Sexual assault allegation

Nashy said:
Jebadude said:
briareos said:
Jeanette said:
So people are going to be fine explaining to their kids and grandma that it's natural to gang bang a girl in a pub toilet and video tape it? That someone like Hunt is fine to be future captain of the Broncos?

It's up the parents to enforce morals not the club.

I have argued the same case in the past, but the simple reality is that professional athletes of the most respected sporting team in Queensland are role models for our young ones, whether they like it or not.

I somewhat agree, but don't believe the pessure of being a role model should impact their lives so much that they can't have fun.

And we are not to judge what is fun.

For any normal person, this is normal "who cares" behaviour to those who don't know them. But Broncos players are not "normal people" because they are under constant public scrutiny and they should know what is and what is not acceptable in public.

briareos said:
Sorry jeb but that attitude has always pissed me off, I know the kids look up the athletes but the parents should be the only ones teaching kids morals. If they end up thinking that it's okay to gang bang a chick in the loo and film it, that is the parents failure not the players.

Of course. Parents and teachers should be the ones teaching their kids morals for sure. And I don't agree that players should automatically be role models. But the fact of the matter is that they, quite simply, are. It comes with the responsibility and especially for someone tagged as a future captain and also someone who has captained the side before. The attitude you speak of also annoys me but that's just the reality of the situation.
briareos said:
Jeanette said:
Yes, and they may do this by not taking their kids to games?
You may not have a problem with it, but there are people here, in this thread right here, who are not happy with their beviour, even if it was technically not illegal.

That is their right.

Why should these guys have their contracts ripped up or be stood down because of moral outrage? If they breached provisions of their contract or committed a crime then sack them but the only thing they are guilty of (so far) is being young dumb men.

The Broncs need to think of the bigger picture. When NRMA customers see Hunt in their add, their image of him is based on what they know about them (ie this incident). That image translates to the PRODUCT.
Will that image translate to the Broncos image?
Moral outrage is NOT grounds for termination in the NRL. As briaroes said, all they have done wrong thus far is being stupid males. That is not uncommon in today's society. IF, and that's a big if these allegations are proven then, and only then, should their contracts be terminated.

Until then, innocent until proven guilty should be the correct plan of action.
Hammo said:
Dexter said:
F**k me I can't beleive how many ppl here think this is normal behaviour, totally acceptable, who think they don't have a problem with it.

How about if you were talking with your mum about this and she says I agree, I used to blow 3 blokes in the toilets at my club as often as I could. Geez mum you say you were really ahead of your time.

How about your wife, wife to be or girlfriend, No problem darling I perfectly understand where you are coming from, who wouldn't want to have sex with multiple partners in a toilet, I love you even more now I know this.

What about your 17 year old daughter, geez dad I can't wait till I can go to night clubs it sounds like a great time, Oh you'll have a great time sweetie, but don't stop at 3 you know there are 17 players in every NRL side there is absolutely nothing wrong with that after all you are just a healthy teenager looking for fun.

Would you have a problem with any of the above. ? If you do then its not acceptable is it. If its normal behaviour and you have no problem with it then you have to be able to accept it from every perspective.

I could counteract all that by simply stating;

Gee your life mut be bland. The girl consents...what's the problem?

You don't own your mother/daughter/girlfriend/ how can you change their PERSONAL decsion to commit said act? Of cours a girl who does this isn't "marriage material" and hell, obviously the guys that do it aren't either. i think the knee jerk reaction on here is moreso because peoples idols have proven human.

You my friend, are forcing your values on others.

Wrong Hammo, not forcing anything on anyone, just having trouble understanding.
Interesting though how you said the girls not marriage material, you my friend have made a judgement of your own.
If you truly had no problem with this then it wouldn't matter you be happy to marry someone with this type of history which was exactly the point of the post.
Jebadude said:
Nashy said:
Jebadude said:
briareos said:
Jeanette said:
So people are going to be fine explaining to their kids and grandma that it's natural to gang bang a girl in a pub toilet and video tape it? That someone like Hunt is fine to be future captain of the Broncos?

It's up the parents to enforce morals not the club.

I have argued the same case in the past, but the simple reality is that professional athletes of the most respected sporting team in Queensland are role models for our young ones, whether they like it or not.

I somewhat agree, but don't believe the pessure of being a role model should impact their lives so much that they can't have fun.

And we are not to judge what is fun.

