VOTE Should the club roll the dice on Tevita Pangai Jr again?

Would you like to see Tevita Pangai Jr playing for the Broncos again?

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Big Del

Big Del

NRL Captain
Apr 22, 2017
Your post suggested he had, and then made character comments based on this.

It's pretty easy to bag TPJ, you don't need to make stuff up to do it.

Ooh so very touchy .
Didn`t you know BG has a crystal ball ?
She knows things . LOL .


Deep in the Heart of Queensland
Nov 9, 2022
Your post suggested he had, and then made character comments based on this.

It's pretty easy to bag TPJ, you don't need to make stuff up to do it.
It's pretty easy to make an educated guess based on past behaviour too.
Bucking Beads

Bucking Beads

International Captain
Mar 5, 2008
you’d have to assume if we do sign him
He’ll be a bench forward who can play edge and middle. I don’t know if signing helps us much.


International Captain
Jul 28, 2016
Not sure I would trust that he could play extended minutes in his current state (lack of NRL training, etc.), so in that sense I'm not sure what value he can actually bring to a top 17.

Even at full fitness I don't think he can handle edge defence anyway... he's great with his attack on an edge and offloading, but his defence and fitness on an edge has always been a concern.

Teams kept paying him thinking they could use him on the edge for 80mins (Ciraldo at dogs), only to quickly realise he can't play there and pushing him into prop, to then realising he can only play about 15-20mins and needs 3 stints each game to get value. Kevvie realised this back before he was released and used the 3 stints to get decent output from him.

In his current state I'd say he's basically 20-30mins bench forward either side of halftime... which would be a massive luxury signing.


State of Origin Rep
Jun 5, 2019
No doubt about it, TPJ is a thug, a grub, a hit man and a scumbag.
Exactly what the Broncos are missing.
We have no one with that mongrel that makes the small guys on the opposition team shit themselves everytime he is on the field.

Flegler was close, but more penalty prone.
Hetherington has potential, but seems like a nice guy capable of big hits.
We need a motherfucker on the team that will bust Cleary's knees, or coat-hanger Munster etc.

Sign him up already.


International Rep
Aug 25, 2018
No doubt about it, TPJ is a thug, a grub, a hit man and a scumbag.
Exactly what the Broncos are missing.
We have no one with that mongrel that makes the small guys on the opposition team shit themselves everytime he is on the field.
We just filled that job description in our wrestling coach. So far, not so good there.

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