The Thurston myth

It's simple. Why mess with something that is working? Why does it matter if Thurston isn't a "true" halfback? He and Lockyer have won many games for Queensland and Australia and there is no way that should be tampered with.

I would bet you that there would be no way in hell that NSW would reject Thurston just because he isn't a true halfback.

Anyway it could be argued that many positions have changed over the years. Forwards these days have to be more than just big and lumbering. They have to be big, strong, fast, and have greater ball handling skills (even be able to offload).

Hookers are expected to play 80 minutes and lead play more than they ever did, particuarly create space for the forwards.
Over the last 3 years, Thurston stood up for QLD whenever the going got tough.

Think back to

game 3, 2006:
We were behind in the 2nd half (due to horrible ref calls). Thurston was the first to lift his game and then the rest followed. With 10 minutes left, Thurston makes a linebreak, passes to Tate and the rest is history.

Game 2, 2007
Scores were even for most of the match. With about 20 or so minutes left, Thurston gets the ball, runs with it enough to make Hayne run up instead of fall back and grubbers the ball to Bell (I think), which won us the match.

Game 3, 2008.

With Prince getting injured in like the first 10 minutes, Thurston had to play with a very inexperienced 5/8th in Hunt. Still, he managed to put up a fantastic kick for Folau to score the greatest try of the series, and then makes another break and offload to Slater which won us the series.

He's arguably the greatest rep player on the planet atm, and probably the No 1 origin player. As long as Smith remains uninjured, I'd have him there every time.
LOL, Lockyer and Smith are far and away better rep players than Thurson.
Just a point on Smith's form, I think it's off the pace significantly compared to Farah and Ennis right now.
Coxy, I'm a little confused. Are you saying Prince is a better halfback than Thurston, or a better player fullstop?
He's a more complete player. He has a far better kicking game both long and short, better passing game, his running game is probably better close to the line though Thurston is better at a distance, and Prince has better vision than Thurston in terms of working over an opponent's weaknesses. Thurston can spot a weak defender in front of him, but he doesn't think 2 or 3 plays ahead. Defensively they're both turnstiles, but that's not a half's job anyway.

Thurston has been protected by the fact Lockyer and Smith have been doing the organising for Queensland for so long, but both are finding the other parts of their games hampered at the moment. They need someone to relieve that pressure of organisation so they can contribute more in attack. Prince is ideal for that.

Last time Prince played a full game at halfback for Queensland, the Maroons won 30-0.

[eusa_doh Thurston haters [eusa_doh

I don't understand it [icon_shru
To quote the great George Lucas.

Vader: If you aren't with me, you are my enemy.
Obi-Wan: Only a Sith deals in absolutes.

Basically, because I don't jizz my pants everytime I see Thurston run around with his little head gear and scruffy hair poking out of it, I must hate him.

Ergo, Hammoz, Je$ter, mrslong, OXY-351 and gUt are all dirty evil loving Sith lords who must be thrown down the Death Star reactor shaft (hehehe, shaft) ASAP. :P
I can understand the point that Coxy is making. It really comes down to a bit of each to their own, because they are different types of players. I would have to agree that Prince is playing (and always played) a more traditional half back's role. He is more structured and organises the team around him. Thurston has always struck me as being a more instinctive player who plays what is in front of him. Once again, I don't think that Coxy is saying that Thurston isn't a good or even great player, just that in a traditional half back's role, Prince is more suited to that type of role. If I am misquoting his view undoubtedly I will be told in no uncertain terms :)
My arguement isn't that Thurston is a better halfback than Prince, on any given day either could be the dominant player. My arguement is about not trying to fix something that isn't broken.
Yeh I understand that too. I am certainly not agitating for Thurston to be replaced. We are just blessed to be in the position we are that we have good cover for those key positions. Even Cooper Cronk could cover half back if necessary (although very much a fair distance behind Prince and Thurston).
gUt said:
My arguement isn't that Thurston is a better halfback than Prince, on any given day either could be the dominant player. My arguement is about not trying to fix something that isn't broken.

Yeah, that's been Australian cricket's mentality.

Keep picking the same players until they're 102 years old. And then suddenly we lose the Ashes.

Lockyer and Smith aren't at their dominant best this year, and I think they will struggle with being go-to men in attack and organisers. Organisation and defence will exhaust them. Which leaves Queensland's attack squarely with Thurston.

When all the pressure is on Thurston is when Thurston cracks.

Have Prince there, he takes so much pressure off Smith and Lockyer and they will play better as a result.

You know it makes sense. I'm Chris Cockovich (that didn't work as well as I'd hoped....).
Coxyz said:
Keep picking the same players until they're 102 years old. And then suddenly we lose the Ashes.

That argument seems to be supporting having a Prince-Thurston havles combo
That'd work, but leaving Lockyer out is like leaving Bradman out of your Australian side. Even at 102 and 6 foot down he's still a better batsman than Michael Clarke.....
Coxyz said:
That'd work, but leaving Lockyer out is like leaving Bradman out of your Australian side. Even at 102 and 6 foot down he's still a better batsman than Michael Clarke.....

Doesn't that just condradict your last statement though?

If you want to break something that isn't currently broken for the sake of the future, then perhaps now should be the time to drop Lockyer. Prince and Thurston are going to be the future of the QLD halves for the next 5 years, so why continue with Lockyer now?
Well if they allowed Brent Tate's neck brace, maybe the NRL/ARL will allow Lockyers walking frame in 70 odd years