Sexual assault allegation

Er, isn't it all really the same thing? My clubs name is tarnished, the club and it's fans have been tarnished.

Bulldogs are a perfect example.
The way i look at it, its a skank, that is VERY VERY easy and loose, that offered 3 drunk, stuck up bogans an orgy. They loved the idea, probably get off around each other all the time, so went for it. I think all 3 are morons and dont give a rats if they get dropped. They probably regret it too, since the chick was probably full of STI's if this is how she spends her saturday nights lol.

Agreed except i think all three would be devestated to be dropped.

To be honest though when they were drunk and the girl was offering it up the potential repurcussions would have been furtherest from their mind.
michael22 said:
The way i look at it, its a skank, that is VERY VERY easy and loose, that offered 3 drunk, stuck up bogans an orgy. They loved the idea, probably get off around each other all the time, so went for it. I think all 3 are morons and dont give a rats if they get dropped. They probably regret it too, since the chick was probably full of STI's if this is how she spends her saturday nights lol.

Agreed except i think all three would be devestated to be dropped.

To be honest though when they were drunk and the girl was offering it up the potential repurcussions would have been furtherest from their mind.

Herein lies the issue.They didn't think of the repurcussions.
I wouldn't be surprised if the 3 dropped out later this week as more details emerge.
uji said:
Only problem with that wally is we are f%cked without them on the field. So the season will be over after this Saturday, which it may be anyway.

Mmmmm i'm more than aware of that. To me it just seems like their being rewarded "sure you can go have a gang bang in the toilet's of the club, video record it (which seems to be against the female's wishes) but when a complaint is put in against you's and your under investigation we'll still let you run out on the field, wearing our prestigious jumper".

I doubt we're going to win now anyway (before this emerged i was as confident as anything). But i don't think we can mentally over come something like this that has rocked the foundations of the club. It will be a massive achievement if we can. If we do i doubt we'll win the semi's they'll be mentally exhausted by that stage.
mal said:
Er, isn't it all really the same thing? My clubs name is tarnished, the club and it's fans have been tarnished.

Bulldogs are a perfect example.

Every club in the NRl has something like this, just it hasn't been reported.

Cronulla are the women bashers.

Bulldogs are the rapists.

Broncos are the toilet orgy boys.

Gasnier is the fire up bitch.

God knows what has gone un-reported, but at the end of the day every club is as bad as each other as they all have young, caashed up players on their books and this is what they get up to. Not all of them, but a lot of them, at all clubs.

So if people give you shit for supporting the broncos just reply wait till one of your team gets caught for something... it's only a matter of time.
mal said:
Er, isn't it all really the same thing? My clubs name is tarnished, the club and it's fans have been tarnished.

Bulldogs are a perfect example.

Look regardless of what happens ill have no problem saying im a Broncos supporter. Ill be a Bronco supporter til I die!

So people are going to say things to you, big whoop I couldnt give 2 shites what people say!

Are you worried that people might say your team has a bad rep??
mal said:
michael22 said:
The way i look at it, its a skank, that is VERY VERY easy and loose, that offered 3 drunk, stuck up bogans an orgy. They loved the idea, probably get off around each other all the time, so went for it. I think all 3 are morons and dont give a rats if they get dropped. They probably regret it too, since the chick was probably full of STI's if this is how she spends her saturday nights lol.

Agreed except i think all three would be devestated to be dropped.

To be honest though when they were drunk and the girl was offering it up the potential repurcussions would have been furtherest from their mind.

Herein lies the issue.They didn't think of the repurcussions.

Not many people do in the face of temptation.

And even fewer 20 something year old men do.

And even fewer still if they have been drinking.

And even fewer again if they're of a poor education which most footy players are.
The way i look at it, its a skank, that is VERY VERY easy and loose, that offered 3 drunk, stuck up bogans an orgy. They loved the idea, probably get off around each other all the time, so went for it. I think all 3 are morons and dont give a rats if they get dropped. They probably regret it too, since the chick was probably full of STI's if this is how she spends her saturday nights lol.
if she didn't she probably does michael22.
Oh man, I'm close to giving up with you michael22. Two wrongs do not make a right- so what Cullen goes to Gallop. Well Cronulla have a woman basher, Bulldogs have a rapist. I guess we got our 1 strike- all is good right?

