I think the other people should be named. If everything is true about her being a willing participant in everything that happened then they have legally done nothing wrong so there is nothing wrong with coming out and saying who they are just like Matty Johns has. HOWEVER if she only gave...
Did anyone else get a little creepied out when the NZ chick said she would kill the guys right now if she had a gun...I thought that was a little bit extreme.
Hahaha I just read that aticle and it has to be one of the funniest things I have read...
Just the picture that comes into my head is so funny. All of these sharks players like secret spys sliding along the floor and in through windows. [icon_lol1. [icon_lol1.
Thats Charmyne chick is such a pain. She was on Kyle and Jackie O a couple of months back when the brett stewart thing happened..I think. She was going on about how she knows girls who have group sex with footy players and they do this and they do that...however she kept reassuring that she only...
Now obviously I am pissed off about this decision more than any of you guys would be. However I was just wondering what you guys thought of the situation.
I can obviously see that what Issac did COULD have been dangerous if it was reckless but even Laffranchi didn't even know it happened. So...
I actually prefer city country over origin for the main fact that there isn't a whole big beat up about it. I am going for City mainly because three of my boys are in it lol
Apparently he is facing just community service at he moment with the possibility of having some jail time. So I am guessing if they are only looking at community service at the moment, then if they do give him some jail time it won't be for a long enough period.
Yeah but the funny thing is the reason he did get found guilty is not because of the incdient as his GF isn't making a statement but more so for the fact that he lied so much to the police when it happened. Which I am guessing they will probably base the sentence on instead of the actual...
Ok so he didn't cause any permenant damage...but he MAY have. He could have taken her eye out! What about people that charged for attempted murder? Obviously they didn't murder anyone because its only attempted...but....??
Well I know on behalf on Souths that I don't feel we've had as serious injuries this year. However quite a few of our players who are still out had surgery over the offseason so it's more so that keeping them out rather then injuries.
The problem is Coxy the stigma still attached to mental illness that lies within society. Obviously most of the people here are quite open and non-judgemental on this topic but there are a lot of people out there who don't understand or have any idea about these illnesses and judge them as...