Sexual assault allegation

Your both getting a warning for being dicks (my opinion)

I know what you too are like personally and I know how thick your skins are, and you can both kiss and make up for it later.
Hammo said:
No one is saying you don't. However, we too have a right to say we think it is being blown out of proportion.

To schmix; I totally understand and agree with what you say; which is why I'm MORE disappointed with WB and the senior playing group for NOT having a no booze pact in place. I come from a regimented background myself, the thought that they were given the option beweilders me. If it is important, why didn't they say, there is no booze, not a vote FFS!

I can only guess that when the proposal was put forward, players said they would tone down the drinking but would like to be able to have a beer or two. At this time of year, mateship and team morale are more important than ever, and if a blanket ban is going to put some people offside then it might be best to trust that they'll all control themselves.

That being said, I'm shocked that these players had the guile to dismiss their captain like that. If Darren Lockyer says "if you want to win, this is what you need to do", surely you shut your mouth and bloody well do it? A journalist made an interesting point (strangely enough), saying that the Broncos are missing a real hard man. That Lockyer is a fantastic captain, but imagine players doing this while Webcke was still around, or Gordy, or Lazo.

I also wonder whether some players are a bit pissed off at Bennett (and Lockyer by default, as the two seem very close) and this is their way of rebelling against the "father figure" who is leaving them.

Whatever went down, this incident is only a symptom of far deeper problems at the Broncos.
schmix said:
That being said, I'm shocked that these players had the guile to dismiss their captain like that. If Darren Lockyer says "if you want to win, this is what you need to do", surely you shut your mouth and bloody well do it? A journalist made an interesting point (strangely enough), saying that the Broncos are missing a real hard man. That Lockyer is a fantastic captain, but imagine players doing this while Webcke was still around, or Gordy, or Lazo.

They miss a leader. Lockyer is a legend, but he isn't, nor has he ever been, a leader.

schmix said:
Whatever went down, this incident is only a symptom of far deeper problems at the Broncos.

110% agree
schmix said:
Whatever went down, this incident is only a symptom of far deeper problems at the Broncos.

Careful there man, you'll be quoted in News Ltd something along the lines of "Revelations continue in the Broncos camp that a rift has opened between the senior playing group and the younger players, who seem disrespectful to authorities that they weren't allowed out on Friday".
Disappointed in the lads.Very surprised that Sammy T and Boyd have been implicated in this affair, not so much Karmichael.The identity of the alleged fourth player is the biggest shock of all if true.

I cant possibly imagine wanting to degrade the young woman in such a way, bizarre that she was alledgedly all up for it until the phone became involved.Strange world.

Dont want them at the club.

Hammo said:
Dexter said:
Never said anywhere that she or any of the Broncs are bad ppl, simply that I am struggling with how many ppl think this is normal behaviour.

I think a lot of posters have the same attitude as you, its all right for you to do it but you wouldn't want to marry someone who did.

Complexing isn't it? Yet go out to any nightclub on Thursday, Friday or Saturday and you will see the type of behaviour everywhere. The reality is, it isn't just footy players that act like this.

That doesn't make it right
Sux to see some of the more lettered forum participants getting childish over this but I guess there's a lot of heat in this issue.

Michael22 has indeed made some good points, so has Jeanette, Hammo, Coxy, Rocky, Jeb...both "sides" (there's more than 2 sides to this one tho eh) have. I've distilled my own opinion down to this:

1) The three (four?) players have not done anything illegal or immoral (by any rational, objective standard) PROVIDED THERE WAS CONSENT.
2) The players involved have massively let their employer, their fans and their team-mates down. If there is a provision in the club's code of conduct for this type of thing then it should be acted on. The club cannot be concerned with another club benefitting from this action.
3) If the players ARE to be sacked, they need to be sacked immediately and not after the finals campaign.
4) Provided they didn't break any law I would hate to see any player get sacked over it, but I would understand if the club did that.
5) None of what I just typed matters a damn until all the facts are known.
gut I think you've summed up the way I feel as well.
Before I give my 2cents worth, let me say I have not read all 20 something pages here, got the shits after 13, so I may have missed something but here goes:

Do I condone what these young men have been accused of, NO! I don't.
I've seen thrown around that the young lady (I used the term very loosely) was 'gang banged"
Definitons of 'gang bang' must have changed (but then I'm old enough to be mum to alot on this forum)
in the last few yrs. Did these 3 young men have sex with her? I believe not,if this young thing wants to perform fellatio on the whole team (she would want very strong jaws) but good luck to her BUT dont scream wolf after the fact. It got taped, boo hoo, why would you blow 3 footy players (in the mens loo) if you weren't got to brag about it, now she has proof. If this young person is stupid enough to go into the mens loo with 3 men, whether they be high profile footy players or the local stud, I'm sorry but what does she think is going to happen???
A very large % of the posts here are going on about the players, and yes, it was silly, stupid or what ever you want to call it, but what about her? Who is she (a spy sent up by the storm) & whats her name? If she can cause all this drama, stand up and be counted. Why should she get to be protected? She had no quarms in doing the deed, why stop now.

