The Wayne Bennett Super thread!

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I'm moving this to the Bennett thread, as the other one is about Barba, and we seem to be jumping from one topic to the other...

Regarding the bold bit, I'm sorry, but the widely held view is nothing of the sort.
Obviously only few actually know the whole story in detail, but this is the widely held view:

Wayne Bennett to return in Brisbane Broncos shake-up

My source and others confirm that this is actually pretty close to what happened, including the $950K "disrespectful" bit... except that it wasn't an unanimous board decision, but a decision forced upon the rest of the board by the majority holders.

Take what you want from it...

So the options for the board were:

1. Keep Griffin for another 2 years when he is on the nose and likely (at that time) to miss another finals series;
2. Sack Griffin and accept an offer from Bennett (widely regarded as the greatest Rugby League coach in history - second only to maybe Jack Gibson);
3. Sack Griffin and start head hunting for a new coach (and btw there's no one else really on the market, and you've just turned down Wayne Bennett who literally jumped out of the water, fell into your lap and said cook me I'm done, I'll fucking coach this rabble for free).

What do you do Port, keeping in mind your duty to the keep the best interests of the public listed company's major shareholder as the priority?
So the options for the board were:

1. Keep Griffin for another 2 years when he is on the nose and likely (at that time) to miss another finals series;
2. Sack Griffin and accept an offer from Bennett (widely regarded as the greatest Rugby League coach in history - second only to maybe Jack Gibson);
3. Sack Griffin and start head hunting for a new coach (and btw there's no one else really on the market, and you've just turned down Wayne Bennett who literally jumped out of the water, fell into your lap and said cook me I'm done, I'll fucking coach this rabble for free).

What do you do Port, keeping in mind your duty to the keep the best interests of the public listed company's major shareholder as the priority?

Personally i would have gone with option 3 ... I also wouldn't describe us as a rabble in 2014 ... we needed some refinement an actual second playmaker to go along with Hunt (thats where Milford comes in) and some composure closing out games.

and IMO, the interests of a major shareholder of sporting club should always be:

1) success off the field
2) success on the field

mateship shouldn't be on that list.

White has already delivered and continues to deliver point 1. Griffin was unable to deliver point 2, so he was rightfully terminated. the question is can Bennett deliver point 2 and was Bennett the right decision to achieve point 2, he results over the last 3 years at the Knights weren't encouraging, only time will tell
Griffin absolutely had to go, he's abysmal. I don't care if he was stabbed in the back, stabbed from the front, or committed sudoku, it had to happen.
We had to mix it up this year. Griffin couldn't be given another 12 months.

I don't know if Bennett is the right man for the long term, and I harbour my doubts that it is a backward step.

Objectively though, the best decision in the cirucmstances was Griffin out, Bennett in.

The rest of this thread about underhanded dealings is just noise.
So the options for the board were:

1. Keep Griffin for another 2 years when he is on the nose and likely (at that time) to miss another finals series;
2. Sack Griffin and accept an offer from Bennett (widely regarded as the greatest Rugby League coach in history - second only to maybe Jack Gibson);
3. Sack Griffin and start head hunting for a new coach (and btw there's no one else really on the market, and you've just turned down Wayne Bennett who literally jumped out of the water, fell into your lap and said cook me I'm done, I'll fucking coach this rabble for free).

What do you do Port, keeping in mind your duty to the keep the best interests of the public listed company's major shareholder as the priority?
What I quoted are the reasons why I lost respect for WB.
I don't question the value of having WB replacing Hook, nor should anyone with a sane mind imo, but I question the way it all happened, that's it.

It's very likely the result will be better for the Broncos, but I am not, never been and will never be a "the ends justify the means" person, hence my stance.
[MENTION=1992]Huge[/MENTION], I'm not biting, so you better spend your energy on other keyboard heroics...
What I quoted are the reasons why I lost respect for WB.
I don't question the value of having WB replacing Hook, nor should anyone with a sane mind imo, but I question the way it all happened, that's it.

