Sexual assault allegation

Hammo you are taking things too far, you now are saying that the rest of us that don't agree are irrationale and that what was done is not immoral. Agree at this stage nothing illegal as no charges but the jury is out there until the police finish investigating.

I have said before and will say again let each to their own have a view and let it be.

Immoral depends on the persons own morals so it is immoral to some and not to others.

Move on mate or you will as they say "be sitting down for a while"
Hammo said:
subsbligh said:
gUt said:
Sux to see some of the more lettered forum participants getting childish over this but I guess there's a lot of heat in this issue.

Michael22 has indeed made some good points, so has Jeanette, Hammo, Coxy, Rocky, Jeb...both "sides" (there's more than 2 sides to this one tho eh) have. I've distilled my own opinion down to this:

1) The three (four?) players have not done anything illegal or immoral (by any rational, objective standard) PROVIDED THERE WAS CONSENT.
2) The players involved have massively let their employer, their fans and their team-mates down. If there is a provision in the club's code of conduct for this type of thing then it should be acted on. The club cannot be concerned with another club benefitting from this action.
3) If the players ARE to be sacked, they need to be sacked immediately and not after the finals campaign.
4) Provided they didn't break any law I would hate to see any player get sacked over it, but I would understand if the club did that.
5) None of what I just typed matters a damn until all the facts are known.

1. This is not true. There has been many rational people whose standard's dictate what has happened is wrong. If there was no question of consent, then we wouldn't be in this mess. You ask just about any lawyer what the most conceptually, evidentially and morally complex area of the law is and they will tell you consent in rape/sexual assault cases.

It is never cut and dried.

2. The only action the club could have taken to save face would have been to either suspend (my preferred) or sack the players immediately. Every other outcome is going to lose the club credibilty. FULL STOP.

4. I would hate to see the players sacked. I'm incredibly dissappointed they made this stupid mistake but you have to move on for the greater good - not the good for the 2008 season, but for the long term.

5. True but the real story is going to take time, and the longer it takes, the less and less people will support the club.

I know this is like a broken record, but since my peers rebutt, so shall I;

1. This is true in the eyes of me and many other rationale people who dictate this is NOT illegal and immoral. The word "wrong" is far too ambiguous for me.

2. What happens if the club suspends or (god-forbid) sacks the players, when investigations then discover that no crime has ben committed and in fact no breach of player code of conduct was breached. It would make us look like arsehats wouldn't it? Especially in this democratic country we live in.

5. How many less people? Considering the game is almost sold out....on the first day tickets have been on sale to the general public?

I'm not defending the players, but we must let justice take it's course. We must judge the players involved unfairly and further more, we shouldn't throw away a semi final on an allegation.

Sounds good to me Hammo, sounds good to me.
My forecast is...nothing will happen as the female involved will simply withdraw her complaint. Why will she ?

I think the embarrassment alone will be enough (of a court case publicly covered ) may be that the authorities already have a fair idea how this case will go....Innocent until PROVEN guilty....until then...let's bash Melbourne and go on to Prem 7

I don't feel let down by the players..they are no different than any other group in the community and I expect them to perform as any others would. Morality has not been offended as what's morale is whatever the majority of people in a society think is acceptable even if another, more strict or lenient view exists.

The only issue for me will be the matter of consent. Doubtless that will be established in due course. In my view, the chances of Bronc players being in trouble will probably be about 500 to 1

It will quickly become last weeks news.
Yeah im pretty sure this wont affect our sponsorship.

People will be queuing up regardless of these allegations. Brisbane is one of the most financially successful clubs and money means business.

Id bet a tiny proportion of people who say they wont renew membership or wont go to games actually do it. I feel the broncos will be fine, we wont have to worry about sponsorship and by the time the new season rolls around this will be forgotten and we'll begin our season as defending premiers!!
I agree that this will have little affect on our sponsorship, if one of our major sponsors did pull out there will be another to fill the void quickly. Canterbury and the West Coast eagles both maintained there major sponsors through their off field ordeals and their with Mitsubishi and Hungry Jacks respectively (alot bigger companies than WOW).

The main reason the Doggies lost so much money during there rape scandals was the massive fines the NRL gave them due to the way the situation was handled after the incident (i.e. not co-operating).

Ticket sales certainly haven't been affected this week either!! I think people are massively overstating the financial damage this situation is putting us in.
As I’ve said on another thread, with investigations continuing, I can’t cast judgement on what happened without having been there or spoken to those involved. A lot of opinions have been expressed and it has been interested to read how people feel and view this scandal. If the allegations are shown to be true, it will be extremely devastating.

