Walters to take reigns ahead of Henjak

Bill Harrigan had been lambasted in the Sydney press and in RLW (I think ?) in the months leading up to the event. The reason ?...he was perceived as being Bronco friendly due to our excellent record under his free flowing style. He gained a nick-name of Bronco Billy which he took to mean he favoured Brisbane. Typical of the human condition he reacted badly going too far in the opposite direction in a bid to dispel the 'slur'. Our record under him from that point got worse. harrigan would go out of his way to miss penalties we deserved.

Gorden Tallis called him a cheat. It would seem odd to anyone watching league that someone would call/accuse a ref of what is the ultimate incompetence but it happened. I agree with Tallis, Harrigan did cheat Brisbane and whether it was unconscious or flagrant, it should not have happened. Harrigan would enter games in his later years with a preset intention. It was a sure fire method of refuting the slurs against him. After all, you could never penalise a Brisbane or Qld team too often. Who would complain down south ?? If a complaint came from the North it was simply reported as 'Bronco whingeing'. It was foolproof. No-one in the South would be upset should Brisbane miss a GF or lose a major match.

Tallis could not 'prove' Harrigan was a cheat as I can 'prove' nothing to you nor do I feel inclined to attempt to do so. I can make any assertions I wish too providing certain conditions are met. However, as I pointed out to you, the reader earlier,the facts from the judiciary and penalties do support an obvious bias.

With regard to the removal of the 2 points any casual reading of the events and subsequent ridiculous over-reaction fron the NRL would 'prove' the point being made. It was a wrong and biased decision to remove Brisbanes 2 points, no crime having been committed and the ultimate penalty imposed. The ensuing court action stated that in no uncertain way.

If you doubt the veracity of my statements regarding penalties....'prove' me wrong.
By the way...good shot in the 4th last line lol
Bill Harrigan had been lambasted in the Sydney press and in RLW (I think ?) in the months leading up to the event. The reason ?...he was perceived as being Bronco friendly due to our excellent record under his free flowing style. He gained a nick-name of Bronco Billy which he took to mean he favoured Brisbane. Typical of the human condition he reacted badly going too far in the opposite direction in a bid to dispel the 'slur'. Our record under him from that point got worse. harrigan would go out of his way to miss penalties we deserved.

Gorden Tallis called him a cheat. It would seem odd to anyone watching league that someone would call/accuse a ref of what is the ultimate incompetence but it happened. I agree with Tallis, Harrigan did cheat Brisbane and whether it was unconscious or flagrant, it should not have happened. Harrigan would enter games in his later years with a preset intention. It was a sure fire method of refuting the slurs against him. After all, you could never penalise a Brisbane or Qld team too often. Who would complain down south ?? If a complaint came from the North it was simply reported as 'Bronco whingeing'. It was foolproof. No-one in the South would be upset should Brisbane miss a GF or lose a major match.

Tallis could not 'prove' Harrigan was a cheat as I can 'prove' nothing to you nor do I feel inclined to attempt to do so. I can make any assertions I wish too providing certain conditions are met. However, as I pointed out to you, the reader earlier,the facts from the judiciary and penalties do support an obvious bias.

With regard to the removal of the 2 points any casual reading of the events and subsequent ridiculous over-reaction fron the NRL would 'prove' the point being made. It was a wrong and biased decision to remove Brisbanes 2 points, no crime having been committed and the ultimate penalty imposed. The ensuing court action stated that in no uncertain way.

If you doubt the veracity of my statements regarding penalties....'prove' me wrong.

Your the one making outlandish statements here. Tallis called Harrigan a cheat in an Origin match after he missed a string of knock ons that led to NSW's winning try. Tallis has said since he regretted what he said and apologized to Harrigan, they are good friends despite this incident.

They didn't know how to react to the interchange bungle as it was the first such infringement and they got it wrong big deal it was corrected, the initial ruling had nothing to do with rubbing out the Broncos it was just an over reaction to a new situation. You have given no proof that the 2002 Semi was rigged nor have you given the proof about the 20 years of penalty accounts and therefore I severely doubt anyone here is going to believe a word of the rubbish your posting.
Butting in on your little discussion here boys.I bought up the 2002 prelim last week and got hammered.Still stand by the fact we were deliberatly knocked out of that final.
]On the point just raised all teams got it at one time eg.Knights 7 to 1 penalty count the other night.That ref has been rested and the video ref has been dropped.Make of it what you will.Just bad reffing and bad calls from the box.Cost a team 2pts maybe.

Nothing like the crap we put up with from Harrigan and also McCallum in the past.(Billys son is a Bronc supporter to and wears the jersey and also seen in the rooms with the boys after the games.Does not make his Dad a supporter as was implied about another ref earlier).Bill is a Souths supporter if I am correct..
Kee said:
Butting in on your little discussion here boys.I bought up the 2002 prelim last week and got hammered.Still stand by the fact we were deliberatly knocked out of that final.
]On the point just raised all teams got it at one time eg.Knights 7 to 1 penalty count the other night.That ref has been rested and the video ref has been dropped.Make of it what you will.Just bad reffing and bad calls from the box.Cost a team 2pts maybe.

