Coxy said:And you don't get bang for buck. Yeah you get to watch every game, free public transport etc, but the cost of everything in the stadium is high, and there's not many additional incentives to go. Crap entertainment. You get bugger all merchandise benefits (a hat and 10% off merchandise at the leagues club which is already 15% more than A Mart All Sports anyway).
4 or 5 games a year are pathetic.
And then the games you do get excited the players wander off with a cursory wave at the crowd.
And security are the fun police. No atmosphere, no yelling, no standing up and cheering etc, because if someone complains you can be asked to leave. Anti-social behaviour.
All that and they're asking some fans to fork out 52% more to retain their seat in 2009? A joke.
It might be unreasonable to assume, but is there a possibility that the Suncorp security are this over zealous because they've been instructed to for monetary reasons. That is, the club has gotten so money hungry that they feel the compulsion to ensure that nothing can possibly "go wrong" (with "customer" complaints due to people standing up, therefore "tarnishing" the experience for the other customers). Is this a case of obsessive money making gone too far, that the club is seemingly keeping eye on every single patron in attendance outside of the usual security type measures?
Further supporting the claim is the failed lobby to get an "Orange Army et al" fan section on matchday. The club will only comply if there's money to be made in it for them (i.e Black Zone etc). I know mick! has expressed his opinion countless times on this matter.
It seems like a load of corporate hogwash to me.