Sexual assault allegation

Coxy said:
Public perception that footballers are role=models is the publics fault.

The public should mind their own goddammed business. The money a footballers paid is also nothing to do with it...heaps of people earn what the footballers earn including myself. No-one cares if I get a blowie and my similarly high-paid workmates get one at the same time.

None of you have the right to judge what's right or wrong, moral or not......the girls mental state can only be guessed at even by those best qualified in the field of mental health care. It's an inexact science and no half pissed footballer should be expected to make a valid observation when sober specialists struggle to make those same observations under ideal conditions.

Hundreds of these morning after, light of day allegations are made in all walks of life. When all people are judged the same then I'll be happy with footballers being hauled over the coals.

I hope they keep winning and I hope thousands more women offer them rewards. Such incentive !!!!!

Miss Fellatio Hornblower 2008 probably already regrets what happened and wishes she had'nt opened her many times that is lol...

We can be confident of one thing. No chick could ever be drunk enough to give Nutley a blowie in the toilets.

I duno if its just me but why would she have done something with thiaday i mean hello. I can understand boyd and hunt lol
They're just like us, except they have a big fucking target on them. This girl could just have easily filmed what went on and broadcast it on youtube.

Or worse, rather than complain to police, she complained to Today Tonight. How do they know that someone's not just out to get their own 15 minutes of fame by getting high profile footballers in trouble?

As others have said in another thread, why isn't having some beers with mates at home any less stress relieving?
I think it may have already hit some of the clubs to do just that Coxy.
Talking to the bus driver on the way home from work and he was saying that after the GF up here you always see the players hanging out around the streets, causing trouble etc and this year he has not seen anyone at all.
Maybe there has been a lesson learnt.

Bellamy gave a warning in the papers about Mad Monday last week. Remember him saying that his players have to celebrate alone in a room as it is not safe to do so out in public even after winning a GF.
Media attention now is so full on.
Then again they knew that when they went out but they had gotten away with it before obviously according to many who have in the past written about certain players on this forum and what they have seen them do.
Coxy said:
They're just like us, except they have a big **** target on them. This girl could just have easily filmed what went on and broadcast it on youtube.

Or worse, rather than complain to police, she complained to Today Tonight. How do they know that someone's not just out to get their own 15 minutes of fame by getting high profile footballers in trouble?

As others have said in another thread, why isn't having some beers with mates at home any less stress relieving?

Because they don't get the attention from drunk whores that they would get out in the city. They have to satisfy their own egos.
It isn't any less stress relieving. As I said, it is probably an ego thing. In their heads they probably think they deserve to go out and have a good time and soak in all the attention that they will receive in doing so.

From the other perspective it gives the clubs that they go to some extra publicity. I'm not suggesting anything, but the players may get offered free drinks or something to pull them into the club, thus bringing more people into the club for a chance to rub shoulders with some of the Broncos players.

Therefore, it could be a cheaper alternative AND fuel their egos. I don't actually know this, but food for thought.
Alhambra offer way more than free drinks from what I've heard. I know that shit happens. I would think players, no matter how young, would be smart enough to realise it's not worth the risk.

But clearly they're not, so they need to be treated like children and told "you can't go here, there, or there, you can't do this, that or that...otherwise Time Out mister!".

Sounds awful, but FFS, see mal's signature!
You're exactly right Coxy. It is a shame that they aren't smart enough to realise that. Unfortunately testosterone is just too powerful a thing.

On another note, I think it's great that Uber has banned football players from entry now. One less play for trouble.
Agree. Mind you, then on the news last night they were taking a photo of the Broncos or whatever and some idiot yelled out something like "**** you Uber" or whatever. Great work guys. You could hear others in the team saying "Shut up you idiot" after it was said.
Blondie said:
Coxy said:
Public perception that footballers are role=models is the publics fault.

The public should mind their own goddammed business. The money a footballers paid is also nothing to do with it...heaps of people earn what the footballers earn including myself. No-one cares if I get a blowie and my similarly high-paid workmates get one at the same time.

None of you have the right to judge what's right or wrong, moral or not......the girls mental state can only be guessed at even by those best qualified in the field of mental health care. It's an inexact science and no half pissed footballer should be expected to make a valid observation when sober specialists struggle to make those same observations under ideal conditions.

Hundreds of these morning after, light of day allegations are made in all walks of life. When all people are judged the same then I'll be happy with footballers being hauled over the coals.

I hope they keep winning and I hope thousands more women offer them rewards. Such incentive !!!!!

Miss Fellatio Hornblower 2008 probably already regrets what happened and wishes she had'nt opened her many times that is lol...

We can be confident of one thing. No chick could ever be drunk enough to give Nutley a blowie in the toilets.

I duno if its just me but why would she have done something with thiaday i mean hello. I can understand boyd and hunt lol
From what I'm told she is nothing special...perhaps started with thaiday and then realised boyd and hunt were part of the deal?

I just dunno what thaiday and boyd were thinking, don't they have girlfriends??? [icon_thumbs_do
It's funny. I remember the Bulldogs players making jokes and stuff when hounded by media too. Only further damaged the club's reputation.

It was just another (minor) incident that has disappointed me with this whole scandal. The last thing the players need to do is give the media sharks more berley to frenzy over.
that will only build tension between players, and it can't help our performance. what a stupid thing to do in the current climate.

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