broncospwn said:
So who are the idiots blowing those horns anyway?
Are they dedicated people or just every 2nd random buying a horn and blowing it?
Where is the attraction to sit and blow an effin horn for 90 minutes?
Surely it must annoy the shit out of the players.
They're most certainly not idiots. They're football fans, but just from a different fan culture to Australia's. In Europe for example, not so much England, but mainland Europe, singing for the full 90 minutes is standard fan culture. These fans pay good money to be at the games, so why not have some fun whilst supporting your team? Singing is fun, making noise with Vuvuzelas is fun. I have many European friends who attend football (and in some cases Rugby League and Union games depending on the country) who would not attend a game on a weekend unless they could vocally, passionately and visually support their chosen team. It's a huge part of the attraction of going to a game, especially in Europe, which is a factor in the result of huge crowds each week.
Take the German Bundesliga for example, attendances average 60,000 per game over a season. Even the travelling away support for teams is huge, because games are fun to attend. Sure the product is high, but no one gives you death stares for singing and standing for the full 90 mins.
I've had overseas friends come to Broncos games only to be completley shocked at the lack of crowd participation. These people have just as much appreciation of the games and teams they follow, just like we do here on BHQ, they just have fun at the games doing it.
The Australian fan culture of just sitting, clapping and waiting for something to happen is not normal in a global sense. The style here is a reactive support, not proactive support.
South Africa's fan culture is to blow the horns, Europe's is to sing. Taking such fan support styles away would be unacceptable. I personally don't see the big deal anyway, the horns just blend in. I respect South Africa's fan culture, as I do with Europe's.
If you lived anywhere else apart from Australia, you'd understand about active support broncospwn. Australia is a very ignorant country anyay, so I don't expect anything less than little understanding for other cultures.