Should Mam be sacked?

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  • Yes

    Votes: 45 50.6%
  • No

    Votes: 44 49.4%

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There is a real leadership vacuum at the Broncos at the moment, similar to 07-09 when Hunt became the dominate voice of the younger players and it didn't work out well. Broncos had mass fines and four sackings in 12 months in that period.

Lockyer was still there but like Reynolds he wasn't the voice being listened to by the younger players.
That's interesting imo. Does that mean the football department should be looking at the captaincy, and the veteran players as being different things entirely?

I've heard of it being done in AFL, with their club captains handing over the captaincy and playing on, but I'm not sure if the NRL would be ready for an idea like that or not?
That's just the media trying to drag this story out for the rest of the off season.

There was only one quote in that entire article and it was what Mam said at the time of the racism scandal
Maybe, or his manager has his fingerprints all over it.
There's a narrative being built here.
He's an exceptional young man.
He's lost his way
He's remorseful.
He's checked into rehab
The racial slur triggered his slide.

IMO They know the tests are coming back bad and are doing their best to get ahead of it.

Personally I hope he stays a Bronco and Madge gets a chance to build a culture though I don't think he survives if the tests show that he was driving under the influence.
I think people forget just how many players have been caught on the chems. It's absolutely prolific and I'd wager a good sum that most NRL players are at the very least intermittently using it. Mam's circumstance is largely due to potentially being impaired while driving and having a bad accident. The coke use, you're kidding yourself if you don't think at least half the team are hitting the marching powder.
Let's face it, if the Broncos didn't have such a bad year, we wouldn't have heard a peep about what Mam wore to the awards night.

Did they forget what he did last year? But we were top of the ladder with Penrith then so no one cared.

Why does everyone get so caught up in what the team did in previous years? Like it matters. They made a GF, they should have won it, they choked, they lost. Their reply to that was a shit season. Why do we still care about the GF year?
Why does everyone get so caught up in what the team did in previous years? Like it matters. They made a GF, they should have won it, they choked, they lost. Their reply to that was a shit season. Why do we still care about the GF year?

Because the whole point of my post was that no one cared what he wore to the Broncos presentation last year when we were winning. So the outrage over what he wore this year is a little ridiculous.
Because the whole point of my post was that no one cared what he wore to the Broncos presentation last year when we were winning. So the outrage over what he wore this year is a little ridiculous.
Sure, winning solves everything. But when you aren't winning, that's when existing problems fester.

Out of interest, what did he wear in 23?
Because the whole point of my post was that no one cared what he wore to the Broncos presentation last year when we were winning. So the outrage over what he wore this year is a little ridiculous.
I guess after such a pathetic would hope the playing group would be a bit subdued.....embarrassed even

not show boating.
More to the point, his manager wants to pull the race card, we should pull his contract. IF (to be confirmed) he did in fact drive under the influence, that’s called being a fucken idiot. It doesn’t matter whether you are black, white, brown, yellow or a Smurf. You are a fucken idiot.
For reference, you get abused, racially vilified for free in the lower grades and park footy growing up. I’m NOT condoning it, ever…. But mate, you’re an adult getting paid 850K per year to play one of the toughest sports on earth. And your “slide” started because someone called you names?! 😂
Again, let me get this straight, you get smashed in tackles and head high-ed… but you’re slumping all year because someone called you names?!
Get fucked.
Because the whole point of my post was that no one cared what he wore to the Broncos presentation last year when we were winning. So the outrage over what he wore this year is a little ridiculous.
There was an absolute uproar about his shorts in 2023
There was an absolute uproar about his shorts in 2023
I guess it all comes down to perception. In 2023, the players could have rocked up to the presentation in tshirt, board shorts and flipflops and they still probably would have been cheered and adored by fans/the media. But after this season being the complete opposite, everything is looked at with a microscope. Maybe its perceived as a sign of disrespect from Ezra to the club and fans after woeful performances. Kind of a **** you, 'I'll wear what I want, when I want' attitude.

Not saying this was Ezra's thought process (I'm sure it wasn't), but again, perceptions. Some of these footy players really need to read the room better.
12 pages as we speak. Result is 50/50 so far...

What do you think the board is thinking?

Siebold took a sledgehammer to the club, but Kevin was cancer. One outside, the other inside; both about culture.

The Mam deal is bad. He's not the half he sold. He has no potential to manage. He is inexperienced, and the spine is too youthful.

Walsh, Mam, Madden, 26.

Fire him. Get a mentor beyond Reynolds at half.

As for an uprising, COVID taught me that people lay down very quick, and adapt. Carrigan, Hass, or any other of experience would be feeling real sheepish. No leadership circle to date.

Mam who?
12 pages as we speak. Result is 50/50 so far...

What do you think the board is thinking?

Siebold took a sledgehammer to the club, but Kevin was cancer. One outside, the other inside; both about culture.

The Mam deal is bad. He's not the half he sold. He has no potential to manage. He is inexperienced, and the spine is too youthful.

Walsh, Mam, Madden, 26.

Fire him. Get a mentor beyond Reynolds at half.

As for an uprising, COVID taught me that people lay down very quick, and adapt. Carrigan, Hass, or any other of experience would be feeling real sheepish. No leadership circle to date.

Mam who?

Madden isn't it. Would rather keep Mam honestly.

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