Sexual assault allegation

The Rock said:
Isn't it a bit much to say you're not going to cheer on your team just because of an ALLEGEDED incident?

I know what they did was stupid, but it seems like they have not exactly broke any sort of code of conduct and they have not been charged by the police. Stupid to have sex in a public toilet - YES. Guilty of a crime? No. (or not yet) Guilty of breaking the clubs code of conduct? No. (or not yet).

So, booing them at the game would be a bit of an over-reaction IMO.

People on here are just massively over-sensitive to this kind of thing. I doubt the reaction from the general population of Broncos fans will be as severe.
I'm a fundamentalist Christian and abhor this kind of behaviour, and would never be involved in something like this (even before I was a Christian tbh) and wouldn't associate with these kinds of people. But that's me and where I come from. If someone does not profess to have a Christian/Muslim/Hindu/Mormon etc background then why should they have to uphold those values?

The difference with these guys is that they are Broncos and should be upholding the Broncos values and that's where people have the problem.
michael22 said:
mal said:
Seriously, how short-sighted are you? You are like Frank the Tank and footymad reincarnated. I don't know how you can call yourself a fan when you can so easily let someone drag your supposide clubs name through the dirt and still feel right cheering them on. That I cannot comprehend.

Because personally I don't think they did anything wrong.

Society is far too conservative and all hung up on these things, and it all stems back to religious beliefs that no-one that I associate with uphold. Morals by and large are a by product of religion. I don't like them being judged on that.

Their names may be dragged through the mud by the standards and morals you impose upon them, but from where I sit I say good on them, I would be doing the same thing if I was them.

If you have been reading my posts- I am not one of these hung up people. I have and my friends have (individually haha) taken part in similar acts. BUT my sole responsibility is myself, my workplace does not get a bad name, my family do not get a bad name. I do. And thats the resposibility I hold.

I don't know how many times I have to spell it out, becaue everytime I do you argue with me on a completely different subject. They have an obligation to protect the brand and image that is Broncos, doing what they did has gone against the obligation and THAT is why I am filthy.
It'll be very harsh on the rest of the team if these players are dropped. It'll realistically mean no chance of a premiership for the rest of the players, who have been trying their hardest for the entire season. Just fining them at the moment would be OK for mine. Deal with the whole thing once there is more evidence. At the moment there is hardly any...
mrslong said:
The difference with these guys is that they are Broncos and should be upholding the Broncos values and that's where people have the problem.

Spot on.
michael22 said:
mal said:
Seriously, how short-sighted are you? You are like Frank the Tank and footymad reincarnated. I don't know how you can call yourself a fan when you can so easily let someone drag your supposide clubs name through the dirt and still feel right cheering them on. That I cannot comprehend.

Because personally I don't think they did anything wrong.

Society is far too conservative and all hung up on these things, and it all stems back to religious beliefs that no-one that I associate with uphold. Morals by and large are a by product of religion. I don't like them being judged on that.

Their names may be dragged through the mud by the standards and morals you impose upon them, but from where I sit I say good on them, I would be doing the same thing if I was them.

So are you saying that the "Valley 3" would feel the same way and wonder, what's all the fuss about, we've done nothing wrong, everyone does stuff like this?
mal said:
michael22 said:
mal said:
Seriously, how short-sighted are you? You are like Frank the Tank and footymad reincarnated. I don't know how you can call yourself a fan when you can so easily let someone drag your supposide clubs name through the dirt and still feel right cheering them on. That I cannot comprehend.

Because personally I don't think they did anything wrong.

Society is far too conservative and all hung up on these things, and it all stems back to religious beliefs that no-one that I associate with uphold. Morals by and large are a by product of religion. I don't like them being judged on that.

Their names may be dragged through the mud by the standards and morals you impose upon them, but from where I sit I say good on them, I would be doing the same thing if I was them.

If you have been reading my posts- I am not one of these hung up people. I have and my friends have (individually haha) taken part in similar acts. BUT my sole responsibility is myself, my workplace does not get a bad name, my family do not get a bad name. I do. And thats the resposibility I hold.

