Storm for Wooden Spoon - Betting Suspended

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I do however have a problem with them losing the titles. A lot of ppl disagree with this, not just me. A fairer punishment would be to fine the club, prosecute those involved, and reduce their cap for the next few years. This punishes the club, but does not punish the innocent ppl in this, the coaching staff and the players.

That's just the way it goes mate. If the club cheats, everyone suffers. May not seem fair, but it's the reality of the situation. Fact is, they cheated, and therefore don't deserve a Premiership. Simple as that. Whoever got the wooden spoon in 2007 and 2009 deserve the Premiership more than the Storm.

It's like in Jumanji when the little shit cheats and then starts to look like a monkey [icon_wink
When i first heard this story break, i looked like the fella in QUEENSLANDER's sig. icon_smile
Jeba said:
I do however have a problem with them losing the titles. A lot of ppl disagree with this, not just me. A fairer punishment would be to fine the club, prosecute those involved, and reduce their cap for the next few years. This punishes the club, but does not punish the innocent ppl in this, the coaching staff and the players.

That's just the way it goes mate. If the club cheats, everyone suffers. May not seem fair, but it's the reality of the situation. Fact is, they cheated, and therefore don't deserve a Premiership. Simple as that. Whoever got the wooden spoon in 2007 and 2009 deserve the Premiership more than the Storm.

It's like in Jumanji when the little shit cheats and then starts to look like a monkey [icon_wink

Yeah, and tbh, i can see why they did it. I just feel for the blokes. Please dont tell me u are one of the ones that thinks the players knew though, i disagree with u on most things, but u do have logic behind ur arguments, not like.... several others
Jeba said:
I do however have a problem with them losing the titles. A lot of ppl disagree with this, not just me. A fairer punishment would be to fine the club, prosecute those involved, and reduce their cap for the next few years. This punishes the club, but does not punish the innocent ppl in this, the coaching staff and the players.

That's just the way it goes mate. If the club cheats, everyone suffers. May not seem fair, but it's the reality of the situation. Fact is, they cheated, and therefore don't deserve a Premiership. Simple as that. Whoever got the wooden spoon in 2007 and 2009 deserve the Premiership more than the Storm.

It's like in Jumanji when the little shit cheats and then starts to look like a monkey [icon_wink

Yeah, and tbh, i can see why they did it. I just feel for the blokes. Please dont tell me u are one of the ones that thinks the players knew though, i disagree with u on most things, but u do have logic behind ur arguments, not like.... several others

Innocent until proven guilty here. There's no evidence that they knew about it so I'm happy with that. And yes, as much as I hate the Storm and every player that plays for them, I feel for them as well. It's something no player should have to deal with after having confidence in their upper houses to get it right.
So lets just jump on them immediately and say they knew then, saying that any player signing 2 contracts is stupid? There is no logic behind the players knowing, the less ppl that knew, the better for them to get away with it.

Obviously there is a chance some of the higher profile players knew, but from all evidence so far, no-one coaching staff or players knew, and until proven otherwise i think u guys can stick to hating the storm for the real reasons, not making up new ones. Uve got enough ammo as it is!
It is day 1. They will uncover who knew and who didn't very soon. Personally I think it may have been the player signed a contract for 400k year thinking it was all above board and the CEO only reporting 300k to the NRL and lowered the amounts the player actually received from 3rd parties.
Who knows if the players knew. We'll find out.

The problem is, they don't deserve the premierships. Just because they played well as a team doesn't mean shit. It's a team that should have never been playing together, and a team that is illegal in the rules of the NRL.

Simple as that. It is unfair on the 14 and 15 other teams in the comp to have to see a team who cheated, in a big way, to be credited with a win. A win that these other teams had a very good chance at winning, with a team who were within the laws of the NRL.

I'll point out something that Scott said. 2006. We beat a Melbourne team, who were cheating the salary cap, while we fielded a legal team. Credit to us.

And before cockhead arrives. No, the ref did not win the game, and no, our breach was not big enough to influence the games we won. The NRL agreed, so piss off.
I just read that the club knew about the allegations around april 13... storm have played poorly the last 2 weeks, wonder if the news was broken to them before today
I just read that the club knew about the allegations around april 13... storm have played poorly the last 2 weeks, wonder if the news was broken to them before today

Channel Ten reckon there was a whistle-blower or something who came forward and told the NRL about all the dodgy dealings.
yeah of course, but that wouldve been done weeks ago, because the investigation has taken a while. so gotta wonder when it was revealed to the club, if at all, and if it has affected things
Jeba said:
Fact is, they cheated, and therefore don't deserve a Premiership. Simple as that. Whoever got the wooden spoon in 2007 and 2009 deserve the Premiership more than the Storm.
the Broncos 'cheated' in 2006, and therefore dont deserve a premiership.

