I have never sought to defend a lack of effort on Milford's part.
All I have tried to do was provide some context for why he has found it difficult to create the opportunities he is capable of because of the poor performances by the team in attack and defence which explain our losses.
No mate, the complete lack of involvement on Milfords behalf cannot be blamed on the team.
The team don't stop him from getting his hands on the ball, or trying to produce opportunities.
You have defended him time and again by redirecting to the team, but the team (who are mostly vastly less experienced and on far less money) are not responsible for Milford being no where near the ball for the better part of the last 3 games.
The team are not playing well, Milford is not playing at all.
Like it has been stated, Milfords lack of effort is the issue, he is going missing each game and that is on him.
edit: All that being said, in a perfect world, Milford comes out against the Titans and has a blinder, realizes he is capable of so much more and gets involved 100% more than he has been.
I just think if he was capable of doing that, he would have by now as im sure he would have turned it around after the 59-0 flogging.