I hate the media!

To those who called that woman a dumb slut and a ho, put yourselves in the mind of a 19 year old girl and then think about saying "no" to a room full of professional athletes with their ****s hanging out. That is a scary and intimidating situation, and I bet most of you would just close your eyes and wish it away.

The behaviour of these players is NOT ok. I can't believe anyone, let alone some women, think it's normal and acceptable. The segment on "consent class" with the Knights U20s was really telling of how these guys view women - "it's just about how you treat them after, not what you actually do to them. If you put them in a cab and say thanks, to cover it all up, then it's ok" [eusa_doh

Some of the show was awful, including the first bit with that Manly bimbo and the interview with the Brisbane girl, but I think some of it was interesting (and disturbing) viewing.

I highly doubt any of the interviewees were paid. The ABC barely has enough money to go to air, let alone hand out cash. And I'm sure they would have loved to interview some players (they did, in fact, speak to many of the Knights), but were turned down.
schmix, I'm calling that Charmyne chick a 'slurry' because of the way she boasted about the players, etc. Plus it's the way she put herself across in the interview.

I feel sorry for the other girls that were taken advantage off by the players though.

I completely agree with you about the behaviour of the players. They don't have to rock out with their c*cks out all the time.
It was a massive, massive beat up. The type of journalism you'd expect from Today Tonight or ACA.

A couple of things I found interesting about the chick from NZ who got bunned by the sharks:

- Funny how she can remember all these details about players climbing in through windows and there was 6 who touched her and 11 in the room, very specific details, yet she can only remember one name, Matty Johns. Interesting to note he is one of the most high-profile rugby league - actually, entertainment - personalities in Australia.

- She was tlaking about how she was getting slapped in the face with genitals and guys were masturbating in front of her etc. But never, ever did she ever say 'I told them to stop.'
Je$ter said:
[quote="Playboy Bunny":kcf4rb7r]I thought the show was a big anti-climax. I was expecting more....

Wasn't the full frontal shots enough for you? [icon_razz1 [icon_lol1. [icon_lol1.[/quote:kcf4rb7r]

How about the zoomed in profile shots? [icon_evillaugh
Je$ter said:
[quote="Playboy Bunny":dtw3k07t]I thought the show was a big anti-climax. I was expecting more....

Wasn't the full frontal shots enough for you? [icon_razz1 [icon_lol1. [icon_lol1.[/quote:dtw3k07t]

There were some??? [icon_lol1. [icon_lol1. I didn't have my full focus on the TV. haha
KrispyKris said:
schmix, I'm calling that Charmyne chick a 'slurry' because of the way she boasted about the players, etc. Plus it's the way she put herself across in the interview.

Yeah, I should clarify that I was talking about the NZ woman - Charmyne didn't elicit any sympathy from me whatsoever. Big difference between a someone in their (late?) 20s who actively seeks out footballers and seems fairly well in control, and a 19yo who goes to a hotel room with one or two guys and ends up with almost a full team.
Playboy Bunny said:
[quote="Je$ter":1klvygmh][quote="Playboy Bunny":1klvygmh]I thought the show was a big anti-climax. I was expecting more....

Wasn't the full frontal shots enough for you? [icon_razz1 [icon_lol1. [icon_lol1.[/quote:1klvygmh]

There were some??? [icon_lol1. [icon_lol1. I didn't have my full focus on the TV. haha[/quote:1klvygmh]

Caught Je$ter's attention. [icon_evillaugh
schmix said:
KrispyKris said:
schmix, I'm calling that Charmyne chick a 'slurry' because of the way she boasted about the players, etc. Plus it's the way she put herself across in the interview.

Yeah, I should clarify that I was talking about the NZ woman - Charmyne didn't elicit any sympathy from me whatsoever. Big difference between a someone in their (late?) 20s who actively seeks out footballers and seems fairly well in control, and a 19yo who goes to a hotel room with one or two guys and ends up with almost a full team.

Lol, try early 30's? [icon_lol1. [icon_lol1.
Je$ter said:
schmix said:
KrispyKris said:
schmix, I'm calling that Charmyne chick a 'slurry' because of the way she boasted about the players, etc. Plus it's the way she put herself across in the interview.

Yeah, I should clarify that I was talking about the NZ woman - Charmyne didn't elicit any sympathy from me whatsoever. Big difference between a someone in their (late?) 20s who actively seeks out footballers and seems fairly well in control, and a 19yo who goes to a hotel room with one or two guys and ends up with almost a full team.

Lol, try early 30's? [icon_lol1. [icon_lol1.

Would guys actually "hit that"? eusa_think
schmix said:
Yeah, I should clarify that I was talking about the NZ woman - Charmyne didn't elicit any sympathy from me whatsoever. Big difference between a someone in their (late?) 20s who actively seeks out footballers and seems fairly well in control, and a 19yo who goes to a hotel room with one or two guys and ends up with almost a full team.

Agree with everything you've said schmix, but the program left a really bad taste in my mouth for some reason.

A lot of the program focussed on the "risk taking" characteristics of these young men when fueled by alcohol, yet it made no mention of girls being involved in any of such "risk taking" or being fueled by alcohol themselves.

I am not condoning what any of the players have done in these situations, but at what point do you ask the girl why she was taking such a risk in going back to a hotel room with a couple of football players? Hell, why would a girl go back to a hotel room with a couple of normal guys she's just met?

Is that a fair question? I don't want to seem like I'm saying these girls got what was coming to them.

I can't help but think we're missing a lot of the story only hearing her side of it (which I realise would be rectified if other players agreed to be interviewed). They way they made it sound, she headed back to a hotel room, she started having sex with two guys and then suddenly there was a "line-up at the end of the bed." Did the show mention if she was also impaired by alcohol? If so, what makes her story more believable than anyone else's?

I don't think it was a fair and balanced report at all.
Yeah I think it's a fair question. I don't doubt that a lot of these women are guilty of being a bit stupid, but it seems that their biggest crime was the trust they put in these guys to not put them in harmful situations (and being overly promiscuous is not so smart either).

The serious problem arises when guys think she's "asking for it" just because she agrees to sex with 1 or 2. It's utterly wrong (not just stupid or silly) to put a woman in a situation where she is completely out-numbered by men twice her weight and 10x stronger, then expect her to be able to say no or to force her way out of the situation.

It didn't mention whether she was drunk, but it did say she had just finished work so I'd guess she was fairly sober.
Wouldn't these girls have friends with them? Where were they? Why did they leave a soldier behind?
I agree with some points there guppy. Everything has already been said about the issue but I want to have a go at the Sydney media.
Everything aside (player's behaviour/ethics etc etc), I'm really pissed off at the sydney media wanting to drag rugby league into the mud. Seriously. I never read Rebecca Wilson but I admit I could not help myself with her last one about Matty Johns (it's not worth the read) and I was absoultely furious. She can piss off, rugby league doesn't need her.
I know it is their job, but certain journalists are meant to be lovers of the game, they wouldn't print some of the rubbish they print if they were true lovers of the game. The Sydney Media is killing rugby league, seriously.
See I want to know what difference it makes whether she was drunk or not. If she was drunk then is that an excuse why she could have it out with a couple of blokes? Or does it make her more irresponsible? And if she wasn't drunk then does that make her more responsible for her actions?