09/10 Football Thread

Oh and I still hate Craig Foster. If you look up 'muppet' in the dictionary there should be a picture of that bellend next to it.
pennywisealfie said:
Craig Foster is technically brilliant

He's a fucking moron.

I knew Portsmouth would be bitten on the arse by that penalty miss. Was one of the poorest efforts from the spot I think I have ever seen.

Christ I hate Chelsea. I hope they never win the Champions league.
YEW! Chelsea 4 life! 4 LIFE! Drogba is brilliant. had to feel sorry for Portsmouth though in the end.
Portsmouth can pompey their way to 2nd division. Well done Chelsea. Enjoy your FA cups, coz you arent gonna win any european ones!!!
Scotty said:
Oh and I still hate Craig Foster. If you look up 'muppet' in the dictionary there should be a picture of that bellend next to it.

Couldn't agree more ... he's an absolute twat
Well it looks like Australias 2018 world cup bid might have just gotten a boost thanks to the English tabloids sabotaging their own countrys bid so they can flog a few more newspapers.

Tabloid journalists are the f ucking scum of the Earth and I hope every last one of those soulless money whoring pathetic human beings get a nice big fat dose of cancer.
Campeon? Wat? lol

This bloke "Lord" Triesman who was the head of the 2018 bid and had some sort of role with the FA as well, was having an affair with this woman (incidently, she is about 37, and he is about 66 or so, Obviously with him for his youthful good looks), and this woman went to the tabloid newspaper the Daily Times, got a tape recorder and recorded the shit out of everything he said until something controversial came out. Eventually it did, it was basically him saying that he thinks Spain and Russia could bribe FIFA officials/referees to win games. A really dumb thing to say but lets face it, he's probably not the only big wig in football to make an outrageous claim, and if we all had our private conversations recorded and listened to by the entire country I'd say there are a few things most have us have said that our employers wouldn't be happy about.

Nonetheless he should be sacked BUT at the end of the day it was a setup to sell newspapers at the expense of YEARS of work by people all around the country, BILLIONS of pounds and the chance to really give the economy a boost. Oh and also to host the biggest and best sporting event in the whole world. As I said before, tabloid journalists are absolute scum. I wouldn't piss on the bastards if they were on fire.

Hopefully people in England stop buying the Daily Times now so it backfires big time on them. Shame there are so many morons who buy that filth in the first place.
pennywisealfie said:
they will still get it

You reckon? To be honest I think it will go to another Euro country now. Maybe Russia.

Australias best bet is 2022 IMO, FIFA will probably want it in Europe after 2 tournaments elsewhere.
I reckon England are a shoe in for 2018.

I agree with our best bet being 2022, I'm not even sure why we went for 2018.
i just dont think FIFA is gonna let something like this, ruin an opportunity to have the world cup in England. England is the absolute perfect place to have the cup. They invented football, they havent hosted the cup since 66, their league draws more money than any other league, despite their rocky past english fans are the most well behaved in Europe, they have the stadia, the list goes on...
Yes Craig Foster is a muppet, but he does provide the means for a great drinking game when the world cup is on. Have a drink everytime he says technically. You'll be off your head before the game even starts.
It's a shame him and Bosnich aren't on tv together regularly. That could see binge drinking skyrocket.