Sexual assault allegation

hol said:
Just e-mailed this on the Casablanca's website.

I am quite disappointed after seeing your irresponsible story in regards to Darren Lockyer 'tackling' one of your staff members. As a club/cafe that has made significant profit with your proximity to Suncorp Stadium (and by extension, the Brisbane Broncos games), I find it deplorable that Casablanca are cashing in on the off-field woes of the Brisbane Broncos.

If the patrons were obviously intoxicated, it begs the question why they were continued to be served alcohol in the first place? Surely, in accordance with liquor licensing laws & regulations and RSA policies, this is not allowed? Why was this alleged assault not reported to the police, and instead aired on national television?

Before Saturday's game, I was planning on having dinner and drinks at Casablanca's. Instead, I will take my dollars elsewhere and encourage everyone else to do the same.

Unfortunately, if this incident did in fact occur, it's legitimacy has been tarnished as it just looks like a cheap grap for publicity on the part of your club.

Wow man. You go!
Public perception that footballers are role=models is the publics fault.

The public should mind their own goddammed business. The money a footballers paid is also nothing to do with it...heaps of people earn what the footballers earn including myself. No-one cares if I get a blowie and my similarly high-paid workmates get one at the same time.

None of you have the right to judge what's right or wrong, moral or not......the girls mental state can only be guessed at even by those best qualified in the field of mental health care. It's an inexact science and no half pissed footballer should be expected to make a valid observation when sober specialists struggle to make those same observations under ideal conditions.

Hundreds of these morning after, light of day allegations are made in all walks of life. When all people are judged the same then I'll be happy with footballers being hauled over the coals.

I hope they keep winning and I hope thousands more women offer them rewards. Such incentive !!!!!

Miss Fellatio Hornblower 2008 probably already regrets what happened and wishes she had'nt opened her many times that is lol...
Bianc - Saw and thought the same, and Gordie summed up my current mood on the situation. You can't condone the stupidity but it just goes to show the media likes nothing more than kicking something when it's down - no different to the stupidity surrounding Qantas and any time smoke or a smell is detected.

RE: Casablanca - great grubby journalism there, and a great way to bite the hand that feeds you.
I acknowledge that my humble opinion I doubt it will have even a tiny effect on the companies business but the point is made and I accept your point of view.

I find it hard to condemn the players for doing something thats been done a 100 million times before given their age,position and state of sobreity at the time. it's an offer usually too good to refuse and has been a source of amusement for so many over so many years in so many films...the blowie whilst addressing a gathering, the blowie under the table at Christmas dinner, the blowie when driving in public etc etc...

My guess is that the players involved will have been told by the club,lawyers and police that they will have little to worry about...I reckon it'll just blow over......
Dave said:
Is Casablanca directly across from Hotel LA?

If so this has to be the lamest place in Caxton Street. From what I have seen the only reason the Broncos would have been there is because they could get drinks quicker, there is never anyone there before the games and afterwards a few drunks might drop in to belt out some karaoke (could it be the Stable when they are in town?)

That's the place. Fair dinkum, every place in Caxton Street is packed on an Origin night except Casablanca. It's lame as.
Dominic said:
So Lockyer goes and gets hammered a couple of weeks after telling the boys to ease off the drink.LOL.

Wonderful example.

That is Gold if it happens to be him.

This story would never have gone public if it wasn't for the sex assault allegations.

The media are definitely trying to stick it in.

I tell you what guys though, We need to win the GF, nothing less now, imagine the Media if we lose, they are going to have a field day.

That is the funny thing about them, if we win the GF, we will be seen as heroes. I can already imagine the headlines....

As far as im concerned:

[icon_drun [icon_drun [icon_drun [icon_drun [icon_drun
Does this say:
Footy players are known for this sort of thing
A message to women to never lodge complaints against footy players as they will always get off?
Nashy said:
Lockyer tackled him? I smell BS. If he can't do it when he's working, why could he do it when he's drinking!

Zing! Nice one Nashy! [icon_lol1.
Public perception that footballers are role=models is the publics fault.

The public should mind their own goddammed business. The money a footballers paid is also nothing to do with it...heaps of people earn what the footballers earn including myself. No-one cares if I get a blowie and my similarly high-paid workmates get one at the same time.

None of you have the right to judge what's right or wrong, moral or not......the girls mental state can only be guessed at even by those best qualified in the field of mental health care. It's an inexact science and no half pissed footballer should be expected to make a valid observation when sober specialists struggle to make those same observations under ideal conditions.

Hundreds of these morning after, light of day allegations are made in all walks of life. When all people are judged the same then I'll be happy with footballers being hauled over the coals.

I hope they keep winning and I hope thousands more women offer them rewards. Such incentive !!!!!

Miss Fellatio Hornblower 2008 probably already regrets what happened and wishes she had'nt opened her many times that is lol...

We can be confident of one thing. No chick could ever be drunk enough to give Nutley a blowie in the toilets.
bianc said:
Does this say:
Footy players are known for this sort of thing
A message to women to never lodge complaints against footy players as they will always get off?

i can't quite tell if the video footage was actually used by the broncos as evidence (and if so it would confirm their innocence in regard to assault), or was it just their word vs hers/etc. can anyone confirm/deny ? i'm pretty sure even if the video was deleted from the phone the police have techniques to recover deleted data - i know it can be done on harddrives quite easily.. not sure about a phones memory card/etc.
It can be done on phones as the use the same file system as a USB(i think) FAT32 or NTFS, the problem is not recovering the file, they would have done that anyway.
Apparently the video on the phone still remains, and the girl gives consent.

So I've heard (from a 3rd hand source mind you)
Clintos said:
Other NRL players are defending the Broncos. Innocent until proven guilty.,865 ... 14,00.html

In summary:
- shouldn't be stood down until charged...innocent until proven guilty
- public mud slinging sticks and your reputation is damaged forever
- nothing wrong with drinking during the finals
- days of going night clubbing numbered

I agree with all of the above, though point 3 within moderation. Scrutiny is getting tighter and tighter, and players just have to learn to deal with it.

So again, regardless of criminal outcomes here, these guys have to learn a lesson from this. They aren't innocent, not in all senses of the word. They aren't victims.
Let's not forget that a lot of the players would be under a great deal of stress. A great number of people like to go out for a drink or two with some mates to relieve stress. Personally, I find nothing less stressful than hanging out with a group of your good mates, drink in hand and having a good time.

Now, I am in no way condoning these allegations, but people need to remember that football players are just like us. Put yourself in some of their shoes. Young males enjoy going out and strutting their stuff, which is amplified tenfold when you have a recognizable face. It's probably an ego thing if anything. They know they are famous, so they take advantage of it, which in this case may have backfired.