I agree, however the point is, that Izzy has done nothing illegal, or anything that should bar him from employment.
Is there better ways to promote his faith? For sure, but he is also well within his rights, according to the law, to promote his religion however he see's fit.
Additionally, what he is posting is not wrong according to his faith. If you take Izzy out of the picture for a minute, both the Bible and the Quran both teach what Izzy was posting.
So long as it is legal for Izzy to preach to the public his beliefs, then he is free to preach it how he wants without restriction from people who don't agree with him, certainly not to the point of telling him he is free to preach so long as he does it how we want him to do it or he wont be allowed to play football.
That has moved to the illusion of free speech at that point.
The bottom line is, Israel is being barred from employment because he preaches his faith.
He has done nothing illegal and to deny him employment on these grounds is religious discrimination.