However, one thing I do want to raise is with all this bad publicity and speculation as to what has happened, Broncos fans need to stand together and maturely approach this issue. We will no doubt be taunted, jeered, ridiculed by opposition fans and others for our association and support of the club, whether on the forum, at games or by our mere show of support with the wearing of the club colours – it is inevitable and the nature of society and the game. I believe it is important that if this happens, we respond in a way that will NOT potentially paint any further bad light on our team, and in particular, on those players/coaches/staff who are not involved and wish to get on with the game.

From the sounds of things, ticket sales have not been affected by this fiasco and I hope to see many fans out there supporting the Broncos this Saturday night! icon_thumbs_u
That "One Broncos player has developed quite a reputation as a party animal and the club is concerned he is influencing young teammates."

Can that person be named?
lockyer47 said:
That "One Broncos player has developed quite a reputation as a party animal and the club is concerned he is influencing young teammates."

Can that person be named?

Agree with most of what Hammo said. It doesn't appear at this stage as though criminal charges will be laid and therefore no action is necessary against the players.

Can't believe some ppl are still calling for sackings and players to be stood down. Ridiculously over-sensitive.
I think a lot of supporters myself included were just really shocked and hurt plus disgusted that this broke about our club. We have always held it in such high esteem. Had our problems but dealt with them quickly and without dragging anything out. Now we are in the midst of that.

Myself now am rethinking after hearing Bennett say the players can celebrate a win as they are young. . At once stage at training yesterday they were all sitting and heads down WB had his arm around K's shoulder and gave him some fatherly(in my eyes) pats on the back.

Never judged them to be guilty until proven so but still I believe what hurts me more is the fact they had no consideration for the Club,Coach or Captain only for themselves. They could have taken the ban when Locky proposed it.
Doesn't show a tight knit team imo. That to me is not good so close to the finals.
Still think the toilet act was sick even if it does go on all the time as some on here say. There is such a thing as morals and pride in oneself drunk or not.

They will feel the embarrassment when they run onto the field in front of a packed house who all will know what they have done but i hope that fires them up.
subsbligh said:
Hammo said:
Dexter said:
Never said anywhere that she or any of the Broncs are bad ppl, simply that I am struggling with how many ppl think this is normal behaviour.

I think a lot of posters have the same attitude as you, its all right for you to do it but you wouldn't want to marry someone who did.

Complexing isn't it? Yet go out to any nightclub on Thursday, Friday or Saturday and you will see the type of behaviour everywhere. The reality is, it isn't just footy players that act like this.

That doesn't make it right

How does it make it wrong?

Morally for you it might not be right, but for a 21 year old male? **** yeah, get on board! Who are you to judge people's morals and beliefs?

For the record, I have no problem with 3 blokes rooting a chick in a public toilet. HOWEVER, because their is a police investigation into a sexual assault claim, I feel uneasy with the players taking the field this weekend. If we find out all the facts and nothing was deemed illegal (e.g., filming, unconsensual acts) then as far as I am concerned this is a complete non-issue. Just 4 consenting adults having a bit of fun on a Saturday night, doing stuff which happens every single weekend, football player or not.
The difference between your local lads and the footy lads is that these players have sat through educational seminars on how they are "role models" and need to look after the reputation of themselves and their clubs as part of their job description and why they are getting paid the $300,000 a season. They're entrusted to keep the values and behave themselves during the season, and to a lesser extent the off season.

Also, not surprised to hear that the woman was partying it up at a hen's night. Those things are pretty focussed on sex and how much you can get and how much you can drink. So many hen's nights have "objectives" that people need to meet by the end of the night etc....scavenger hunts (no pun intended) with certain acts you must perform to win, the more points the dirtier it is....I'm sure the fact she was on a hen's night won't help her case.
I heard on the radio this morning that word is none of the players will be charged unless more evidence is presented.
Indeed. But you know, it's not immoral, so we have nothing to worry about. Right?
Police are investigating claims the woman entered the male toilets at the nightclub with the three Broncos about 8pm and engaged in various sex acts which were recorded on a mobile phone camera.

The woman later left the toilet and told a friend about the alleged incident.

Her parents were contacted and the incident was reported to police, who established a crime scene at the venue in McLachlan St.,23739,24358220-3102,00.html

It would be interesting to know who exactly the person who's complaining is :roll:

This is just a mountain out of a molehill, it really is. I don't personally think it's alright behavior to give out gobbys in a public toilet or receive them off randoms in a public toilet either, but each to their own and it's not like they did it out in the middle of the street. That said, they are still stupid for doing it considering their reasonably high profile in society and they should NOT have been out drinking in the middle of the bloody finals series. I'm 99% sure things like this have happened many times before to footballers of all codes everywhere in the world but in those other instances the slapper involved didn't get the guilts about it afterwards.