You do know what average means don't you ? Here's some really teeny words to help. You have sixteen teams in the nrl top leve,. Some are good , some are average, some not so good. Okay so far ? Average would be the ones around the middle. So, a team that was good one week, bad the next and in the middle at other times would be average. They might have players who were good, players that weren't good and players in the middle, average players.
Now you know what average means.
Let's move on to what average doesn't mean, shall we ? It doesn't mean 'perennial underachievers' nor 'park footballers into nrl heavyweights'. You see, the words I used were actually the words I intended to use because they adequately described my thoughts. Had I wanted you to think of WB as a wizard I'd have used 'turned a sow's ear into a silk purse'. Average means average. Why the strawman ?