I mean do they really? This is the problem with not even having a region like the Cowboys do. North Queensland can cover down to Mackay, Rocky or even Gladstone and across central Queensland.
I’m from the Fraser Coast originally and we generally all have teams already (at least when I was younger).
All it will do currently is appeal to bandwagoners that want something new and shiny, don’t have a team, and/or hate the Broncos - the same as everywhere else in the state so they aren’t really representing an area, just a random collective
Sunny Coast might have a bit more appeal as they may be willing to go to some games at Reddy, but the Storm have put a lot of effort into that area in recent years with the Falcons
Of course it’s a long-term strategy to attract fans but I still think not having a region or location will do more harm than good. Hell when I used to live in the Moreton Bay Area I was drawn to the Phins because they were the team for that area - even bought a jersey. But if they were just known as The Dolphins even at QCup level I wouldn’t have given a shit.