POST GAME World Club Series - Wolves vs Broncos




01 Jan 1970

Match Stats

/ Field Goals /
/ 2P Field Goals /
Try Assists
% Possession %
/ Set Completion /
Time in Opposition Half
Metres Gained
Dummy Half Runs
/ Kicks/Kick Metres /
1 on 1 Steals
Line Breaks
Line Break Assists
Support Play
/ Set Completion /
Penalties (Conceded)
Set Restarts

Player Stats



International Rep
Oct 17, 2013
Smith certainly isn't zippy. He is just a fucking genius.
I was thinking about this the other day. There's a lot of emphasis on the segeyaro and parcell type hookers but what have they ever really done to win teams premierships?


State of Origin Captain
Oct 28, 2013
We are really going to miss those Parker offloads with McGuire at lock.

God really put his offload away in the last couple of seasons.

I know as I watched him intently due to SuperCoach. He averaged just over one a game last year so it's not like he was prolific.


International Rep
Oct 17, 2013
Since our last premiership the hookers who have won comps are Cameron smith, Matt ballin, dean young, jake friend, Apisai Koroisau, Granville and Ennis. Granville is the only zippy one out of the lot.
Super Freak

Super Freak

International Captain
Forum Staff
Jan 25, 2014
I was thinking about this the other day. There's a lot of emphasis on the segeyaro and parcell type hookers but what have they ever really done to win teams premierships?

I think there is too much emphasis on zippy hookers.

Sure, Cowboys won with Granville but if people watched it he wasn't why they won. In fact, he came very close to costing the Cowboys the premiership.

I think if you were to look at the premiers since the NRL started, very few of the hookers would be zippy hookers and I would question whether they played a big role in the win.

I think the only one that really played a big part, depends if you class him as zippy, was Berrigan.


State of Origin Rep
Aug 19, 2013
This might sound crazy but I am putting this down to a conspiracy. That refereeing was too bad to not be intentional. Australians have been questioning whether it's worth going overseas and playing games in England, it does nothing for us but we do it to help them. We keep going over there and flogging them and for what? So the super league have decided to make the games seem closer so they don't look like a waste of time.

The wolves were back 7 metres all night and were given more leeway in the ruck than fat Sam Kasiano. The Broncos haven't been allowed a quick play the ball in years and this morning was no different. Mike Cooper threw blatant punches with no consequences and you see yellow cards for punches all the time. That scrum penalty? If the half sits there for 20 seconds doing nothing a scrum is bound to break down.

A few Broncos players need to start round 1 in Q cup. They all need to be in the same team though. Mead, Milford, Hunt, McGuire, ofa, Ese'ese and Roberts don't deserve locked in spots this year at all and if we lose round 1 but send a lesson to our team that they need to step up then so be it.

The whole hunt bashing crap has me embarrassed to be a Broncos fan. No way in hell was Milford better this morning. Milford did nothing except offload a ball to Oates and was invisible apart from his kicks that went dead. He doesn't deserve the free pass he gets because he killed it for half of last season, then disappeared. Warrington were well offside for both of Hunts kicks that were charged down.

Boyd was quiet but I think he was trying to get a feel for everything again. He will come good. Mead, lol. A few guys on here had me expecting more. Oates didn't seem to make as many metres after contact. Would be hard when the opposition were 7m back. Kahu is a winger. Average is the only word that can describe his form over the last year. His kicking looks good though. Roberts is an idiot. He can't tackle and leaves too big of a gap in our defensive line. Is it worth it for his speed that he shows off every third game? I don't think so.

Ofa and Ese'ese had no impact. Would have been a different game with Blair and Sims. I don't think either did enough to earn a spot in the 17. McCullough was our best player by a long way. Defended well, ran well, kicked well. He needs to be more involved with our kicking this year.

Gillett and Thaiday played well. Thaiday was our only starting forward that looked like he wanted to run hard and Gillett is a monster in defence. McGuire is a prop. Doesn't have the skills to be a lock.

TPJ and Fai looked like they wanted to be out there. They definitely played better than the starting props. TPJ is going to be a beast. Glenn was good, definitely made an impact. I'd give him the lock spot to start the season. Arrow was also good, I'd like to see more of his running game though. Looks like he has the skill set to play lock eventually.

I really can't take this post seriously! No way do sims and Blair do any better in that position. And to put some of our best players back to Qcup , you're off ya head! Over react much !
the big farlowski

the big farlowski

BRL Player
Feb 25, 2016
Hunt good
McGuire great
A+ will trade again

No wait.

Macca, Oates and TPJ good
Rest looked like they were preventing injuries

Here's hoping the Sharks get towelled so the media reports more about the Premiers
Hunt good?????? Two charged down kicks and kicking it dead is not good.
Marty Deutschmann

Marty Deutschmann

NRL Captain
Oct 23, 2013
We looked good finally when we were going STRAIGHT! TPJ in the second half and Fai were doing it. Hard runs. Straight up and busting defenders one on one. When McGuire was at hooker he did the same thing! Just ran hard and straight. We rolled up the field that set of 6.

