That's not and was never my point.
He has said several times he would never entertain the thought of taking a coaching role anywhere a contracted coach, then (unlike Huge's attempt at romanticising the situation by saying WB was likely offered a position, ignoring everything that clearly indicates he is the one who initiated the whole thing), he goes to the majority shareholder and tells him he will "save the club", provided he is given free reign to pretty much do as he wishes...
Said majority share holder then moves the strings behind the club's management and board (at least some of its members), bypassing due process, and hands Bennett most of his demands.
Yes, that is how some business is conducted, and the business men who conduct it that way, have no respect from me either, because integrity is not something you can buy or appropriate.
Had this process been conducted transparently, initiated by the board as a whole, because they lost confidence in Griffin, followed due process, informed White and Griffin of the decision and pending offer to WB, I wouldn't have had an issue.
Never been much of a "means justify the end" type of guy.