noone was talking about bellamy, we were talking about bennett in the bennett thread. i hadnt mentioned him, i hadnt remotely referenced him, and what i said had nothing to do with him.
i dont give a shit what youll allow. I never made a claim about bellamy. I backed up my argument properly. I listed a few examples of talented players that bennett basically refused to work with and moved along. I argued my point just fine. I wasn't, however, going to argue some other point about something I wasn't even talking about (bellamy) and take it off topic. lord knows every time I say anything remotely off topic it gets moved to another thread and i get thread banned.
the only people bullshitting are the ones trying to take shots at me by making shit up and just flat out not even reading the posts. there were like 4 posts calling me out for saying someone said vidot was rubbish, saying that im making it up and noone has ever said that, despite the fact that the post that was before mine literally said that vidot is rubbish! then someone says i claimed that he got rid of ALL of the talent at Newcastle, and more people jump on board trying to badmouth me. I ask them to quote where i said that and surprise surprise, BS and excuses come out.
Yep, I clearly did - and I clearly provided examples.
He didn't move morris along because he had others in front of him, he moved him along because he didn't think he was first grade material.