Trial #1 vs. Cowboys Pre-Match Discussion

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A month out from start of season, and we have no clue what the halves combination might be?

Bronco fans deserve better.

Sach White, Griffin and Gee, immed.

C'mon mate. Most clubs don't have key positions nailed down at this point.
I'm keeping my eye out for the banner. Hopefully see it soon.
are you at the ground? whats the crowd like? im about to head out to reddy with a few mates. will try post as much info about what i saw later tonight.
Not that many people here at the moment, could pick up very soon.
Dolphins belting the seagulls in the fogs, the sun is blaring at half time and I am very happy with my decision to bring a flask of rum. Screw sitting in that pig pen. "Cans of coke" for the win
If you're talking crowd wise, it's picked up a bit. Still plenty of good seats available. Already half way through the first game.
Can see the sign! It looks great. I'm sitting directly behind where the team is spectating. Gee they look big and fit, kahu and vidot especially. JYY went down the tunnel early because he was being bombarded haha fair enough though, it would start to do your head in
Which side is the sign? I didnt bring my glasses, but im halfway up the hill just inside the licensed area on about halfway. Good spot to view, cant wait to kick off
Can see the sign! It looks great. I'm sitting directly behind where the team is spectating. Gee they look big and fit, kahu and vidot especially. JYY went down the tunnel early because he was being bombarded haha fair enough though, it would start to do your head in

I still can't believe how fit they look in such a short time. Corvo is a miracle worker
Pics guys!!! Of the team and the banner. I've got a power outage so I'm on my phone, but I've been told the site is updated with new logo etc :)
I saw the banner hours ago. Think I saw you outside, as well. Do you smoke? Wearing a t-shirt, shorts and white shoes?
No wonder i cant see the sign, im obviously behind it haha. Crowd is really building now

That looks so fucking good
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