For any normal person, this is normal "who cares" behaviour to those who don't know them. But Broncos players are not "normal people" because they are under constant public scrutiny and they should know what is and what is not acceptable in public.

briareos said:
Sorry jeb but that attitude has always pissed me off, I know the kids look up the athletes but the parents should be the only ones teaching kids morals. If they end up thinking that it's okay to gang bang a chick in the loo and film it, that is the parents failure not the players.

Of course. Parents and teachers should be the ones teaching their kids morals for sure. And I don't agree that players should automatically be role models. But the fact of the matter is that they, quite simply, are. It comes with the responsibility and especially for someone tagged as a future captain and also someone who has captained the side before. The attitude you speak of also annoys me but that's just the reality of the situation.

Firstly Jeb...."normal" is not a good word.

Secondly, in this day and age, with so many forms of media bombarding children from birth, I really doubt the longlasting impact of a footballer's actions on a child fan. Personnally, growing up, I was aware of alot of deplorable behaviour from almost all my footballing heroes. Doesn't effect me because I have always been able to seperate the players on field heroics to their off field human behaviour. Does the words "Rowers Nightclub" conjure up images to anyone over 25??

For fear of ruining this thread, we need to take this debate; "Morals and heroes of children raised in 08" to General Talk.
OK, so what's the explanation for ruining the reputation of this proud football club??
Dexter said:
Hammo said:
Dexter said:
F**k me I can't beleive how many ppl here think this is normal behaviour, totally acceptable, who think they don't have a problem with it.

How about if you were talking with your mum about this and she says I agree, I used to blow 3 blokes in the toilets at my club as often as I could. Geez mum you say you were really ahead of your time.

How about your wife, wife to be or girlfriend, No problem darling I perfectly understand where you are coming from, who wouldn't want to have sex with multiple partners in a toilet, I love you even more now I know this.

What about your 17 year old daughter, geez dad I can't wait till I can go to night clubs it sounds like a great time, Oh you'll have a great time sweetie, but don't stop at 3 you know there are 17 players in every NRL side there is absolutely nothing wrong with that after all you are just a healthy teenager looking for fun.

Would you have a problem with any of the above. ? If you do then its not acceptable is it. If its normal behaviour and you have no problem with it then you have to be able to accept it from every perspective.

I could counteract all that by simply stating;

Gee your life mut be bland. The girl consents...what's the problem?

You don't own your mother/daughter/girlfriend/ how can you change their PERSONAL decsion to commit said act? Of cours a girl who does this isn't "marriage material" and hell, obviously the guys that do it aren't either. i think the knee jerk reaction on here is moreso because peoples idols have proven human.

You my friend, are forcing your values on others.

Wrong Hammo, not forcing anything on anyone, just having trouble understanding.
Interesting though how you said the girls not marriage material, you my friend have made a judgement of your own.
If you truly had no problem with this then it wouldn't matter you be happy to marry someone with this type of history which was exactly the point of the post.

Yes I have judged her, but you are picking what you want from my post. I am judging her, against my own values. Meaning I personally wouldn't want to marry a person with those values. That doesn't make her a bad person, nor does it make her actions unacceptable, as you suggested;

Dexter said:
Would you have a problem with any of the above. ? If you do then its not acceptable is it. If its normal behaviour and you have no problem with it then you have to be able to accept it from every perspective.

Who are any of us, to say what is and isn't acceptable Dexter? When a crime is committed, that is when it is unacceptable. Everyone has differing levels of moral codes, depending on what circles of society they have been exposed to and what they have experienced in their lives. Surely you believe that?
Jebadude said:
OK, so what's the explanation for ruining the reputation of this proud football club??

What? Is it ruined is it? Let's not Chicken Little this Jeb.
Hammo: you say others are so far off the point it's ridiculous. YOU my friend are the one that's off the planet.

The Brisbane Broncos is a professional organisation, a business, that gets 95% of its income based on public relations. Providing a quality product (football), portraying an image of success, professionalism and respect for fans, the game and the community.

These players are, when in public, representatives of the organisation. This behaviour is seen by the community at large as unacceptable conduct. Forget role models and shit, that's a different argument, this behaviour flies against the image that the Broncos have tried to portray for 21 years.

The damage this incident can do to that image, which can be totalled in very real terms in dollars (reduced gate takings, merchandise sales, sponsorship, advertising revenue), is potentially very large. Albeit, probably shortish term...I generally think it'll be largely forgotten in 6 months provided no criminal charges come out of it (which, from what I'm seeing, is highly unlikely).