So my postions is : I will go to the game on Sat nite (taking my mom) and I will yell and cheer on ours boys, because UNTIL such time as they are sacked or charged, leave them alone, we still have a grand final to win.
And by the way, I may be older than most here but I was young once, and I have been around the traps, but I never, went that low to give blow jobs in the mens loo. For God sake take it outside. Have some pride!
Grandma's 2cents worth
Guys, the "4th person" rumour, it's not something we want to speculate about. There is nothing in the papers saying a 4th person was involved so we don't want more stories arising from speculation on this forum. The thread stays open but any talk about a 4th person being involved is not to be discussed until it is confirmed via a press release. Break this rule = 24 hour ban.

Any issues with that, please PM an admin. Cheers.
gUt said:
Sux to see some of the more lettered forum participants getting childish over this but I guess there's a lot of heat in this issue.

Michael22 has indeed made some good points, so has Jeanette, Hammo, Coxy, Rocky, Jeb...both "sides" (there's more than 2 sides to this one tho eh) have. I've distilled my own opinion down to this:

1) The three (four?) players have not done anything illegal or immoral (by any rational, objective standard) PROVIDED THERE WAS CONSENT.
2) The players involved have massively let their employer, their fans and their team-mates down. If there is a provision in the club's code of conduct for this type of thing then it should be acted on. The club cannot be concerned with another club benefitting from this action.
3) If the players ARE to be sacked, they need to be sacked immediately and not after the finals campaign.
4) Provided they didn't break any law I would hate to see any player get sacked over it, but I would understand if the club did that.
5) None of what I just typed matters a damn until all the facts are known.

1. This is not true. There has been many rational people whose standard's dictate what has happened is wrong. If there was no question of consent, then we wouldn't be in this mess. You ask just about any lawyer what the most conceptually, evidentially and morally complex area of the law is and they will tell you consent in rape/sexual assault cases.

It is never cut and dried.

2. The only action the club could have taken to save face would have been to either suspend (my preferred) or sack the players immediately. Every other outcome is going to lose the club credibilty. FULL STOP.

4. I would hate to see the players sacked. I'm incredibly dissappointed they made this stupid mistake but you have to move on for the greater good - not the good for the 2008 season, but for the long term.

5. True but the real story is going to take time, and the longer it takes, the less and less people will support the club.
None of us can say this is right or wrong, because none of us know.

So perhaps this thread should be locked to stop arguments that account to absolutely nothing, because no one knows a damned thing about what happened in that toilet and club, at the cab rank, or hell, if there were even three Broncos players in a toilet, with a female, or anyone.

Speculation is a curse that will come back and bite, and if it does, it will be bloody hard.
subsbligh said:
gUt said:
Sux to see some of the more lettered forum participants getting childish over this but I guess there's a lot of heat in this issue.

Michael22 has indeed made some good points, so has Jeanette, Hammo, Coxy, Rocky, Jeb...both "sides" (there's more than 2 sides to this one tho eh) have. I've distilled my own opinion down to this:

1) The three (four?) players have not done anything illegal or immoral (by any rational, objective standard) PROVIDED THERE WAS CONSENT.
2) The players involved have massively let their employer, their fans and their team-mates down. If there is a provision in the club's code of conduct for this type of thing then it should be acted on. The club cannot be concerned with another club benefitting from this action.
3) If the players ARE to be sacked, they need to be sacked immediately and not after the finals campaign.
4) Provided they didn't break any law I would hate to see any player get sacked over it, but I would understand if the club did that.
5) None of what I just typed matters a damn until all the facts are known.

1. This is not true. There has been many rational people whose standard's dictate what has happened is wrong. If there was no question of consent, then we wouldn't be in this mess. You ask just about any lawyer what the most conceptually, evidentially and morally complex area of the law is and they will tell you consent in rape/sexual assault cases.

It is never cut and dried.

2. The only action the club could have taken to save face would have been to either suspend (my preferred) or sack the players immediately. Every other outcome is going to lose the club credibilty. FULL STOP.

4. I would hate to see the players sacked. I'm incredibly dissappointed they made this stupid mistake but you have to move on for the greater good - not the good for the 2008 season, but for the long term.

5. True but the real story is going to take time, and the longer it takes, the less and less people will support the club.

I know this is like a broken record, but since my peers rebutt, so shall I;

1. This is true in the eyes of me and many other rationale people who dictate this is NOT illegal and immoral. The word "wrong" is far too ambiguous for me.

2. What happens if the club suspends or (god-forbid) sacks the players, when investigations then discover that no crime has ben committed and in fact no breach of player code of conduct was breached. It would make us look like arsehats wouldn't it? Especially in this democratic country we live in.

5. How many less people? Considering the game is almost sold out....on the first day tickets have been on sale to the general public?

I'm not defending the players, but we must let justice take it's course. We must judge the players involved unfairly and further more, we shouldn't throw away a semi final on an allegation.