son being so heavily traumatized to a point that he needs therapy, and yet they knocked back every offer Lodge made.

It does show where their priorities are.
What offers did he make? More assumption based on news articles.

The whole thing is a circus and we all keep supporting it.

Lodge’s one-year contract this year with the Broncos is worth $85,000.

“I offered to take out a small bank loan to do the right thing and pay them off, but it seems they are just after the big bucks,” he told The Courier-Mail.

“I’ve tried to explain to them that NRL players don’t get paid like players in the NFL ... or they would already have their money.”

From my understanding, he wasn't in a position to pay them prior to signing for the Broncos. He had **** all money and has a family to support.
My point was, if the boy needs counselling due to Lodge’s behaviour, at minimum Lodge should pay for that and he’s had three years and paid nothing.

Do you know how this whole "legal system" thing works?

Lodge has essentially been unemployed for the past 3 years, if the articles last year were true about him considering quitting ISC to return to NSW to become a labourer, that's probably confirmation that he's barely making ends meet. He doesn't have to pay them a cent if he can barely stay afloat himself, that's why sueing someone who isn't well off is sometimes a poor choice, as you end up spending all this money on legal fees & waste copious amount of time for sometimes little or no return.

It'll really depend on how long the statute of limitations allows for them to try and claim this money from Lodge, their lawyer might've fucked up in hindsight. New York statute of limitations allows for you to file a lawsuit / civil action up to 6 years after the initial incident, if they had of waited a little longer it might've been more likely that Lodge would've returned home to Australia and jumped straight in to an NRL contract without this whole media circus blocking him, then they could've sued him and probably claimed a vast majority of that $1.6m almost immediately, instead they'll have to wait a lot longer and possibly may never see all of that $1.6m, depending on how Lodge's career trajectory pans out.
There’s no facts in that though. Maybe the loan didn’t equal the costs. Either way, he could have still done so as a down payment.

The lawyers told him to go overseas and sign a contract with a Rugby club or anyone that can give him the big money.

The money he offered probably didn't equal the costs, but it was revealed the clients said they were worried they will miss out on more money if he got back in the NRL so they rejected his offers.

When hearing that information, it's quite clear what their priority is. The big money, nothing else.

I can see why some people might not be happy that Lodge hasn't paid any money, but then again he was being $700 a week and after rent he had $300 left. He also had a family to care for. He wasn't in a position to pay them, but he at least tried to offer money by stating he was willing to take out a loan.

That therapist must be pretty expensive.
I never said this, in fact I have said the opposite. I have never once disputed the other stuff, all I have said is that I am open to the fact there might be exaggeration there seeing this family have already been caught in a lie.
I wasn't talking about you. I don't know why you're taking this personally.

There may well be exaggeration about their posterior trauma, and although I feel a bit sickened by people who underestimate the psychological damage such an event can cause to a child, there is definitely a greed factor in play here, and a gross miscalculation on their part in regards to their accusation about Lodge's lack of regret and apology.

But you can't throw their original witness statements in with the above. There was no civil court or compensation in play at the time those statements were taken, including those from other parties who never financially benefited from them.
And there definitely was no exaggeration in the police reports in regards to what they found inside the home.
Seriously she had a 2 hour interview and there doesn't appear to be one quote from him. At the start it sounded like it would be a league life feature but by the end it was just another character assassination.

To me the underlined sections below are just simply cheap shots included to fuel the rage of a biased reader or sway a neutral.

To be fair the end of the article starts to move away and at least try to resemble a redemption piece... but how do you have a 2 hour interview and not come out with a single quote and then talk about them needing to come out and give his side of the story, etc. You literally just had a 2hr interview to do that

I'm not going to get into the debate on whether he should be playing or not... I'm just fucking over the hypocrisy from all areas of the media
Ok. I'll tell you 100% that the underlined part is NOT what you say it is at all. It's about showing Matt's emotions through all this and that he struggles with emotions. He uses avoidance when dealing with tough situations because he's extremely vulnerable. She even links it back to the part about his younger brother to drive up the empathy she feels for him and the empathy she's trying to ignite in others.
Seriously? So childish. Talk about assumptions haha.

He hasn’t paid a cent. But you know who have? His victims. They just keep paying.
I’m basing mine on reported facts while others base theirs on unicorns and daffodils. I’m surprised you’re obstructed by the trees also.

Also, where did I criticise people? Please do tell. It was me who was being personally criticised.

So being called childish isn’t being criticised? Where did I criticise you?

You’re basing on reported facts? Reported facts that have already been proven to be outright lies on a few occasions. Worse than that, when you will accept a reported fact that is a positive you just throw it away and diminish it by calling it cheap.
A 9 nine year old boy doesn’t forget being woken at 4am in his home being breached by a crazed giant telling him and his family they are going to die (or words to that effect) whilst the intruder tries to beat his father to death. Nice story though.

They’ve also been quoted that they have sought and received counselling for the family and boy. Where did the money come to pay for that? Not Lodge.

I agree the amount is ridiculous, but he should still pay the costs incurred to the family and they could have been paid by now.

He needs to earn money before he can do that.
I wasn't talking about you. I don't know why you're taking this personally.

There may well be exaggeration about their posterior trauma, and although I feel a bit sickened by people who underestimate the psychological damage such an event can cause to a child, there is definitely a greed factor in play here, and a gross miscalculation on their part in regards to their accusation about Lodge's lack of regret and apology.

But you can't throw their original witness statements in with the above. There was no civil court or compensation in play at the time those statements were taken, including those from other parties who never financially benefited from them.
And there definitely was no exaggeration in the police reports in regards to what they found inside the home.

You replied directly to me, why would I not assume that was directed at me.

I am not disputing this happened, I am doubting it is to the extent reported by the media. If nothing else I find it very hard to believe they accepted such a lower plea deal if they had evidence to the extent of what is claimed happen. Prosecutors aren’t in the business of doing favours to criminals for no reason.
You replied directly to me, why would I not assume that was directed at me.

I am not disputing this happened, I am doubting it is to the extent reported by the media. If nothing else I find it very hard to believe they accepted such a lower plea deal if they had evidence to the extent of what is claimed happen. Prosecutors aren’t in the business of doing favours to criminals for no reason.
If one part has already been proven to be grossly exaggerated, I can imagine there is a chance that the other parts have been as well.
Another article by Badel this morning, pretty much re-enforcing the fact that Lodge is essentially broke and also owes $300k to his parents and family members who mortgaged their house and loaned him money to pay for his bail & legal fees.

Pretty messed up situation.

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