I didn’t see The Pearl miss any tackles or drop any balls this season, yet here he is making a public apology, as if he feels somehow compelled to.
He's right - have faith. We need to show our support. We got the spoon not only because we were this years worst but to enable us to stir the pot to make things right for next year. I've no doubt an overdue lesson has been learned and those responsible will now leave no stone unturned to return us to our rightful place. 1 million supporters are watching every move.
Wouldn’t it be nice if we got the same from the current mob of entitled wankers running around the club, from the top down.
Alas, all we got was a gender reveal and a raucous celebration like season 2020, and its long list of embarrassments and unwanted records, had already been forgotten.
Smacks of an enormous cultural problem with this club and unless it can be fixed pronto, we should expect more of the same for quite a while.