I don't know how many times I have to spell it out, becaue everytime I do you argue with me on a completely different subject. They have an obligation to protect the brand and image that is Broncos, doing what they did has gone against the obligation and THAT is why I am filthy.

I understand this. I agree they have tarnished the reputation of the Broncos and I am sad to see it happen. I didn't think the club would ever have something like this happen.


They engaged in consensual sex with a woman. Something they probably do most wekeends without tarnishing the clubs rep, as do all players.

How were they to know it would result in a controversy.

Of course whoever did the filiming, if it did happen and was against her will is an idiot and should be punished. That is the person who has really done the damage here.

But the 3 guys who had consensual sex with a girl? No problems with that and the act itself was in my opinion okay.
I'm with the rock. I don't condone what has been said they did, but at least they didn't glass her after they were finished. My point being, nothing has been proven yet, and a lot worse things are being perpetrated by league players frequently. I will not boo unless charges are laid, which i believe won't be, and if they are I will be disgusted beyond measure.
Argus said:
michael22 said:
mal said:
Seriously, how short-sighted are you? You are like Frank the Tank and footymad reincarnated. I don't know how you can call yourself a fan when you can so easily let someone drag your supposide clubs name through the dirt and still feel right cheering them on. That I cannot comprehend.

Because personally I don't think they did anything wrong.

Society is far too conservative and all hung up on these things, and it all stems back to religious beliefs that no-one that I associate with uphold. Morals by and large are a by product of religion. I don't like them being judged on that.

Their names may be dragged through the mud by the standards and morals you impose upon them, but from where I sit I say good on them, I would be doing the same thing if I was them.

So are you saying that the "Valley 3" would feel the same way and wonder, what's all the fuss about, we've done nothing wrong, everyone does stuff like this?

Most probably. They would have been drunken and cheering the fact they were getting some and enjoying it. next minute they're accused of being rapists.
michael22 said:
Dexter said:
I am just staggered by the amount of ppl who accept that going into a toilet and having 3 on 1 sex is ok or acceptable.
I must be in one hell of a generation gap.

As far as the players are concerned make no mistake, they are dead men walking. There is no way our club can or should stand by them.

michael 22, how old are you mate? Your naivity is incedible.

Go back and read Coxys' posts a few times because as he said you just don't get it.

You're saying this based on a moral or religious point of view that frankly most teenage/early 20's simply do not have.

This behaviour they have engaged in wouldn't register on most peoples "outrage" radar in that age group. In fact I advocate that a lot of them either enagage in it themselves or know others that do.

It is nothing out of the ordinary.

I am talking about what actually went down here. It happens with players from all clubs.

I have seen Willie mason & Michael Crocker absolutely chewing their faces off in nightclubs wasted on god knows what. This is nothing new.

Everyone is on their moral high horse here, but for all the posturing and trying to claim that they expect more at the end of the day the fact of the matter is these players are products of their generation and they are behaving accordingly.

Who knows what other players in the team have gotten up to. I guarantee you that every player in the NRL at some stage or another has done something that could warrant a media beat up, just most of the time they "get away with it".

It is not me who is naive here...

Ahh yeah it is you.

You think that Broncos players haven't been seen at nightclubs chewing their faces off as well? What Mason and Crocker do is no different to what a whole heap of other NRL players no doubt do. Completley off tangent but it's a fact.

And I think it's fine that the 3 guys took a bird into the toilet for a Ron Coote. What frustrates me is that the club as a whole is willing to let them play this weekend, even though players of lesser ability have been sacked for a whole lot less. I support the players, but the club doesn't seem to be going about it in a good way. PR is already up shit creek, but code of silence and letting the guys play? Bit ridiculous for me.
mrslong said:
I have a 2006 premiership poster of locky and K on my wall... staring at Karmichael is annoying me. I used to like looking at his ugly mug, now: not so much.

x2 i have a cutout of Lockyer, Hodges and Hunt.... had them all linked together, detached Hunt threw him on the floor so i can walk on him [icon_lol1.

