OFFICIAL The Kevolution - (Walters new coach of the Broncos)

I tell you one thing. For the first since round 2 I've gotten this weird feeling. It's kind of the opposite of what I normally feel around broncos news. It's been such a long time but I think it is...hope, optimism? 😊
Please! No one from the board speak and take it away 😬
God bless ya Kevvie, you truly are one of us...


What you use to fix this club is a sledgehammer.....and i dont believe Walters is the guy who can/will use it...

So, who is that guy? Is it Cartwright..??....someone else..?

With the board clearly not 100% behind this hire he needs a tight and very focussed coaching team to shelter him...

Cause the feel good factor will only last so far, only take this team so far...

I get the shit on Siebold, but guess what....NRL rugby league is slowly becoming more scientific (read analytics) and Siebs at least was on that bandwagon. He lacked the means to make the most of it but analytics isnt going away..

And, in the era of 6-again football, Post contact metres are actually a key part of your structures...

Remember anyone recently at Brisbane talking about that..?

This is the toughest fucking job in Australian sport next year, we cant afford to throw the baby out with the bathwater...we do need a period of healing self-inlficted wounds, but we also need to not fall further behind the prevailing trends the best teams are on either....and i feel Siebold at least undestood that...

And i know that wont be popular, but im over being PC like after this year...
Also boys and girls, can I just get in early with this: When we inevitably come out and get reamed in Round 1 next year, don't automatically hit the panic button. We have a long road ahead of us before we are anything close to competitive again.
He has answered so well so far, has backed all his players including TPJ and Milf, good on him.
Between the interview with Wally and the video up on the Broncos website I'm super pumped for the kevolution. I don't know how effective he'll be in the long run but in the short time he's officially been our coach he's saying all the right things. Pride in the jersey, restore the enjoyment, getting in the right help. By the end of Seibold's rein of terrible the players looked like whipped dogs, they were already beaten emotionally before the opening whistle. Bringing back the right combination of pride in what you represent, acknowledging those who came before you instead of burning the club's legacy, and enjoying footy rather than having some fat berk who nobody likes shout thousand dollar words at you at 110% speed while a team of half arsed sawbones play you for two months on a broken leg, that'll go a long way to getting this team off the floor already.
Already been mentioned, but just to clarify -

John Cartwright & Josh Hannay will be joining Walters as assistant coaches - Terry Matterson & Neil Henry both also being sought out.
Loved listening to Hannay’s presser after round 20, bloke seems like he is really switched on.

Great addition!
From listening to Kevvie it sounds very much like he is going to be focused on fixing the culture, attitude and bringing the guys together as a team, I get the impression he is going to rely heavily on the strengths of his assistants to do the actually coaching side of things.......this could work.
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