Just because other clubs do it, doesn't mean we should grant our players the same. Stricter rules should be in place to avoid this. Broncos are NOT like any other club NEVER have they been, hence we kicked Costigan, Seymour, Lacey and T'eo to the curb. We dont tolerate bad behaviour under the Broncos name.

Again I don't give a flying **** what other teams do.. it's about MY team.
The Rock said:
michael22 said:
The way i look at it, its a skank, that is VERY VERY easy and loose, that offered 3 drunk, stuck up bogans an orgy. They loved the idea, probably get off around each other all the time, so went for it. I think all 3 are morons and dont give a rats if they get dropped. They probably regret it too, since the chick was probably full of STI's if this is how she spends her saturday nights lol.

Agreed except i think all three would be devestated to be dropped.

To be honest though when they were drunk and the girl was offering it up the potential repurcussions would have been furtherest from their mind.

They knew the consequences, they knew the potential repercussion....I agree!

They all just wanted to have some fun. They took the risk just for a bit of fun. Simple as that. Stupid? I guess. Naive? Probably. Just wanted to enjoy themselves and have some fun? Definitely.

Seriously, I've done so many things in my time where afterward I've thought, "Shit, I know that was fun and all but why did I do that...". It's exactly what has happened here.

As have we all.. but again I stress at our own peril, not the clubs. They are in the spotlight, we are not. It's like comparing apples and oranges. We are not them they are not us. Nor are we anything alike when it comes to being able to make mistakes.
mal said:
Oh man, I'm close to giving up with you michael22. Two wrongs do not make a right- so what Cullen goes to Gallop. Well Cronulla have a woman basher, Bulldogs have a rapist. I guess we got our 1 strike- all is good right?

Just because other clubs do it, doesn't mean we should grant our players the same. Stricter rules should be in place to avoid this. Broncos are NOT like any other club NEVER have they been, hence we kicked Costigan, Seymour, Lacey and T'eo to the curb. We dont tolerate bad behaviour under the Broncos name.

Again I don't give a flying **** what other teams do.. it's about MY team.

My point was this happens at all clubs.

It will never be erdicated and no club is immune from it because of the very nature of what they are dealing with - young, successful, cashed up sports stars with a public profile.

It is a recepie for this sort of thing, and it can't br controlled no matter how you want to look at it.

It is nice to have these honourable wishes and to say things like "not at MY club" but the reality is - YES at your club, and YES at every club.
mal said:
The Rock said:
michael22 said:
The way i look at it, its a skank, that is VERY VERY easy and loose, that offered 3 drunk, stuck up bogans an orgy. They loved the idea, probably get off around each other all the time, so went for it. I think all 3 are morons and dont give a rats if they get dropped. They probably regret it too, since the chick was probably full of STI's if this is how she spends her saturday nights lol.

Agreed except i think all three would be devestated to be dropped.

To be honest though when they were drunk and the girl was offering it up the potential repurcussions would have been furtherest from their mind.

They knew the consequences, they knew the potential repercussion....I agree!

They all just wanted to have some fun. They took the risk just for a bit of fun. Simple as that. Stupid? I guess. Naive? Probably. Just wanted to enjoy themselves and have some fun? Definitely.

Seriously, I've done so many things in my time where afterward I've thought, "Shit, I know that was fun and all but why did I do that...". It's exactly what has happened here.

As have we all.. but again I stress at our own peril, not the clubs. They are in the spotlight, we are not. It's like comparing apples and oranges. We are not them they are not us. Nor are we anything alike when it comes to being able to make mistakes.

We're all human.

They aren't robots that can be programmed.
I tell you right now, if Hunt, Thaiday and Boyd were given the boot right here and now. The next set of players would think twice before gang banging some chick in a toilet. That's called controlling the actions of people by providing harsh consequences.

I feel sorry for the little off-spring of yours that are/will be walking this earth. They smoke up a joint at 14 .. you shrug your shoulders "Boys will be boys.."

The Rock said:
However - It doesn't make it right, and when things like this go public, the players deserve all the shit they get at the moment.

Rugby Union people would be loving this. They may get a few new recruits soon. Hope not, though.