It's very likely the result will be better for the Broncos, but I am not, never been and will never be a "the ends justify the means" person, hence my stance.
@Huge, I'm not biting, so you better spend your energy on other keyboard heroics...
Bs. You didn't quote anything... You haven't written anything and it's plainly obvious you don't know squat. You buy a load of crap off someone who makes up a bit of drivel and like a starving man you pounce on it. It is as I suspected, fake. If a shred of truth existed you would have produced but all you got is. WB knifed Griffin in the back, no evidence, nothing. I asked you Porthoz to point me to where you had 'written it all before' but obviously you hadn't because that would have been an easy thing to do. Everything you have written about WB is false and fabricated to support your agenda. Like you've accused WB of doing, you are
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I'm going to let the other thread stand because lord knows it'd be nice if we just let things go and give members an opportunity to express their joy without being pummeled for it but I've got to get it off my chest...

I'm over this Bennett honeymoon stuff.

He can't do anything wrong. One moment he's a genius for giving rookies a go in a trial, like he's really going out on a limb by doing that and the next he's getting pats on the back for being patient with others and choosing not to blood them.

'Oh but it's case by case...'


Same deal with the game. From what I saw, it was the exact same Broncos performance I've been watching the past few seasons where the boys dominate for large portions and just about throw it away. The only difference is that this time we finally get a call our way - a call many would contest was dubious.

The season hasn't kicked off yet and it's pretty clear what this board is going to turn into every post-match thread. I'd suggest pumping the breaks a bit and let things happen before making any conclusive remarks.
I'm definitely pro Bennett but he's definitely got flaws, just a lot less than his predecessor.

I do absolutely agree that the inevitable post game rubbish between the two sides and players like Milford/Boyd being part of that annoying debate is going to be a real grind.

I'd love for people to just leave their agendas at the BHQ virtual door and just discuss footy.

Milford won't be fullback, that's basically a certainty, so repeating that argument ad nauseam is already incredibly annoying and will just become more so each time I read it.
Credit where it's due, I liked the fact we were much more solid through the ruck, and we had a proper bench rotation too, but it's too early to start raving about anything, or bagging the shit out of it.

I hope every post game thread doesn't indeed turn into a I told you so / You were wrong kind of bullshit.
I'm going to let the other thread stand because lord knows it'd be nice if we just let things go and give members an opportunity to express their joy without being pummeled for it but I've got to get it off my chest...

I'm over this Bennett honeymoon stuff.

He can't do anything wrong. One moment he's a genius for giving rookies a go in a trial, like he's really going out on a limb by doing that and the next he's getting pats on the back for being patient with others and choosing not to blood them.

'Oh but it's case by case...'


Same deal with the game. From what I saw, it was the exact same Broncos performance I've been watching the past few seasons where the boys dominate for large portions and just about throw it away. The only difference is that this time we finally get a call our way - a call many would contest was dubious.

The season hasn't kicked off yet and it's pretty clear what this board is going to turn into every post-match thread. I'd suggest pumping the breaks a bit and let things happen before making any conclusive remarks.

Where has this been said bp?

Why does the constant nagging he cops from some no matter what he does bother you?
It's prevalent on here, social media, papers, magazines etc. etc.

Because it gets in the way of good discussion and as Porthoz wrote, it basically descends into a bunch of 'I told you so' or passive aggressive mutterings that quite frankly suck whatever joy there is on this board.
It's prevalent on here, social media, papers, magazines etc. etc.

Because it gets in the way of good discussion and as Porthoz wrote, it basically descends into a bunch of 'I told you so' or passive aggressive mutterings that quite frankly suck whatever joy there is on this board.

And the constant bagging does the exact same thing yet you didn't answer me as to why that doesn't bother you
Actually I just realised that several typos probably made my question hard to understand.

What i meant was for everyone thinking that bennett can do no wrong there is someone saying he can do no right, why do those people not bother you when it has the same affect to discussion
It goes both ways which is why I made the point about making conclusive remarks this early into the season.

And if they were the majority, not just on here but in general I'd probably express my exhaustion over it too.
TBH, i'm over both arguments, it is just getting tiring and neither side is prepared to budge, so we just get the circular arguments that tend to make it unpleasant around here. everyone knows my position, so i will let the argument drop and give him a fair go ... I'm just looking forward to the season.

damn i hate the off season and being able to watch the boys go round each week
It goes both ways which is why I made the point about making conclusive remarks this early into the season.

And if they were the majority, not just on here but in general I'd probably express my exhaustion over it too.

Fair enough, I don't really think there is a majority either way, I think it's pretty evenly split but that's obviously not your take on it.

Thanks for clearing your point up

I genuinely hope both 'sides' can just drop the agendas and get on with supporting the team for the upcoming season
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