The Wayne Bennett Super thread!

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Thaiday captaincy dreams shattered..again

Sam Thaiday’s hopes of regaining the Broncos captaincy are set to receive a crushing blow.
Thaiday was devastated when former Brisbane coach Anthony Griffin stripped him of the leadership role this time last year, replacing him with co-captains Justin Hodges and Corey Parker.The 29-year-old fumed over the move all last season and, as a big Wayne Bennett fan, he was hoping to regain the captaincy with the prodigal son’s return to the Broncos in 2015.Bennett is making plenty of changes at the Broncos - and scrapping the co-captains will be one of them.But I am hearing Bennett is leaning towards making Hodges the Broncos’ sole captain in what is certain to be a controversial move.Hodges is a prickly, moody character who often has a poor on-field relationship with referees.But Bennett believes the role would bring out the best in Hodges and there is no doubting the tall centre is a role model for young indigenous players in the Broncos’ ranks.
i expected it to be hodges.

leave thaiday on the right edge and get him being more aggressive again. bring back third man thaiday!
I love how "ball playing" has been reduced to simply being able to pass the ball in the second man play these days lol.

Boyd is not a playmaker and has no ball playing skills. He can play his part in a simple second man play, but has never shown anything more than that.
I love how "ball playing" has been reduced to simply being able to pass the ball in the second man play these days lol.

Boyd is not a playmaker and has no ball playing skills. He can play his part in a simple second man play, but has never shown anything more than that.

I suppose, at least it is more than Hoffman could ever do
boyd has thrown better passes than hoffman has ever dreamed of.

although throwing a better pass than Hoffman doesn't make someone a playmaker. Hell, my grandma can throw a better pass than Hoffman and she has been dead for two years!
Was fully expecting WB to just go with Thaiday. If he does go with Hodges I'll give WB a big thumbs up because for mine Hodges is the best leader at our club.
Who'll get the 'C' when Hodgo is out injured ... again ?
Parker? Thaiday isn't serious enough to be a captain, he proved that the first time.
Re: Broncos Player Movements and Rumours 2014

You guys need to get your eyes checked.

Read what Ari said again paying particular attention to ' other teams' That doesn't mean Bennett doesn't use wrestling at all, just not to the extent of other teams.

I think you need to. This is what he said:

Coach will go elsewhere for more money but he won't incorporate a huge part of today's game into the teams gameplan.

He said that Bennett won't incorporate wrestling into his teams gameplan.

the Knights under bennett, the dragons under bennett before them, and the broncos before them wrestled just as much as any other team. the dragons in particular were very good at it.
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For mine WB coached teams don't wrestle effectively or to the same extent as other teams.

I also don't think WBs game plans have a focus on wrestling the way Bellamys do.
And he doesn't like the other teams do. What did Ari have to do? Highlight that in size 7 font for you?

You want to play my word against yours, fine. But seriously all you've got to do is visit a Knights board to see that how frustrated they were with Bennett's lack of work in the ruck and it's been an ongoing problem for awhile.

The point Ari was making was that Bennett is willing to exploit the current player market to his benefit yet when it comes to the wrestling, which is a huge part of the modern game, he has his hang ups.

Do I have that right Mr. @Ari Gold ?
Exactly right Pete. And it's neither meant as a positive or negative criticism. Just interesting that he is willing to be principled in some areas but not others.
I love how "ball playing" has been reduced to simply being able to pass the ball in the second man play these days lol.

Boyd is not a playmaker and has no ball playing skills. He can play his part in a simple second man play, but has never shown anything more than that.

ball playing is being able to play a good part ina second man play ala hodges/boyd/khunt.
playmaking is an entirely different beast and cronk is probably the best at it (don't bother arguing that point because I don't really care and it's off topic).
If Bennett can win the comp in 2015 after losing his first choice fullback for the majority of the season, it'll be a truly wonderful achievement.
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