The World Cup general discussion thread

Bannermania said:
What is greater though Silence, tell me what is so cultural about that.

You cannot just say it is what it is without any reason?

Look Silence, this isn't a matter of culture, or me being udnerstanding or anything even remotely close to that.

That horn rubbish cultural or not is annoying the hell out of everyone except for the dicks who think it's awesomely fun to blow it without a seconds rest for 90 minutes straight and drown out all crowd noise, annoy the shit out of players, refs, other fans and people watching on tv.

It's a blight on the world cup, if that's how Africa wants to host their world cups then never ever give them a world cup again. It's freaking annoying and pathetic whether it be cultural or not.

It does not remotely compare to signing, I've never heard people singing at a match completely drown out everything else for 90 minuets straight...

It's a monotonous annoying bzzzzzzz for 90 minutes, there's no way that's fun, exciting or anything close to describing something which is decent.
what a shit comparison. I loooove hearing the singing and chanting from the crowd. I didnt hear the English band once the other nite and I always enjoy hearing them. The same noise is made in the 1st minute of the game as there is if someone scored a 90th minute winner. its just the one shit constant noise for 90 minutes. i wouldnt mind if they made a tune or something, but its just one extended sound forever it seems. **** this world cup so far.
oh btw, shit start for Italy :( if it wasn't for a goalkeeping mistake, we would have lost.

all 3 games were bores last night. as has much of the tournament so far :( oh well, still so many games to go.
Fair enough guys. I beg to differ but your reasoning is fine. Lachy I still don't udnerstand your post. I'll answer when I do.
Silence said:
Fair enough guys. I beg to differ but your reasoning is fine. Lachy I still don't udnerstand your post. I'll answer when I do.

Sorry yeah that didn't make much sense, what I was trying to say was, how is the vuvuzela part of their football culture. It's nothing that a South African came up with, it's a device which annoys the fark out of everyone.

What makes it so culturally important?
Silence said:
Fair enough guys. I beg to differ but your reasoning is fine. Lachy I still don't udnerstand your post. I'll answer when I do.
So doesn't it annoy you listening to that damn thing throughout an entire match first second to last?
pennywisealfie said:
oh btw, shit start for Italy :( if it wasn't for a goalkeeping mistake, we would have lost.

I backed Paraguay 1-0, that bloody goal keeping mistake cost me [icon_thumbs_do
broncospwn said:
Silence said:
Fair enough guys. I beg to differ but your reasoning is fine. Lachy I still don't udnerstand your post. I'll answer when I do.
So doesn't it annoy you listening to that damn thing throughout an entire match first second to last?

No I can't say it does. To me it just blends in to the entire spectacle. I just concentrate on the football as I do usually and there's no difference. Granted though, the first time I head them during a Confederations Cup game last year I think it was, it was a little bit different as an experience, but it never bothered me.

I was just glad that the people of South Africa during that tournament were enjoying their football and having a good time in the stands. It showed me that the country cared enough to be a presence and have a good time. You could see it on their faces. It showed that the passion was there to hold the upcoming World Cup.

Bannermania said:
Silence said:
Fair enough guys. I beg to differ but your reasoning is fine. Lachy I still don't udnerstand your post. I'll answer when I do.

Sorry yeah that didn't make much sense, what I was trying to say was, how is the vuvuzela part of their football culture. It's nothing that a South African came up with, it's a device which annoys the fark out of everyone.

What makes it so culturally important?

There's been numerous documentary pieces that I've watched on television which have highlighted the significance of the Vuvzela to South African football fans. Regardless of whether the horn isn't a South African specific "invention", the combined sound of a stadium of Vuvuzelas seems to connect with the South African people in a positive way. To them it apparently represents a herd of wild elephant, which is a culturally significant species to the South Africans. Also, it's been widely reported that it has connected with the South African players as a positive sounding influence
It can be debated that because it seems that only the South African plkayers and people connect with it and seemingly aren't irritated to it, that the use of such horns could be restricted to games only involving South Africa.

I'm only speaking of my particular views towards it. I can't speak towards the rest of the world's (who seem to dislike it) I'm fine with it because I respect all cultures of the Earth. If it works for them, then that's awesome in my book. I find adapting to it easy.

Here's a hypothetical question: If the Didgieridoo wasn't so sacredly guarded by the Aboriginal people and the Australian people connected with it insanely, would you blow it at aan Australian World Cup, or would you worry too much as to whether it was annoying others globally who weren't used to the sound and who could become annoyed with it?
^^ Provided that the whole stadium was doing it like the South Africans are doing with the Vuvuzelas, it was an accepted cultural sporting instrument and was given the backing for its use by FIFA during the tournament.
Bannermania said:
The digieridoo sounds better though.

That's your opinion though. To the rest of the world, it could be met with the kind of staunch opposition that the Vuvuzela has been met by from other countries of the world excluding South Africa.
Italy got pretty lucky, Paraguay are a very smart side and could do well in this tournament. I am also worried about this tournament in terms of the matches so far but the first lot of games can always be a bit of a let down while sides get into their stride. Hopefully by matchday 2 and 3 sides are more desperate and look for goal more!
Silence said:
There's been numerous documentary pieces that I've watched on television which have highlighted the significance of the Vuvzela to South African football fans.

Really? Like what?
Haha well done New Zealand!!! Slovakia lead 1-0 and in the dying seconds of injury time New Zealand level it up to finish the game at 1-1 [
Slovakia should be kicking themselves, but that's what happens when you don't convert your chances and then switch off before the whistle. That was deja vu Iniesta vs Chelsea right there.

For those that don't know what I am talking about (which is likely no one who frequents this thread) here it is again...