Nothing like the crap we put up with from Harrigan and also McCallum in the past.(Billys son is a Bronc supporter to and wears the jersey and also seen in the rooms with the boys after the games.Does not make his Dad a supporter as was implied about another ref earlier).Bill is a Souths supporter if I am correct..

You two can hang out with your crazy theories. It is ludicrous to think the way both of you do.
Nashy said:
Kee said:
Butting in on your little discussion here boys.I bought up the 2002 prelim last week and got hammered.Still stand by the fact we were deliberatly knocked out of that final.
]On the point just raised all teams got it at one time eg.Knights 7 to 1 penalty count the other night.That ref has been rested and the video ref has been dropped.Make of it what you will.Just bad reffing and bad calls from the box.Cost a team 2pts maybe.

Nothing like the crap we put up with from Harrigan and also McCallum in the past.(Billys son is a Bronc supporter to and wears the jersey and also seen in the rooms with the boys after the games.Does not make his Dad a supporter as was implied about another ref earlier).Bill is a Souths supporter if I am correct..

You two can hang out with your crazy theories. It is ludicrous to think the way both of you do.

Thanks Nashy, nice to see there is a bit of sanity still around here.
FCB BB AKA MB, the reason we have seldom fought charges at the judiciary is because we kept losing and it was simply better to accept the lesser suspension.
I am prepared for flak and stand by my assertions. Why is it so hard to understand that there are those of us who simply believe something different to you. Outlandish my statements may be but I take full ownership of them. Tallis is NOT friends with Harrigan and his 'apology' had more to do with the example set to the young and impressionable rather than any remorse over his statement. Privately he, along with tens of thousands of people believe Harrigan was influenced by pressure from the media and within the ruling heirachy.

How do know we have received our'fair' share of penalties ??You've done some research ?? Checked the records ?? How can you be sure that the arguements I've presented are not correct or at least have some merit. You cannot prove me wrong irrespectively.Although this though may be difficult, it is within the realms of possibility that you may be wrong. Harrigan may have acted without integrity, you cannot know.
You cannot dismiss it so simply do know something for certain. Harrigan is incapable of error perhaps, he could not be influenced by public opinion(surrounded as he was in Sydney)he acted at all times with total impartiality, almost God like, free from the human foibles the rest of us are so commonly afflicted with. Yes, in hindsight, you must be right, harrigan was above error or reproach.

To be so certain of ones own perfection. No-one else can be right if they differ from you......That view will change,nothing is more certain.
I am prepared for flak and stand by my assertions. Why is it so hard to understand that there are those of us who simply believe something different to you. Outlandish my statements may be but I take full ownership of them. Tallis is NOT friends with Harrigan and his 'apology' had more to do with the example set to the young and impressionable rather than any remorse over his statement. Privately he, along with tens of thousands of people believe Harrigan was influenced by pressure from the media and within the ruling heirachy.

How do know we have received our'fair' share of penalties ??You've done some research ?? Checked the records ?? How can you be sure that the arguements I've presented are not correct or at least have some merit. You cannot prove me wrong irrespectively.Although this though may be difficult, it is within the realms of possibility that you may be wrong. Harrigan may have acted without integrity, you cannot know.
You cannot dismiss it so simply do know something for certain. Harrigan is incapable of error perhaps, he could not be influenced by public opinion(surrounded as he was in Sydney)he acted at all times with total impartiality, almost God like, free from the human foibles the rest of us are so commonly afflicted with. Yes, in hindsight, you must be right, harrigan was above error or reproach.

To be so certain of ones own perfection. No-one else can be right if they differ from you......That view will change,nothing is more certain.

I said Harrgian made mistakes??? How on earth did you surmise that he was infallible??? To think he or anyone else in or associated with the NRL were intentionally ruling against the Broncos is crazy and you tell me to prove it??? Telling me to check the records is not a strong argument because you are the one stating this rubbish as fact, I like many others would think your full of it until you prove some of your statements to us. I am not the one making the outlandish assertions here and as I said if you want anyone to believe you come up with some evidence otherwise your going to keep looking like a dumb conspiracy theorist who has nothing better to do but bleat about his sour grapes. I have heard Tallis speak of Harrigan as his friend on many occasions and when I have seen them together they seem to get along fine however, I don't know them and neither do you but the impression I get is your full of it.
Harrigan farking smashed us that night. Fact. Ho-hum.

We've been smashed before by refs, and will be again. It happens to every team. We win some, we lose some. Sh*t happens.

I prefer to instead look back on that night with a great deal of pride. Every call went against us, our backs were against the wall for the whole 80 and we only lost really due to one small error. We lost by the margin of one try even after everything else, against the team that went on to dominate the GF and win it in emphatic style. I think that's just the best way to look at it. There was no conspiracy, we just caught the end of a shocking reffing performance at the worst possible time.

In my opinion, of course.