State of Origin - Game II - Post Match Discussion

Wouldn't be complete without a Blues sooky lala.

It was a king hit, pure and simple and in a day and age where punching is completely outlawed, a punch of that magnitude should have you sit down for the rest of the game.

That didn't happen and instead Queensland lost an entire fringe.

Refs. lost control of the match, if Gallen was rightfully penalised for spending an age on the tackled player none of that mess breaks down.
You weren't screwed, nothing went against you tonight.
They out played us all across the park. The only real screwing I can remember was after the first try set for us and Smith did a carbon copy of the first strip penalty and it was let go and QLD regathered.

Smith is a master of getting away with everything but he has been doing it for years at every level of the game so nothing is new there.
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Twiztid said:
Smith is a master of getting away with everything but he has been doing it for years at every level of the game so nothing is new there.

Except in Game I.
Nah he still got away with a fair bit in game 1. Just not as much as he usually does. He gets that every now and then at the Storm and then goes on a great streak of getting away with it again.
Point was he doesn't get away with everything though and really you can say the exact same about Farah & Gallen really.

Queensland only really received that one blantant call - and I'd say the wrongful binnings had a far bigger impact than Hoffman's crappy handling.
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Point was he doesn't get away with everything though and really you can say the exact same about Farah & Gallen really.

The difference between Farah and Gallen is Smith is more a wrist grabber, arm locker or leg trapper. Gallen is more dirty actions player (pushing off the head, dog shots etc) and is a target by refs for it. Farah just holds for too long in a sprawl because he seems to be the only one defending at the Tigers in most matches.

Watch Smith closely over the next few weeks (or go back and watch the last few games) and see how much he grabs the wrist, wraps up the ball or tangles in the arms and how he scorpions players ankles/legs. Great player and obviously so well drilled to be able to get away with it more than any other player week in week out.
Mate, just about every player in the competition gets away with those incidents - if the refs. were to penalise every incident tonight I'd imagine the penalty count would have been higher than the scoreline.

Reminds me of the 'knee crowding' complaints. :laugh:
The guy that plays with high intensity for the first 15 mins and then literally does nothing for the rest of the game? I think we already have him.

Well he can do Hala's job then and Hala can have Sam's job, at least we know we will get 15 mins of decent effort from Sammy then.
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May Mythchell Pearce's long career of mediocrity continue!

I actually thought Pearce was a stand out in a broken team last night. Well.. his running game at least.

The outcome of the 'fight' is determined by who threw punches. As far as I've seen that's Merrin and probably Hodges. Tate pushed Gallen who was holding in the tackle, a push is not a punch and therefore not an offense you can be binned for.