Sexual assault allegation

Agree mrslong - there's a MASSIVE difference between a random guy trying to cop a feel and a few guys trying to do the same in the toilet of a club.
Maybe the woman was upset that the 'players' were making out between themselves & ignored her, so she made this up. :P
Kaz said:
Maybe the woman was upset that the 'players' were making out between themselves & ignored her, so she made this up. :P
maybe she was making out with a player and her boyfriend walked in and she freaked out and blamed the players instead of herself
Coxy said:
Maybe we should all STFU!


There is no point in stewing over it all until the truth (if we ever really find out what happened) comes out.

IMO, you should all stop making speculations and just wait and see what happens.
Alrighty, I'll shut up and not post any more speculations...but I will say that this is exactly how I feel about the situation: "No,no,no,no,no No,no,no,no,no,no"
burgerking said:
In most cases, the accusations are false. Usually stemming from guttertrash in lipstick not getting the desired attention after the act or something is done or said after the act that ruffles said guttertrash in lipstick feathers. I myself have been in a similar situation, as have numerous friends and aqcuantainces. The emotional and financial cost involved to the accused to prove innocence is immense, and after being found not guilty , usually by infavourable evidence for the prosecution , or by admission of untruthful statements from the alleged victim, the accused then are left in emotional and financial mess. Yet there never ends up being repercussions for guttertrash in lipstick for making false allegations.
Gotta realise that there are some women out there that thrive on the drama involved in making such allegations
I once had a girlfriend (later diagnosed with bi-polar) bash herself in the face with the bottom of a bic lighter while screaming "dont hit me" so the neighbours could hear. I split the scene, 2 hours later cops were at my door and i was charged with assaulting her. $5000 in legal representation to prove my innocence, she crumbled under cross examination because her story had more holes than swiss cheese.

So until proven guilty, these guys from the broncos are innocent in my eyes until found guilty....if found guilty , throw the book at them.

I am getting pretty angry and upset at attitudes like this and others on here directed towards and judging the girl involved in the alleged incident.

While yes I agree that sometimes false accusations in the case of sexual assault and rape are made and it can be totally devastating for those accused and potentially ruin their lives. The opposite is also true. It is often extremely difficult for the victim to prove a sexual assault or rape took place, especially if the perpetrator is high profile - the victims face a lot of pressure not to go through with the complaint. The onus is put on the victim to prove guilt not the perpetrator to prove innocence. In many cases it comes down to her word against his over whether or not there was consent. And often the victim is made to feel like trash or a slut and is not believed or made to feel like she asked for it. I had a friend who was raped and the trauma she went through in having to try and prove it and the way she was made to feel actually led her to commit suicide and that is something I will never completely get over nor will her family or other friends - this has ruined all of our lives to varying extents. And because she committed suicide before the case was concluded, it was closed and he has never been punished for what he did.

If it turns out that she has completely made this up, I hope she gets everything she deserves, but just as we can't and shouldn't judge the players allegedly involved without the full facts we can't and shouldn't judge the alleged victim without the full facts.
[ Well said Flutterby.

Now seriously I would suggest everyone stops posting anything in here other than updates of info. It does NO good speculating or discussing possible action or anything.
Okay guys that is enough of the innuendos and conspiracy theories etc, unless you were there or know the parties involved and are willing to post a copy of your statement to the police anyone who defames or mentions the players or more particularly the character of the girl allegedly involved will face an automatic ban for good.
The thing that really shocks me is the number of females on here that are questioning the girl and her character, we don't know the story and until we do should leave it at that.
This thread has turned into pure gossip and hence will be locked until such time as the Broncos make a statement.

If you any problems, do not hesitate to PM myself or any of the Admin team
Broncos Official Statement

I wish to update everyone on the Broncos’ position in regard to the allegations made against
three players following an incident on Saturday.
I am the only person officially authorised to speak about this from a Broncos’ perspective.
That being the case, it is very difficult to answer all the individual calls coming into Broncos’
headquarters and impossible to agree to all the individual requests for comment. Having said
that, there is little I can comment on at this point in time.
As soon as the Broncos were made aware of the allegations, an internal investigation team
was formed. While the club has not been contacted by the police about this matter, the main
focus of the internal investigation team is to co-operate fully with the Queensland Police and
collectively ensure all the relevant facts are recorded.
I have spoken to NRL CEO David Gallop today and have assured him that we will keep him
abreast of things at all times.
I will also keep the media advised, but will not be making general statements until I am sure
of my facts. At this point in time there are conflicting stories, some misrepresentation of the
facts in the media, and generally wide and varied views in the public arena. I can understand
that but will not engage in speculation – only in the facts.
I can confirm the players are also co-operating fully with the police and have presented
themselves for interview this afternoon.
As soon as I am sure the information I have is credible and the position is clear with regard
to the investigation outcomes, I will make myself available for interview.
Bruno Cullen
Chief executive
Brisbane Broncos
Guys as the names are now official we will leave this thread open but we still must be careful re the discussions.

Anyone who questions the girls behaviour (right or wrong) is asking for trouble as once again these are just media reports of what happened and may have no truth to them whatsoever. So DO NOT discuss her fullstop please.
I had 100% confidence of beating the Storm this weekend, I just had a feeling, then this happens... I reckon it'll be too much for them, storm by 12.
This is so sad.

Our great club is being smeared across the front page of major metropolitan newspapers around the country, as well as leading TV news bulletins. We've worked so hard to maintain a good wholesome image for 20 years and one night of stupidity has undone all that work.

I'm confident they'll all get the sack within the next day or so. How is Boyd going to play under Bennett next year? Hunt has just thrown away the Broncos captaincy - it was his for the taking. And Thiaday - well I'm too stunned to comment.

This week should be about farewelling a great coach and player. Two loyal servants who have given everything to the Broncos. God damn those 3 players for putting the club in this position.
The thing that gets me is this.

Girl does this consensually with 3 no names members of the public (even though that is unlikely) wakes up on Sunday with a bad hangover and a regret and couldn't pick even 1 of them out of a line up. Because they are well known public identities, wakes up with a regret and someone to blame.

Until it's all confirmed I shouldn't speculate but really if these reports are true who the fck has consenual sex with three dudes in a toilet at a nightclub???

Also maybe some of you should reconsider your signatures for the time being hey?