The rest of the game, our props were running sideways! Getting mowed down for 6,7,8m runs. Very poor output from our starters and McGuire. Too much lateral movement!

I read somewhere in the live thread someone say, "we need to go sideways more and give it to the backs " are you freakin kidding me??! That's all we looked like we were doing! We need to start coming up with some structured moves that go forward and not sideways. Our props are being taught bad habbits and aren't using their frames to run hard at all.

We are playing with poor shape and little depth. Our halves never got in the game because they were focussing too much on "improving" certain aspects of their game and I get that they need to.. but as soon as we start losing, they start playing irratic! Stick to what type out there to practise if you're going to waste your time trying to improve yourselves. It is after all a trial! Trial the things you've been practising all preseason now! Cause now you've only got two weeks to sort your shit out before you're again, treading water trying to keep up.

People are talking up Offa but I doubt you watched his defense... abysmal. He doesn't show any urgency or angst at marker. He's far too passive! He needs to learn controlled aggression and learn how to play in the team.

TPJ looked good as an impact prop. Glenn came on and fixed some of our defensive issues but i feel like he'd be best starting.. Thaiday as good as he's been in the back row might add more as a bench player.

All in all. Very disappointing. Our halves just can't be superior mentally. They play the scoreboard far too much. They let the opposition dictate their game plan too much.

We need a tactician. And fast
Sirlee oldman

Sirlee oldman

NRL Player
Dec 6, 2015
Without seeing the stats I think some of you guys are being a bit harsh on Jo Offa. He made a couple of errors but his involvement was good. He's a certainty to be in the team for round 1.
All the outside backs were poor and both halves were diabolical.
Macca was good and Gillette, Glenn and Thaiday were ok for this stage of the season. McGuire isn't a lock yet but can be forgiven one bad game because we know he's a quality player.
The young forwards weren't terrible but if the team gets off to a bad start then we clearly can't rely on them to get us back into the game. For that reason I would start with Jo and bring Sims and Glenn off the bench to keep the experience level up across the 80 minutes.
The refereeing was abysmal.
Apart from some very poor individual performances there was also some things we were very bad at as a team.
Getting Blair back will hopefully put a lot more pressure on their kicker but our kick chase needs to step up dramatically or NRL quality fullbacks will slaughter us.
We need much faster play the balls and to slow theirs down. Arrow seems to be the only one consistently putting players on their back.
All in all a disappointing performance but I'm not panicking yet.


NRL Player
Jan 16, 2014
Apart from Granville, which premiership team has had a zippy hooker?

well lets look at creativity then and the ability to create something from dummy half. everyone know that it all starts from dummy half!
even if you want to push back further, farah, priddis, berrigan.
to be honest macca wouldnt hold a candle to any of these guys in regards to attack
the big farlowski

the big farlowski

BRL Player
Feb 25, 2016
What is going on with Milf? Is he not calling the ball? He got very little quality ball and when he did he didn't have anything to offer. Confidence? Hunt got the ball a lot more and did very little with it.

You can see it on their faces, they don't know what to do when it's not all going to script. Milf gets it and thinks either run the length of the field for a try or run to the left or right and short pass. Hunt looks absolutely clueless on 90% of last tackle options.
I'd be happy to punt Hunt to ISC and let Benji control the game, catch and pass and let Milf run.


International Captain
May 27, 2013
I learned that Warrington have a player who's faster than Roberts.


QCup Player
Aug 25, 2011
That was a pretty ordinary game, defence was bad and the attack was even worse. No structure or game control at all. I know it's just a trial but gee, expected a better showing than that.

Thought Glenn was as ever super consistent and stabilised the side when on and Macca was pretty good as well. Kahu's goal kicking was superb, going to be better than 50/50 with goal attempts this season.

And James Roberts.....well.


International Rep
Oct 17, 2013
I really can't take this post seriously! No way do sims and Blair do any better in that position. And to put some of our best players back to Qcup , you're off ya head! Over react much !
Blair and Sims wouldn't even do slightly better than Ofahengaue and Ese'ese? We really are screwed this season then. I listed players who don't deserve guaranteed spots and said a few players need to spend time in Q Cup. Not all of them. But to say any of them have been our best players since at least round 10 last year would make you off your head, mate.


NRL Player
Jan 16, 2014
I was thinking about this the other day. There's a lot of emphasis on the segeyaro and parcell type hookers but what have they ever really done to win teams premierships?

those pair dont rate a mention to any of the good ones.
hence the reason why they are not established in the nrl.
Marty Deutschmann

Marty Deutschmann

NRL Captain
Oct 23, 2013
What makes Mr Wright so special that his post match comments deserve their own thread from the post match thread we all participate in....?

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