Sexual assault allegation

The media could be making mountains out of molehills but I don't like seeing my club plastered across the front page of leading newspapers along the eastern seaboard linked to a sex act. Brisbane has marketed itself as a family club. Shit like this isn't helpful and the players should have known better. I find is agitating the game of the season is likely to take place on Saturday night and all everyone is talking about is this fucking incident.

I've got zero sympathy for them. They fall under the Broncos banner and therefore they shouldn't be doing shit like this in public. Take it to the bedroom where it belongs.
Exactly Steve. People can say it's a mountain out of a mole hill or whatever, but it wouldn't be an issue if they had shown some self control and not let it happen huh?

Agreed. Zero sympathy.
Exactly Rock. How long before there's jokes that play on WOW Blow jobs? Or what did the Broncos do when they got out of the toilet? Jumped in the air and said "Oh what a feeling".

Brand recognition - positive - is very hard to get and very easy to destroy.
Scotty said:
mrslong said:
B.F.F scotty?

BFF? Whats that? Blue finned ? [icon_shru [icon_lol1.
Ah, khem, hmmm....I don't want to get in trouble, but if you are familiar with Stephen Lynch (youtube) he sings about this protective friend that women usually take along with them to clubs to Protect them. [icon_shady
I really hope the Broncos hold these blokes accountable and make them apologise to the fans before Saturday night.
Scotty said:
Police are investigating claims the woman entered the male toilets at the nightclub with the three Broncos about 8pm and engaged in various sex acts which were recorded on a mobile phone camera.

The woman later left the toilet and told a friend about the alleged incident.

Her parents were contacted and the incident was reported to police, who established a crime scene at the venue in McLachlan St.,23739,24358220-3102,00.html

It would be interesting to know who exactly the person who's complaining is :roll:

This is just a mountain out of a molehill, it really is. I don't personally think it's alright behavior to give out gobbys in a public toilet or receive them off randoms in a public toilet either, but each to their own and it's not like they did it out in the middle of the street. That said, they are still stupid for doing it considering their reasonably high profile in society and they should NOT have been out drinking in the middle of the bloody finals series. I'm 99% sure things like this have happened many times before to footballers of all codes everywhere in the world but in those other instances the slapper involved didn't get the guilts about it afterwards.

I agree with pretty much everything you've said Scotty, but c'mon, you really think that just because they are in the middle of a finals series the boys aren't going to drink? Be real. They wouldn't have training until Monday so they would have gone hard on Saturday night.

The longer this goes on, the less likely the 3 amigos are going to get charged. I'm reading it like this:
- Girl on hen's night. Fairly drunk and keen for it.
- See 3 young high profile guys. Hits them up.
- Boys say '**** yeah,' and take her to the men's room.
- Do what they do, film it. At this point, I'm still uncertain as to whether she cared or not
- Girl tells friends, they all have a bit of a giggle except for one party pooper.
- Shit friend cons girl into telling the po po.
I interpret things similarly Jester. But the issue here isn't the incident itself, it's the idiocy of the players getting into this position at all.

And it's going to have to result in alcohol bans for those concerned, and probably even banning them from visiting this establishment and others.

And really, footballers SHOULD be banned from drinking by their clubs during a finals campaign. People say they're adults, but they've gone straight from school into this environment. Many of them aren't adults, not mentally or intellectually.
I thought they didn't train till Monday morning by reports. Hannant was interviewed saying he'd just rocked up to training and first he'd heard of it, and that was Monday.

The boys would've had a recovery session Saturday morning, made plans for the rest of the day from there I'd reckon.
I'll have to look up that Stephen Lynch thing when I get home.

I doubt the fans will get an apology. Probably because the accused are claiming innocence, and an apology will be admitting they have done something wrong.
The apology will be in form of the best game either have played in thier careers, anything less and they can be wiped off the register.

Anyways, over it, let play some footy.
Scotty said:
I'll have to look up that Stephen Lynch thing when I get home.

I doubt the fans will get an apology. Probably because the accused are claiming innocence, and an apology will be admitting they have done something wrong.
I'll post a link in the youtube thread...

I hope we win on Saturday night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Je$ter said:
The longer this goes on, the less likely the 3 amigos are going to get charged. I'm reading it like this:
- Girl on hen's night. Fairly drunk and keen for it.
- See 3 young high profile guys. Hits them up.
- Boys say '**** yeah,' and take her to the men's room.
- Do what they do, film it. At this point, I'm still uncertain as to whether she cared or not
- Girl tells friends, they all have a bit of a giggle except for one party pooper.
- Shit friend cons girl into telling the po po.

This is how I interpret it as well - and most likely all the police will have in their investigation. It doesn't take away from the fact that all people involved were very stupid in their actions - but I can't see this going any further. Those boys have just ruined their footballing repuations and may never get them back.
Yep. Assuming no criminal charges come of this, how will you feel in 2 years time or whatever when they announce Karmichael Hunt as captain? Personally I couldn't stomach that. Sex crap aside, going out and having a massive bender 24 hours after a semi while still in contention, putting himself in a potentially dangerous can you respect that in a leader?
Yes, but again, that's not widely public. Sure, lots of people know about his antics as a younger guy, as they did with some former captains. But it wasn't a nation wide scandal like this.

Bear in mind club captain has much more responsibility than just leading the team on the field. There's still no question about these guys' on field efforts or abilities.
Scotty said:
I doubt the fans will get an apology. Probably because the accused are claiming innocence, and an apology will be admitting they have done something wrong.

Sure, and the it's highly likely they won't be found guilty of criminal activity. But i'd suggest the apology be completely specific to the fact they were out lapping it up big time in the middle of a finals series, depsite warnings from the captain and perhaps others, and in doing so placed themselves in a position that posed a risk to the repuations of many. Put simply - publicly apologise to the club, the sponsors and the fans for being irresponsible, careless and disrespectful to all concerned.

Whether they'll be genuinly sorry for their actions I dunno, but it probably won't do their's and the clubs reputations any harm from a PR perspective given the public and media outcry you usually get with these type of situations.
I wonder if this chick has thought about the fact that if it goes to court we ALL (including her employers) find out who she is and what she looks like - even dig up old dirt on her (thats what the lawyers will do).