However, the Broncos will have to manage this PR nightmare professionally. That may include sackings, but they'd only do that with the support of the NRL (ie, deregistration of the players to prevent some other club reaping the benefits of their development). More likely it's going to result in heavy fines, alcohol bans and strict probation.

BHQ is probably a micro demographic, but you can see bits of the various demographics out there. The moral outrage from one corner, seems to far outweigh the michael22/hammo "woohoo, wish I could get sloppy seconds with my mates too" corner.

And that's a fact the Broncos, as a company, as a rugby league club, will have to deal with.

PS: Well done, you baited me :P
Just on the marriage material issue - really at the end of the day how do you REALLY know about your partners past.

There are going to be thousands of kids out there in 20 years times who's mum copped it in all sorts of nasty ways yet the husband and kids know nothing of it.

It's what being young is all about. Carefree, having fun, getting it out of your system.

Then you can settle down and slowly morph into the sorts of people who would post their moral OUTRAGE on a forum, conveniently forgetting the misdemeanors in their own youth.
Hammo said:
Jebadude said:
OK, so what's the explanation for ruining the reputation of this proud football club??

What? Is it ruined is it? Let's not Chicken Little this Jeb.

Well FFS it isn't exactly helped is it!!!!!
I am a 22-year-old girl and I've got to say, I agree with Hammo on most of this.
As far as I'm concerned, before the mobile phone camera came into it, if all of the involved parties were adults and all were consenting, then I've got no real problem. Pretty filthy and utterly stupid of the players, but still, it's nothing criminal.
But, while filming the event without consent is disgusting and completely wrong, I don't think you can say its degrading and disrespectful to the girl - she did the degrading herself when she went into the men's toilet with three footballers.
However, these players really do need to realise that they ARE in the spotlight, whether that is fair or not, and their dumb mistakes can have big consequences. They need to be so careful and that just doesn't seem to be sinking in.
For those who seem so determined to compare these players with your average, everyday bloke, look at it this way. What they did has potential to cost the club (their employer) huge dollars. Rightly or wrongly, sponsors will be reviewing the situation, fans are reconsidering buying season tickets and attending games.

Now if your average, everyday bloke managed to lose tens of thousands of dollars of his employer's money, do you think they'd say "no worries mate, it was just a mistake, you're only 20 after all"?

I'm not saying I want them sacked immediately, I'd rather wait for the facts to come out and make up my mind based on the truth, but what these guys did is NOT ok. Not because of the act itself, but because of their position as high-profile, professional, well-paid footballers. They live a privileged life, so the risk of such behaviour is much greater for them.
Coxy said:
BHQ is probably a micro demographic, but you can see bits of the various demographics out there. The moral outrage from one corner, seems to far outweigh the michael22/hammo "woohoo, wish I could get sloppy seconds with my mates too" corner.

Mate we are realists who represent the vies of I say the bulk of that dreaded demographic known as Generation-Y. Our "corner" has argued some very valid points quite eloquently and you're choosing to ignore them. No big deal, as a I dismiss this garbage about "what will the children think" and concern for the sponsors and business as well. The Broncos would be hard done by if they lose $10 000 over this scandal. It will be cleaned up and out of the picture in a few weeks times and it will be business as usual. Sure there will now be the slurrs from rival supporters, but that's about it.
The club stood down Thaiday and Eastwood at various stages of the year for being late to training.

I can't believe Hunt, Boyd and Thaiday aren't spending time on the sideline considering they're being questioned in regards to sexual assault.
LOL! $10K. Ask the Bulldogs how much the Coffs Harbour scandal cost them, and in that instance nothing beyond a consensual gangbang happened, just as the case here.

Last estimate I heard was in excess of $2 million. That's a year's profit for the Broncos. That'd bankrupt a club like the Sharks.

This is serious, and you and your other genetically deficient Gen Yers can GAGF.
No baiting mate, I believe everything I wrote.

You are very correct, BHQ is a MICRO demographic of the general Broncos supporter base. I have already stated in numerous threads how I feel.

I wish that everyone that agrees with me would post their thoughts, however I always happy to be the steady head in a hysterical thread. I can tell you now, I know of at least 10 BHQ'ers that agree with what I'm saying.

Players have not committed a crime, yet people, using nothing but their own moral values, judge them. Which is in fact, facist.

Coxy said:
The moral outrage from one corner, seems to far outweigh the michael22/hammo "woohoo, wish I could get sloppy seconds with my mates too" corner.
Very immature Coxy. In fact slandering could be deemed unacceptable on peoples moral-values radar.