Thankfully we don’t have to hear about Taylor anymore

So salty mate. Let it go. Taylor owes the Broncos nothing.

Not salty at all mate

Just showing how damn easy it is to be respectful

But clearly I am from a different generation

One that shows, you know, respect
So salty mate. Let it go. Taylor owes the Broncos nothing.

They released him to get an opportunity for a srart. A thought would have been considerate , im sure wayne gave him his time. Shit attitude to have, you get out of life what you put in .
Trying to read too much into it. What 22y/o footballer (who’s renowned for being shy in his youth) who comes from an insular small town and recently had millions thrown at him doesn’t start to believe the hype, much less is eloquent enough to consider every stakeholders interest in an off the cuff response to a journalist’s impromptu question.

At that age, most young fellas struggle to think about anything but emptying their sacks...

Not at all , just remarking on a comment about Taylor's remark about not even considering us.
So all Ca$h Taylor had to say was something like.......of course I considered going to the Broncos, I played my junior footy there and Wayne was very generous letting me go early to advance my career and I appreciate that very much. But in the end, I feel loyalty to the Titans who gave me my first full time starting position and I'm really excited by what we are building here on the Gold Coast, and I want to be central to that for the years to come"

Not hard is it?

But by saying he didn't even consider it, he is really showing a lack of respect for the club and/or man who helped him get to where he is today, and that's poor form. On the scale of things League players do wrong it's fairly low down, but poor form nonetheless.

And then he goes on to say there's too much competition for spots at the Broncos!

Excuse me? You're a fecking pro athlete mate! You're supposed to want to be the best :lostit:

Thank you.
He's signed, so that's it for me. I don't see the reason for being upset about it. Bennet might be disappointed but I doubt he would particularly shocked. Players are professionals and expect to make their livelihood on the contracts they sign. When Blair did so, we understood it, when hunt did as well we took it in stride. Good luck to taylor. And before anyone gets riled up about what he said, bear in mind he just signed big money and for that is expected to say what the titans want others to hear. Truth is bought. Our players might have a little more freedom but not much more.
Anyway, in a year or two we might have a halve coming through that surpasses both Taylor or knik.
Ash...scmash. Our full strength squad for 2018 pisses on our 2017 squad except for back depth (injuries/origin). Hope Niko kills it in 2018.
So all Ca$h Taylor had to say was something like.......of course I considered going to the Broncos, I played my junior footy there and Wayne was very generous letting me go early to advance my career and I appreciate that very much. But in the end, I feel loyalty to the Titans who gave me my first full time starting position and I'm really excited by what we are building here on the Gold Coast, and I want to be central to that for the years to come"

Not hard is it?

But by saying he didn't even consider it, he is really showing a lack of respect for the club and/or man who helped him get to where he is today, and that's poor form. On the scale of things League players do wrong it's fairly low down, but poor form nonetheless.

And then he goes on to say there's too much competition for spots at the Broncos!

Excuse me? You're a fecking pro athlete mate! You're supposed to want to be the best :lostit:
I'm (one of) the biggest fans of the young bloke, but I have to 100% agree with this, even if I also agree with the below:

Trying to read too much into it. What 22y/o footballer (who’s renowned for being shy in his youth) who comes from an insular small town and recently had millions thrown at him doesn’t start to believe the hype, much less is eloquent enough to consider every stakeholders interest in an off the cuff response to a journalist’s impromptu question.

At that age, most young fellas struggle to think about anything but emptying their sacks...

He has never been known for being eloquent, but he did make a meal of this.

P.S. Bet you Tallis (@Morkel ) is rubbing his hands with a huge smile on his face.
You are, and so am I, but at 22 I thought I knew everything and surely said some inconsiderate things at times. How about you?

Fair enough Soup :)

I made some mistakes at 22 like most of us

However, nobody ignored those mistakes on the basis of me being a youngster

They called me out and said not good enough

That's how I learned :)
Fair enough Soup :)

I made some mistakes at 22 like most of us

However, nobody ignored those mistakes on the basis of me being a youngster

They called me out and said not good enough

That's how I learned :)
Yeah, he's really learning the hard way... with people throwing a Mil a year to him, well before he's worth it. :lostit:
They released him to get an opportunity for a srart. A thought would have been considerate , im sure wayne gave him his time. Shit attitude to have, you get out of life what you put in .

Considerate like the Broncos were to Ben Barba - who had a whole year to run on his contract and Bennett purposely forced him out by saying he wasn't going to play first grade.
Considerate like the Broncos were to Ben Barba - who had a whole year to run on his contract and Bennett purposely forced him out by saying he wasn't going to play first grade.
A Completely different situation
I think Ben Barba, like Carney, david taylor and his ilk are the kind of players that can not only disrupt their own progress, but the progress of those around them. If barba had decided to change his ways, he would still be here, but he isn't. He's no longer at cronulla either.
I don't know what kind of person Taylor is, behind the walls of the titans, but I suspect he might be the kind to expect excellence in both himself and others, hence the outward show of arrogance. If that is the case he may end up being worth the million they paid.
Either way, he's now their problem not ours.
Yeah, he's really learning the hard way... with people throwing a Mil a year to him, well before he's worth it. :lostit:

Not sure what you're trying to say there Port?
Not sure what you're trying to say there Port?
Me either. He just got off a plane prior to that so maybe the emoji was appropriate ;)
Come on, think about it.
You were discussing how you (and I) were taught responsibility for ****-ups and idiocy. Young RL stars like Milf or Taylor get thrown a Mil a year instead... what's that teaching them?

P.S. Forget the emoji... 14 hours travelling will do that to you.
Come on, think about it.
You were discussing how you (and I) were taught responsibility for ****-ups and idiocy. Young RL stars like Milf or Taylor get thrown a Mil a year instead... what's that teaching them?

P.S. Forget the emoji... 14 hours travelling will do that to you.

Hey Port :)

Yeah, players being paid big money even if they screw up (I'm thinking guys like Dugan and Fergo as classic examples) just teaches them that your actions have no real consequences as long as you're talented

I agree completely with you

But that wasn't what I was talking about

I simply said Taylor could easily have shown some respect toward WB in his comments, and another poster said he is young and I probably made mistakes when I was young

I interpreted that comment (rightly or wrongly) to mean I shouldn't complain about Taylor's comment

I then responded by saying (or trying to say) that just because they are young doesn't mean we should shut up about it

Hey Port :)

Yeah, players being paid big money even if they screw up (I'm thinking guys like Dugan and Fergo as classic examples) just teaches them that your actions have no real consequences as long as you're talented

I agree completely with you

But that wasn't what I was talking about

I simply said Taylor could easily have shown some respect toward WB in his comments, and another poster said he is young and I probably made mistakes when I was young

I interpreted that comment (rightly or wrongly) to mean I shouldn't complain about Taylor's comment

I then responded by saying (or trying to say) that just because they are young doesn't mean we should shut up about it

Yeah, I got that, and I agree with you and so does @soup I think.

Taylor didn't handle this in a pretty fashion, and the thing is that anyone who knows him, knows that's not the type of kid he is at all, especially given the fact (and this is fact) he has continuously been seeking advice from Wayne over this whole period.

Whether under pressure from above to make it sound like the Broncos didn't really matter or counted, or which ever reason, he made a meal of it, there's no way around it.


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