cheating is cheating. you could be 10k over the salary cap or 100k - either way, youre 'cheating'. the fact is that i would NEVER agree with a premiership being taken away from ANY team after the fact. its just not right. two teams took the field in the grand final, and regardless of IF the players wouldve been there or not had they not broken the salary cap, one team walks away from the grand final the winner and the other is the runner up. it happened, you cant just then come back 3 years later and say 'that doesnt count'.

and nashy, how do you know that our salary cap breach in 2006 was less than Melbourns? please provide the figures of both teams' breaches, with links. for all we know, the unapproved third party payment couldve been for 300k, whereas all things point toward melbourne being maybe $100k at the very very most over in 2006. remember, for the years of 06/07/08 they were only over $600k. 2006 was their first successful year, so they wouldnt have all been on the big money. 2007 was their first premiership, so 2008 wouldve been where most of that $600k was.
Thats exactly right though. Why would they question it? They would assume the club was being honest. If they got a 3rd party deal, they would assume it was being reported. I highly doubt any of the players knew

Surely it must be more of an elaborate scheme than that? It had to involve secret bank accounts, brown paper bags, payments to the wives credit cards etc? Otherwise Schubert would of caught on before now. Surely [icon_shru
Hang on. That's wrong. ... fault.aspx
Shows we were fined a massive $30,000.

Given the fact that earlier than that, the Bulldogs showed that the NRL would make a big deal out of the cap, should prove, with a bit of common sense, which maybe you're lacking, that the Broncos was far, far, far less than the Dogs.

07, $10,000, 09, $5,000.

But you'll still compare the two right?
BroncoMatt said:
Thats exactly right though. Why would they question it? They would assume the club was being honest. If they got a 3rd party deal, they would assume it was being reported. I highly doubt any of the players knew

Surely it must be more of an elaborate scheme than that? It had to involve secret bank accounts, brown paper bags, payments to the wives credit cards etc? Otherwise Schubert would of caught on before now. Surely [icon_shru

It probably was more elaborate, but the fact of the matter is, there is no evidence to suggest players knew, and as i said earlier, surely the less ppl knew the better, so while it was probably a very elaborate scheme, id be very surprised if the players were part of it.
Nashy said:
Anonymous person said:
and nashy, how do you know that our salary cap breach in 2006 was less than Melbourns? please provide the figures of both teams' breaches, with links. for all we know, the unapproved third party payment couldve been for 300k, whereas all things point toward melbourne being maybe $100k at the very very most over in 2006. remember, for the years of 06/07/08 they were only over $600k. 2006 was their first successful year, so they wouldnt have all been on the big money. 2007 was their first premiership, so 2008 wouldve been where most of that $600k was.



Unapproved TPA


$30,000 ... fault.aspx

Ok, you can go away now.

Hang on. That's wrong.

Ok Nashy, you can go away now
Guys just putting this general warning out there:

This is obviously a sensitive issue at the moment, in a legal sense. Can everyone please just watch what they say in terms of mentioning specific names, unless those names have been publicly released. That is, you can speculate about groups of people such as players or coaching staff, but let's leave the individuals out of it until we know more.
schmix said:
Guys just putting this general warning out there:

This is obviously a sensitive issue at the moment, in a legal sense. Can everyone please just watch what they say in terms of mentioning specific names, unless those names have been publicly released. That is, you can speculate about groups of people such as players or coaching staff, but let's leave the individuals out of it until we know more.

I was waiting to see if this would be brought up, and im glad it has been. Innocent until proven guilty
I heard schmix received $500,000 in a paper bag from Brian Waldron last Saturday. [icon_shady
So lets just jump on them immediately and say they knew then, saying that any player signing 2 contracts is stupid? There is no logic behind the players knowing, the less ppl that knew, the better for them to get away with it.

Obviously there is a chance some of the higher profile players knew, but from all evidence so far, no-one coaching staff or players knew, and until proven otherwise i think u guys can stick to hating the storm for the real reasons, not making up new ones. Uve got enough ammo as it is!

You're an idiot or extremely naive or both.

These players had official, legitimate contracts registered with the NRL. The only way these contracts get registered is with the players signatures. These contracts would have had their yearly, 'official' salary on them. Players knew what they are meant to be earning.

Whether they agreed to or just didn't ask questions about the extra money that made it into their possesion isn't the point. The fact is the players WOULD have been well aware of what was happening when the balance of their bank account exceeds the number printed on the OFFICIAL NRL CONTRACT that THEY signed.
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