What is happening at the Broncos?

That's not the impression I was left with at the end of it.

at the end he was getting very defensive trying to have a go at Bennett, but Crawley kept shutting him down ...
at the end he was getting very defensive trying to have a go at Bennett, but Crawley kept shutting him down ...

He was also agreeing with a fair amount of what he was saying dot dot dot

He likes to try to appear objective, even while butting in and refuting left and right, but he was happy to let Crawley sum it up and my impression was he agreed with the overall sentiment, which was Brown's comments went beyond any Newcastle related criticism.
After watching that there is no doubt Ikin and Kent have let personal issues boil over and are taking every opportunity to have a crack at WB.

I have never seen Kent put in his place so well. They way that Crawley bought up what he said on Sunday on the radio and then followed it up with direct facts showing he either lied, or just didn’t research and fabricated facts to support his agenda. Kent didn’t even try to argue because he knew he was caught out. Just sat there like a child that had been caught shoplifting hoping the security guard won’t tell his mummy.
Crawley just spoke the truth. He wasn’t picking a side he was just naming facts and he dropped his brothers name as coach of the club at that time to prove that he actually knew what was going on. Kent and Ikin couldn’t just make shit up to circumvent the facts when Crawley was well informed of the situation to begin with.
Crawley just spoke the truth. He wasn’t picking a side he was just naming facts and he dropped his brothers name as coach of the club at that time to prove that he actually knew what was going on. Kent and Ikin couldn’t just make shit up to circumvent the facts when Crawley was well informed of the situation to begin with.

Yep, Kent and his mate struggle when they can’t have their producers hang up on people that disagree with them like they do on their Triple M show.
Crawley for PM tbh. That was fucking excellent, he knew exactly what he was talking about and put them in their place every time they tried something on.
Headlining our least shocking news bulletin: Shameless morons with an axe to grind over Wayne Bennett suddenly find themselves with flexible standards when the low brow rot that is being said about him sits well with them, and I'm someone who wasn't THAT bothered by what Brown said. Wayne has already copped it up and down about his personal life, it's gotta be like water off a ducks back for him at this point, not that that makes it alright or appropriate of course.

You just gotta love these indignant mutts like Kent who ride their moral high horse all the way over the horizon when it comes to Matt Lodge getting a run 3 years after the incident, but when an NRL coach publicly brings the game into disrepute, it's crickets and butterflies.

This is the video in case anyone wants to watch it.

Fucking legend Crawley. Kenty didn't know what to say. He tried to bring up the fact that Wayne left his contract a year early, but Crawley wasn't having it.

There is one thing with Kenty, if he feels he is right, he will fight tooth and nail to get that point across often not letting the other side get a word in. Like he did with Hooper over the Fulton treatment.

That was lovely.