Despite my 5 year support for Hunt i don't think he deserves the tag of 'favourite player' any longer. It's not because of the sex act (unless evidence emerges to suggest he was sexually assaulting her), but the way he's let down the team, coach and fans in this crucial time. I still rate him for what he does on the field, he's a tough player who tries his heart out for his team, it's a shame he doesn't think of his team as much when he's off the field. What he does off the field is his business until it impacts on the club and tarnishes its name.

I'd support the club's decision if they were to stand them down while they were under investigation.... if it turns out to be all sweet once all the facts have been gathered and examined, then bring them back on the field.... letting them play while under investigation isn't an entirely good look.
Only problem with that wally is we are f%cked without them on the field. So the season will be over after this Saturday, which it may be anyway.
michael22 said:
Argus said:
michael22 said:
mal said:
Seriously, how short-sighted are you? You are like Frank the Tank and footymad reincarnated. I don't know how you can call yourself a fan when you can so easily let someone drag your supposide clubs name through the dirt and still feel right cheering them on. That I cannot comprehend.

Because personally I don't think they did anything wrong.

Society is far too conservative and all hung up on these things, and it all stems back to religious beliefs that no-one that I associate with uphold. Morals by and large are a by product of religion. I don't like them being judged on that.

Their names may be dragged through the mud by the standards and morals you impose upon them, but from where I sit I say good on them, I would be doing the same thing if I was them.

So are you saying that the "Valley 3" would feel the same way and wonder, what's all the fuss about, we've done nothing wrong, everyone does stuff like this?

Most probably. They would have been drunken and cheering the fact they were getting some and enjoying it. next minute they're accused of being rapists.

Michael If you're correct I for one certainly don't want players with that type of attitude at the Broncos.
I think Michael is making some good points and also this:

I'm a fundamentalist Christian and abhor this kind of behaviour, and would never be involved in something like this (even before I was a Christian tbh) and wouldn't associate with these kinds of people. But that's me and where I come from. If someone does not profess to have a Christian/Muslim/Hindu/Mormon etc background then why should they have to uphold those values?

is a good post.
Argus said:
michael22 said:
Argus said:
michael22 said:
mal said:
Seriously, how short-sighted are you? You are like Frank the Tank and footymad reincarnated. I don't know how you can call yourself a fan when you can so easily let someone drag your supposide clubs name through the dirt and still feel right cheering them on. That I cannot comprehend.

Because personally I don't think they did anything wrong.

Society is far too conservative and all hung up on these things, and it all stems back to religious beliefs that no-one that I associate with uphold. Morals by and large are a by product of religion. I don't like them being judged on that.

Their names may be dragged through the mud by the standards and morals you impose upon them, but from where I sit I say good on them, I would be doing the same thing if I was them.

So are you saying that the "Valley 3" would feel the same way and wonder, what's all the fuss about, we've done nothing wrong, everyone does stuff like this?

Most probably. They would have been drunken and cheering the fact they were getting some and enjoying it. next minute they're accused of being rapists.

Michael If you're correct I for one certainly don't want players with that type of attitude at the Broncos.

Then honestly you will have severe trouble fielding a team with the players you can feel okay with.

This stuff is rife in the NRL at all clubs.
Don't worry all it could have been worse they could have done an Andrew Symonds instead and gone fishing in the toilet. At least it was just sex and the fish are safe.
mal said:
Rock, I think you misderstood what I have been saying.

It's not about breaking laws (it never has been). It's about giving the club I support a bad name, you only need to go venture on a few opposition forums to see the mud that is being thrown.

That I am sickened by. I will be cheering my team. I will be booing the players who spat on the jersey.

But is that what your concerned about, supporting a club that has a bad name?

It sounds like your more worried about the persoanl implications of saying your a Broncos supporter after this incident rather that the assualt scenario itself!
The way i look at it, its a skank, that is VERY VERY easy and loose, that offered 3 drunk, stuck up bogans an orgy. They loved the idea, probably get off around each other all the time, so went for it. I think all 3 are morons and dont give a rats if they get dropped. They probably regret it too, since the chick was probably full of STI's if this is how she spends her saturday nights lol.